159 research outputs found

    Photon echo without a free induction decay in a double-Lambda system

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    We have characterized a novel photon-echo pulse sequence for a double-Λ\Lambda type energy level system where the input and rephasing transitions are different to the applied π\pi-pulses. We show that despite having imperfect π\pi-pulses (associated with large coherent emission due to free induction decay), the noise added is only 0.019±\pm0.001 relative to the shot noise in the spectral mode of the echo. Using this echo pulse sequence in the `rephased amplified spontaneous emission' (RASE) scheme \cite{Ledingham2010} will allow for generation of entangled photon pairs that are in different frequency, temporal, and potentially spatial modes to any bright driving fields. The coherence and efficiency properties of this sequence were characterized in a Pr:YSO crystal

    Non-classical photon streams using rephased amplified spontaneous emission

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    We present a fully quantum mechanical treatment of optically rephased photon echoes. These echoes exhibit noise due to amplified spontaneous emission, however this noise can be seen as a consequence of the entanglement between the atoms and the output light. With a rephasing pulse one can get an "echo" of the amplified spontaneous emission, leading to light with nonclassical correlations at points separated in time, which is of interest in the context of building wide bandwidth quantum repeaters. We also suggest a wideband version of DLCZ protocol based on the same ideas.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Added section

    Integrating local knowledge and forest surveys to assess Lantana camara impacts on indigenous species recruitment in Mazeppa Bay, South Africa

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    Invasive alien species have variable impacts on peoples’ livelihoods, plant communities and species at the local scale. Local people often have deeper insights into and experiences of these impacts than can be measured by scientific surveys. Here we examine the impacts of Lantana camara on the recruitment of indigenous forest species, many of which are used by local people. We integrate findings from conversations with elderly respondents with standard ecological surveys. Both sources of information indicate that the increasing presence of Lantana suppresses the number and species richness of recruits of indigenous forest species, which may retard forest succession. Dense thickets of Lantana also restricted access to non-timber forest products and species of cultural significance. The origin and date of the Lantana introduction in the area was identified by respondents as the 1960s and it escaped into the wild in the early 1970s. These findings can be incorporated into locally based management considerations

    Perancangan Daur Ulang Cd Bekas Menjadi Produk Baru Beserta Media Promosinya

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    Jaman sekarang CD mulai tidak dibutuhkan lagi oleh masyarakat karena ukuran CD yang cukup besar dan kapasitas file yang terlalu kecil. Masyarakat cenderung memilih flashdisk daripada CD karena ukuran kecil tetapi kapasitas file yang lebih besar. Hal ini menyebabkan CD dibuang sia-sia dan menambah pencemaran sampah. Daur ulang merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. CD bekas dapat didesain dan dibuat menjadi suatu karya yang lebih berguna dan menarik, seperti hiasan-hiasan interior yang terlihat berkelas dan minimalis

    Experimental realization of light with time separated correlations by rephasing amplified spontaneous emission

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    Amplified spontaneous emission is a common noise source in active optical systems, it is generally seen as being an incoherent process. Here we excite an ensemble of rare earth ion dopants in a solid with a {\pi}-pulse, resulting in amplified spontaneous emission. The application of a second {\pi}-pulse leads to a coherent echo of the amplified spontaneous emission that is correlated in both amplitude and phase. For small optical thicknesses, we see evidence that the amplified spontaneous emission and its echo are entangled.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, the supplementary information pdf was uploaded with latex source files. This version accepted for publication in PR

    Diagnosis of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency in bleeding disorder-related neonatal death

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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a rare genetic disorder characterized by hepatitis in neonates, childhood and adulthood (protease inhibitor (PI)*ZZ) and emphysema with or without hepatitis (PI*ZZ)/(PI*SS,SZ or null) in adulthood. We report the case of a female neonate born at 40 weeks of gestation who presented with vitamin K deficiency-related intracranial bleeding and cholestasis of which she died at 28 days of age. At autopsy, the infant was found to have intracranial bleeding, hepatomegaly, and cholestasis with paucity of bile ducts in the liver. Small periodic acid-Schiff diastase positive intrahepatic granules and positive staining with antibodies against AAT protein suggested an AAT deficiency. AAT is a glycoprotein that has a protease inhibitor function. Its deficiency can be the result of various point mutations in Serpin 1 located on chromosome 14. The diagnosis AAT deficiency was confirmed by mutation analysis showing the PI*ZZ genotype in the neonate. In conclusion, AAT deficiency is a rare genetic disorder that can lead to a serious bleeding disorder in the neonatal period if not recognised on time. Pathological diagnosis together with verifying molecular analysis can be used to identify index patients

    Landscape-Level Wolf Space Use is Correlated With Prey Abundance, Ease of Mobility and the Distribution of Prey Habitat

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    Predator space use influences ecosystem dynamics, and a fundamental goal assumed for a foraging predator is to maximize encounter rate with prey. This can be achieved by disproportionately utilizing areas of high prey density or, where prey are mobile and therefore spatially unpredictable, utilizing patches of their prey\u27s preferred resources. A third, potentially complementary strategy is to increase mobility by using linear features like roads and/or frozen waterways. Here, we used novel population-level predator utilization distributions (termed localized density distributions ) in a single-predator (Wolf), two-prey (moose and caribou) system to evaluate these space-use hypotheses. The study was conducted in contrasting sections of a large boreal forest area in northern Ontario, Canada, with a spatial gradient of human disturbances and predator and prey densities. Our results indicated that wolves consistently used forest stands preferred by moose, their main prey species in this part of Ontario. Direct use of prey-rich areas was also significant but restricted to where there was a high local density of moose, whereas use of linear features was pronounced where local moose density was lower. These behaviors suggest that Wolf foraging decisions, while consistently influenced by spatially anchored patches of prey forage resources, were also determined by local ecological conditions, specifically prey density. Wolves appeared to utilize prey-rich areas when regional preferred prey density exceeded a threshold that made this profitable, whereas they disproportionately used linear features that promoted mobility when low prey density made directly tracking prey distribution unprofitable

    Selection for Forage and Avoidance of Risk by Woodland Caribou (Rangifer Tarandus Caribou) at Coarse andLocal Scales

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    The relationship between selection at coarse and fine spatiotemporal spatial scales is still poorly understood. Some authors claim that, to accommodate different needs at different scales, individuals should have contrasting selection patterns at different scales of selection, while others claim that coarse scale selection patterns should reflect fine scale selection decisions. Here we examine site selection by 110 woodland caribou equipped with GPS radio‐collars with respect to forage availability and predation risk across a broad gradient in availability of both variables in boreal forests of Northern Ontario. We tested whether caribou selection for forage and avoidance of risk was consistent between coarse (seasonal home range) and fine scales of selection. We found that local selection patterns predicted coarse scale selection patterns, indicating a close relationship between the drivers of selection at both spatial scales