3 research outputs found

    The Comparison of Methods for the Determination of Riboflavin in Medical Preparations.

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo porovnat vybrané analytické metody sloužící ke stanovení riboflavinu v určených léčivých přípravcích. Mezi metody, u kterých probíhalo jejich zhodnocení z hlediska pravdivosti, preciznosti a časové náročnosti, byla zařazena spektrofotometrie v UV/VIS oblasti, spektrofluorimetrie a voltametrie. Jednotlivá stanovení probíhala na pěti různých přípravcích, které se nacházely ve čtyřech lékových formách: tablety, potahované tablety, lyofilizáty pro přípravu infuzního roztoku a sirup. Nejpravdivější výsledky poskytlo spektrofotometrické stanovení v UV/VIS oblasti, pravým opakem bylo stanovení voltametrické. Nejpreciznější metodou byla spektrofluorimetrie. Časově nejnáročnější se ukázala voltametrie, nejméně času naopak zabralo spektrofotometrické stanovení v UV/VIS oblasti. Klíčová slova: riboflavin, UV/VIS spektrofotometrie, fluorimetrie, voltametri

    The Preparation and the Characterization of the Cationic Liposomes Carrying New Immunoadjuvant.

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    The aim of this diploma thesis was preparation, characterization and determination of encapsulation efficiency of the cationic liposomes composed of dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDAB) and cholesterol carrying new drug MT05 with an immunoadjuvant effect. The influence of the temperature of sonication bath and the influence of the volume of liposomal suspension on the average size of liposomes and their polydispersity index was monitored. The most effective liposome preparation by sonication bath was at temperature of 60 řC. The volume of liposomes undergoing sonication did not influence the resulting values of the average size of liposomes and their polydispersity index. The time of sonication time was 6 hours and could be shortened by using sonication bath with higher output. The determination of encapsulation efficiency was carried out in three separated experiments by HPLC-MS/MS. The encapsulation efficiency of the cationic liposomes was 30.1 ± 8.5 % in the first experiment, 43 ± 25 % in the second, and 32 ± 25 % in the third. The amount of DDAB was determined only in the liposomes prepared in the third experiment. The amount of DDAB in the purified liposomes was 78.9 ± 3.7 % in the first replicate, 65.4 ± 1.8 % in the second and 53.8 ± 1.4 % in the third. The actual molar ratio of MT05..

    Noninvasive Combined Diagnosis and Monitoring of Aspergillus and Pseudomonas Infections: Proof of Concept

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    In acutely ill patients, particularly in intensive care units or in mixed infections, time to a microbe-specific diagnosis is critical to a successful outcome of therapy. We report the application of evolving technologies involving mass spectrometry to diagnose and monitor a patient’s course. As proof of this concept, we studied five patients and used two rat models of mono-infection and coinfection. We report the noninvasive combined monitoring of Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. The invasive coinfection was detected by monitoring the fungal triacetylfusarinine C and ferricrocin siderophore levels and the bacterial metabolites pyoverdin E, pyochelin, and 2-heptyl-4-quinolone, studied in the urine, endotracheal aspirate, or breath condensate. The coinfection was monitored by mass spectrometry followed by isotopic data filtering. In the rat infection model, detection indicated 100-fold more siderophores in urine compared to sera, indicating the diagnostic potential of urine sampling. The tools utilized in our studies can now be examined in large clinical series, where we could expect the accuracy and speed of diagnosis to be competitive with conventional methods and provide advantages in unraveling the complexities of mixed infections