79 research outputs found

    OPAC 2.0: towards the next generation of online library catalogues

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    While the 4th Law of S.R. Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Science (1931) says that: “Save the time of the reader”, it is a big question to ask whether the current Library catalogues precisely do this for its library patrons. There is a common understanding that the evolution of OPAC should be in line with the evolution of technology and its services. They have to be designed in such a way that the users should be able to find what they are looking for in a timely manner only then they will be more satisfied, and more likely to feel like their needs have been met. While it is mandatory that the OPACs should not be a complex matrix for the users, it is important that it should encompass the current trends and features of advancements. There is no doubt that Librarians are the Architects to design best next generation OPACs by amalgamating Web 2.0 tools and the social networking aspects to the traditional catalogues which offer interacting options to the patrons. This paper looks at the current trend in formulating the next generation of Online Library catalogues with glimpses of isolated experiments and improvements in the library catalogues coupled with various open source software packages for OPAC 2.0 and the benefits to the users therewith

    Cloning and sequencing of complete τ-crystallin cDNA from embryonic lens of Crocodylus palustris

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    τ-Crystallin is a taxon-specific structural protein found in eye lenses. We present here the cloning and sequencing of complete τ-crystallin cDNA from the embryonic lens of Crocodylus palustris and establish it to be identical to the τ-enolase gene from non-lenticular tissues. Quantitatively, the τ-crystallin was found to be the least abundant crystallin of the crocodilian embryonic lenses. Crocodile τ-crystallin cDNA was isolated by RT-PCR using primers designed from the only other reported sequence from duck and completed by 5'- and 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) using crocodile gene specific primers designed in the study. The complete τ-crystallin cDNA of crocodile comprises 1305 bp long ORF and 92 and 409 bp long untranslated 5'- and 3'-ends respectively. Further, it was found to be identical to its putative counterpart enzyme τ-enolase, from brain, heart and gonad, suggesting both to be the product of the same gene. The study thus provides the first report on cDNA sequence of τ-crystallin from a reptilian species and also re-confirms it to be an example of the phenomenon of gene sharing as was demonstrated earlier in the case of peking duck. Moreover, the gene lineage reconstruction analysis helps our understanding of the evolution of crocodilians and avian species


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    Decapod is one of the subphylum of Arthropod which is the most dominant animal group in the waters. Various types of decapoda commonly known such as crabs, shrimp, and crabs. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the type of decapod in coastal waters of Tongkaina Village, Manado City, determining the abundance of decapods in these waters and measuring data on water quality (temperature, salinity, pH) at several observation stations. The results of the study obtained the type of decapod in the coastal waters of Tongkaina Village, Manado City. A total of 15 species were distributed in 9 different families namely Ocypodidae, Grapsidae, Portunidae, Sesarmidae, Pilumnidae, Xanthidae, Calappidae, Majidae, and Penaeidae. Of the types of crabs and shrimp found in each type of living habitat. the highest numbers were 97 individual indicated Uca lacteal, then followed by Thalamita crenata with 32 individuals, and the lowest was Penaeus kerathuruswith 2 individuals Keywords: Tongkaina, Decapoda, identification, abundance Inventory Decapoda in The Marine Waters of Tongkaina Village, Manado CityDekapoda merupakan salah satu subfilum dari Arthropoda yang merupakan kelompok hewan paling dominan di perairan. Berbagai jenis decapoda yang umum dikenal seperti kepiting, udang, dan rajungan.. Penelitian ini berujuan menentukan jenis dekapoda di perairan pantai Kelurahan Tongkaian, Kota Manado, menentukan kelimpahan dekapoda yang ada di perairan tersebut dan mengukur data tentang kualitas air (suhu, salinitas, pH) pada beberapa stasiun pengamatan. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan jenis dekapoda di perairan pantai Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kota Manado. Sebanyak 15 spesies yang terdistribusi pada 9 famili berbeda yaitu Ocypodidae, Grapsidae, Portunidae, Sesarmidae, Pilumnidae, Xanthidae, Calappidae, Majidae, dan Penaeidae. Dari jenis kepiting dan udang yang ditemukan pada masing-masing tipe habitat hidup. spesies tertinggi yaitu 97 ditunjukkan Uca lacteal, kemudian diikuti oleh Thalamita crenata dengan 32 individu, dan spesies yang paling terendah yaitu Penaeus kerathurus dengan 2 jumlah individu.Kata kunci : Tongkaina, Dekapoda, identifikasi, kelimpaha

