142 research outputs found

    Right-Handed Quark Mixings in Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model with General CP Violation

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    We present a systematic approach to solve analytically for the right-handed quark mixings in the minimal left-right symmetric model which generally has both explicit and spontaneous CP violations. The leading-order result has the same hierarchical structure as the left-handed CKM mixing, but with additional CP phases originating from a spontaneous CP-violating phase in the Higgs vev. We explore the phenomenology entailed by the new right-handed mixing matrix, particularly the bounds on the mass of WRW_R and the CP phase of the Higgs vev.Comment: 8 pages, one postscript figure include

    Constraining Right-Handed Scale Through Kaon Mixing in SUSY Left-Right Model

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    We study flavor-changing neutral current and CP violations in the minimal supersymmetric left-right model. We calculate the beyond-standard-model contributions to the neutral kaon mixing ΔMK\Delta M_K and ϵ\epsilon, and find possible to have a numerical cancelation between the contributions from the right-handed gauge boson and supersymmetric box diagram. With the cancelation, the right-handed WW-boson mass scale can be lowered to about 2 TeV, well within the search limit of LHC.Comment: 12 pages, new figures adde

    Aggregated Multi-GANs for Controlled 3D Human Motion Prediction

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    Human motion prediction from historical pose sequence is at the core of many applications in machine intelligence. However, in current state-of-the-art methods, the predicted future motion is confined within the same activity. One can neither generate predictions that differ from the current activity, nor manipulate the body parts to explore various future possibilities. Undoubtedly, this greatly limits the usefulness and applicability of motion prediction. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the human motion prediction task in which control parameters can be readily incorporated to adjust the forecasted motion. Our method is compelling in that it enables manipulable motion prediction across activity types and allows customization of the human movement in a variety of fine-grained ways. To this aim, a simple yet effective composite GAN structure, consisting of local GANs for different body parts and aggregated via a global GAN is presented. The local GANs game in lower dimensions, while the global GAN adjusts in high dimensional space to avoid mode collapse. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art. The codes are available at https://github.com/herolvkd/AM-GAN

    Focusing MSs for High-Gain Antenna Applications

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    Recently, metasurfaces (MSs) have continuously drawn significant attentions in the area of enhancing the performances of the conventional antennas. Thereinto, focusing MSs with hyperbolic phase distributions can be used for designing high-gain antennas. In this chapter, we first design a new reflected MS and use a spiral antenna as the feeding source to achieve a wideband high-gain antenna. On this basis, we propose a bi-layer reflected MS to simultaneously enhance the gain and transform the linear polarization to circular polarization of the Vivaldi antenna. Then, we proposed a multilayer transmitted MS and use it to enhance the gain of a patch antenna. This kind of high-gain antenna eliminates the feed-block effect of the reflected ones but suffer from multilayer fabrication. To conquer this problem, we finally propose a single-layer transmitted focusing MS by grouping two different kinds of elements and use it to successfully design a low-profile high-gain antenna

    SunSat Design Competition 2014-2015 First Place Winner – Team CAST: Multi-Rotary Joints SPS

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    Space Power Satellite (SPS) is a huge spacecraft designed to collect solar energy in space for supplying electric power to the electric grid on the ground. The SPS concept was first proposed by Dr. Peter Glaser in 1968. Various studies on SPS in various countries have been produced over the past forty years. Today, there are multiple variations on this early concept, both in innovation and in optimization. Because of the huge size, immense mass and high power of these SPS installations, there are many technological difficulties. Here, a new Multi-Rotary Joints SPS (MR-SPS) concept is proposed. The large solar array is taken apart to illustrate the many small solar sub-arrays, and to show that each solar sub-array has two middle-power rotary joints. The extreme technical difficulty of high-power rotary joints is simplified by many middle-power rotary joints. The single-point failure problem existing in traditional SPS concept is also solved. At the same time, the modular solar arrays can be more easily assembled in GEO where the power can best be generated and continuously transmitted. Based on our new concept, a whole system full-life NPV analysis method has been developed to evaluate the economics. Our primary results show that the investment is near 30 billion US dollars, with development and transportation costs representing the main portions. When the price of power and the development and construction costs are fixed, the cost of capital becomes an important parameter in influencing the NPV. Click here to see the China Academy of Space Technology\u27s (CAST) video: Multi-Rotary Joints SPS - 2015 SunSat Design Competitio

    Bayesian inference for stochastic cusp catastrophe model with partially observed data

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a data augmentation technique for statistical inference concerning stochastic cusp catastrophe model subject to missing data and partially observed observations. We propose a Bayesian inference solution that naturally treats missing observations as parameters and we validate this novel approach by conducting a series of Monte Carlo simulation studies assuming the cusp catastrophe model as the underlying model. We demonstrate that this Bayesian data augmentation technique can recover and estimate the underlying parameters from the stochastic cusp catastrophe model.South Africa DST-NRF-SAMRC SARChI Research Chair in Biostatistics.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematicsam2022Statistic

    Comparative investigations of the crystal structure and photoluminescence property of eulytite-type Ba3Eu(PO4)3 and Sr3Eu(PO4)3

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    In this study, the Ba3Eu(PO4)3 and Sr3Eu(PO4)3 compounds were synthesized and the crystal structures were determined for the first time by Rietveld refinement using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. Ba3Eu-(PO4)3 crystallizes in cubic space group I4¯3d, with cell parameters of a = 10.47996(9) Å, V = 1151.01(3) Å3 and Z = 4; Ba2+ and Eu3+ occupy the same site with partial occupancies of 3/4 and 1/4, respectively. Besides, in this structure, there exists two distorted kinds of the PO4 polyhedra orientation. Sr3Eu(PO4)3 is isostructural to Ba3Eu(PO4)3 and has much smaller cell parameters of a = 10.1203(2) Å, V = 1036.52(5) Å3. The bandgaps of Ba3Eu(PO4)3 and Sr3Eu(PO4)3 are determined to be 4.091 eV and 3.987 eV, respectively, based on the UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectra. The photoluminescence measurements reveal that, upon 396 nm n-UV light excitation, Ba3Eu(PO4)3 and Sr3Eu(PO4)3 exhibit orange-red emission with two main peaks at 596 nm and prevailing 613 nm, corresponding to the 5D0 → 7F1 and 5D0 → 7F2 transitions of Eu3+, respectively. The dynamic disordering in the crystal structures contributes to the broadening of the luminescence spectra. The electronic structure of the hosphates was calculated by the first-principles method. The analysis elucidats that the band structures are mainly governed by the orbits of phosphorus, oxygen and europium, and the sharp peaks of the europium f-orbit occur at the top of the valence bands

    Observation of unconventional van der Waals multiferroics near room temperature

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    The search for two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) multiferroics is an exciting yet challenging endeavor. Room-temperature 2D vdW few-layer multiferroic is a much bigger insurmountable obstacle. Here we report the discovery of an unconventional 2D vdW multiferroic with out-of-plane ferroelectric polarization and long-range magnetic orders in trilayer NiI2 device from 10 K to 295 K. The evolutions of magnetic domains with magnetic field, and the evolutions between ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phase have been unambiguously observed. More significantly, we realize a robust mutual control of magnetism and ferroelectricity at room temperature. The magnetic domains are manipulated by a small voltage ranging from 1 V to 6 V at 0 T and 295 K. This work opens opportunities for exploring multiferroic physics at the limit of few atomic layers.Comment: 4 figure