237 research outputs found

    Математичне моделювання процесу вироблення електроенергії газотурбінними електростанціями

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    Наведені результати дослідження процесів вироблення електроенергії автономними газотурбінними електростанціями, з використанням обґрунтованої математичної моделі лінійних випадкових процесів, а також результати статистичної обробки реалізацій вироблення електроенергії.The results of investigations of self-power generation gas turbine power plants, using reasonable mathematical model of linear random processes with discrete time and the results of statistical processing implementations generate electricity

    What Skills Do You Need When Developing Software Using ChatGPT? (Discussion Paper)

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    Since the release of LLM-based tools such as GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT the media and popular scientific literature, but also journals such as the Communications of the ACM, have been flooded with opinions how these tools will change programming. The opinions range from ``machines will program themselves'', to ``AI does not help programmers''. Of course, these statements are meant to to stir up a discussion, and should be taken with a grain of salt, but we argue that such unfounded statements are potentially harmful. Instead, we propose to investigate which skills are required to develop software using LLM-based tools. In this paper we report on an experiment in which we explore if Computational Thinking (CT) skills predict the ability to develop software using LLM-based tools. Our results show that the ability to develop software using LLM-based tools can indeed be predicted by the score on a CT assessment. There are many limitations to our experiment, and this paper is also a call to discuss how to approach, preferably experimentally, the question of which skills are required to develop software using LLM-based tools. We propose to rephrase this question to include by what kind of people/programmers, to develop what kind of software using what kind of LLM-based tools.Comment: 11 page

    A Systematic Mapping Study of Code Quality in Education -- with Complete Bibliography

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    While functionality and correctness of code has traditionally been the main focus of computing educators, quality aspects of code are getting increasingly more attention. High-quality code contributes to the maintainability of software systems, and should therefore be a central aspect of computing education. We have conducted a systematic mapping study to give a broad overview of the research conducted in the field of code quality in an educational context. The study investigates paper characteristics, topics, research methods, and the targeted programming languages. We found 195 publications (1976-2022) on the topic in multiple databases, which we systematically coded to answer the research questions. This paper reports on the results and identifies developments, trends, and new opportunities for research in the field of code quality in computing education

    Providing Hints, Next Steps and Feedback in a Tutoring System for Structural Induction

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    Structural induction is a proof technique that is widely used to prove statements about discrete structures. Students find it hard to construct inductive proofs, and when learning to construct such proofs, receiving feedback is important. In this paper we discuss the design of a tutoring system, LogInd, that helps students with constructing stepwise inductive proofs by providing hints, next steps and feedback. As far as we know, this is the first tutoring system for structural induction with this functionality. We explain how we use a strategy to construct proofs for a restricted class of problems. This strategy can also be used to complete partial student solutions, and hence to provide hints or next steps. We use constraints to provide feedback. A pilot evaluation with a small group of students shows that LogInd indeed can give hints and next steps in almost all cases.Comment: In Proceedings ThEdu'19, arXiv:2002.1189

    Constructing functional programs for grammar analysis problems

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    Abstract This paper discusses the derivation of functional programs for grammar analysis problems, such as the EMPTY problem and the REACH-ABLE problem. Grammar analysis problems can be divided into two classes: top-down problems such as FOLLOW and REACH-ABLE, which are described in terms of the contexts of nonterminals, and bottom-up problems such as EMPTY and FIRST, which do not refer to contexts. In a previous paper we derive a program for bottom-up grammar analysis problems. In this paper we derive a program for top-down grammar analysis problems by transforming the specification of an arbitrary top-down problem into a program. The existence of a solution is guaranteed provided some natural conditions are satisfied. Furthermore, we describe a general transformation that applies to both classes of grammar analysis problems. The result of this transformation is a program that avoids unnecessary computations in the computation of a fixed point. Constructor classes, which are used to abstract from the notions bottom-up and top-down, are an essential ingredient of the latter derivation

    Scenarios in virtual learning environments for one-to-one communication skills training

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    A scenario is a description of a series of interactions between a player and a virtual character for one-to-one communication skills training, where at each step the player is faced with a choice between statements. In this paper, we analyse the characteristics of scenarios and provide a classification to represent such scenarios. The analysis is performed through a literature review and by comparing virtual learning environments for scenario based training. Using this analysis we specify requirements for describing communication scenarios related to their: structure (linear, branching, interleaving), properties (static information stored per scenario like situation, background, which virtual character to show), and parameters (characteristics of a scenario that can be modified per statement like a score on a learning goal and an emotional effect in a virtual character). We define a schema for representing such communication scenarios and present an authoring tool to create a scenario.This study is part of the RAGE project. The RAGE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644187. This publication reflects only the author's view. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    A Systematic Mapping Study of Code Quality in Education -- with Complete Bibliography

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    While functionality and correctness of code has traditionally been the main focus of computing educators, quality aspects of code are getting increasingly more attention. High-quality code contributes to the maintainability of software systems, and should therefore be a central aspect of computing education. We have conducted a systematic mapping study to give a broad overview of the research conducted in the field of code quality in an educational context. The study investigates paper characteristics, topics, research methods, and the targeted programming languages. We found 195 publications (1976-2022) on the topic in multiple databases, which we systematically coded to answer the research questions. This paper reports on the results and identifies developments, trends, and new opportunities for research in the field of code quality in computing education