    Fiber-reinforced composites in endodontic practice: a review

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    Fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) are a group of non-metallic biomaterials characterized by good mechanical properties, such as high fatigue resistance and fracture toughness growing in popularity in several dental applications. FRCs are a combination of two materials: the reinforcing phase in the form of fibers, which are embedded into the other material, called the matrix phase. Factors influencing the properties of FRCs include fibre properties versus polymer matrix properties, impregnation of fibres in the resin, adhesion of fibres to the polymer matrix, quantity and direction of fibres, and location of the fibre-rich phase in construction. The most commonly used applications of FRCs are in removable dentures, minimally invasive fixed dental prostheses, periodontal splints, root canal posts, and orthodontic retainers. This article discusses in detail the applications of FRCs in endodontics, including root canal posts, reinforcement of restorative composites in restorations and core build-ups and splinting of teeth in dental trauma

    Types and Size Distribution of Parrotfish (Family Scaridae) Caught with Gillnets in the Waters off Taduna Village, Kabaruan Island.

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    The objective of this research is to identify the types and size distribution of parrotfish in the waters of Taduna Village. The research was conducted using sampling methods. Samples were collected over a period of two months from the catches landed in Taduna Village by local fishermen. The fishermen used gillnets for their catches. The length of each fish was measured from the tip of the mouth to the end of the tail using a millimeter-scale ruler with a precision of 0.1 cm. The weight of the fish was measured using a digital scale with a resolution of one gram. The length of each species was analyzed using frequency distribution and presented in length and weight histograms. Based on the data obtained from the measurements of Family Scaridae fish, a total of 53 individuals were collected, consisting of 8 species: Chorurus bleekeri (11 individuals), Calotomus carolinus (4 individuals), Chorurus japanensis (6 individuals), Chlorurus microrhinos (2 individuals), Scarus frenatus (16 individuals), Scarus russell (4 individuals), Scarus spinus (5 individuals), and Scarus tricolor (5 individuals). The distribution of Family Scaridae fish in the waters off Taduna Village shows varying lengths and weights for each species. For example, Chorurus bleekeri ranged from 18.9 to 26.5 cm in length and weighed between 150 and 394 grams, Chorurus japanensis had a length distribution between 17.5 and 27.4 cm and weighed from 119 to 465 grams, and Scarus frenatus ranged from 18.3 to 24.5 cm in length and weighed between 117 and 308 grams." Keywords: Parrotfish, Scaridae, Types, Size, Kabaruan. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui jenis dan distribusi ukuran ikan kakatua di perairan Desa Taduna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sampling. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dalam waktu dua bulan dari hasil tangkapan nelayan yang didaratkan di Desa Taduna. Alat yang digunakan nelayan adalah jaring insang mono filamen.  Seluruh panjang ikan diukur dari ujung mulut hingga ujung ekor dengan penggaris skala milimeter dengan ketelitian 0,1 cm. Berat ikan diukur dengan timbangan digital dengan resolusi satu gram. Panjang setiap spesies dianalisis menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan ditampilkan dalam histogram panjang dan berat. Berdasarkan data hasil pengukuran ikan Famili Scaridae diperoleh sebanyak 53 individu yang terdiri dari 8 spesies yaitu Chorurus bleekeri (11 individu), Calotomus carolinus (4 individu), Chorurus japanensis (6 individu), Chlorurus microrhinos (2 individu), Scarus frenatus (16 individu), Scarus russellii (4 individu), Scarus spinus (5 individu) dan Scarus tricolor (5 individu). Distribusi ikan Famili Scaridae di perairan depan Desa Taduna memiliki ukuran panjang  dan berat yang bervariasi yaitu spesies Chorurus bleekeri berkisar 18,9-26,5 cm dan berat 150-394 gram, Chorurus japanensis memiliki distribusi ukuran panjang berkisar 17,5-27,4 cm dan berat 119-465 gram dan Scarus frenatus memiliki distribusi ukuran panjang berkisar 18,3-24,5 cm dan berat 117-308 gram. Kata kunci : Ikan kakatua, Scaridae, Jenis, Ukuran, Kabarua

    Methylation-sensitive linking libraries enhance gene-enriched sequencing of complex genomes and map DNA methylation domains

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many plant genomes are resistant to whole-genome assembly due to an abundance of repetitive sequence, leading to the development of gene-rich sequencing techniques. Two such techniques are hypomethylated partial restriction (HMPR) and methylation spanning linker libraries (MSLL). These libraries differ from other gene-rich datasets in having larger insert sizes, and the MSLL clones are designed to provide reads localized to "epigenetic boundaries" where methylation begins or ends.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A large-scale study in maize generated 40,299 HMPR sequences and 80,723 MSLL sequences, including MSLL clones exceeding 100 kb. The paired end reads of MSLL and HMPR clones were shown to be effective in linking existing gene-rich sequences into scaffolds. In addition, it was shown that the MSLL clones can be used for anchoring these scaffolds to a BAC-based physical map. The MSLL end reads effectively identified epigenetic boundaries, as indicated by their preferential alignment to regions upstream and downstream from annotated genes. The ability to precisely map long stretches of fully methylated DNA sequence is a unique outcome of MSLL analysis, and was also shown to provide evidence for errors in gene identification. MSLL clones were observed to be significantly more repeat-rich in their interiors than in their end reads, confirming the correlation between methylation and retroelement content. Both MSLL and HMPR reads were found to be substantially gene-enriched, with the <it>Sal</it>I MSLL libraries being the most highly enriched (31% align to an EST contig), while the HMPR clones exhibited exceptional depletion of repetitive DNA (to ~11%). These two techniques were compared with other gene-enrichment methods, and shown to be complementary.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MSLL technology provides an unparalleled approach for mapping the epigenetic status of repetitive blocks and for identifying sequences mis-identified as genes. Although the types and natures of epigenetic boundaries are barely understood at this time, MSLL technology flags both approximate boundaries and methylated genes that deserve additional investigation. MSLL and HMPR sequences provide a valuable resource for maize genome annotation, and are a uniquely valuable complement to any plant genome sequencing project. In order to make these results fully accessible to the community, a web display was developed that shows the alignment of MSLL, HMPR, and other gene-rich sequences to the BACs; this display is continually updated with the latest ESTs and BAC sequences.</p

    Impact of EU regulatory label changes for diclofenac in people with cardiovascular disease in four countries:interrupted time series regression analysis

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    Objective: Due to cardiovascular safety concerns, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended new contraindications and changes to product information for diclofenac across Europe in 2013. This study aims to measure their impact among targeted populations. Method: Quarterly interrupted time series regression (ITS) analyses of diclofenac initiation among cohorts with contraindications (congestive cardiac failure [CHF], ischaemic heart disease [IHD], peripheral arterial disease [PAD], cerebrovascular disease [CVD]) and cautions (hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes) from Denmark, the Netherlands, England and Scotland. Results: The regulatory action was associated with significant immediate absolute reductions in diclofenac initiation in all countries for IHD (Denmark −0.08%, 95%CI −0.13, −0.03; England −0.09%, 95%CI −0.13 to −0.06%; the Netherlands −1.84%, 95%CI −2.51 to −1.17%; Scotland −0.34%, 95%CI −0.38 to −0.30%), PAD and hyperlipidaemia, the Netherlands, England and Scotland for hypertension and diabetes, and England and Scotland for CHF and CVD. Post-intervention there was a significant negative trend in diclofenac initiation in the Netherlands for IHD (−0.12%, 95%CI −0.19 to −0.04), PAD (−0.13%, 95%CI −0.22 to −0.05), hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes, and in Scotland for CHF (−0.01%, 95%CI −0.02 to −0.007%), IHD (−0.017, 95%CI −0.02, −0.01%), PAD and hypertension. In England, diclofenac initiation rates fell less steeply. In Denmark changes were more strongly associated with the earlier EMA 2012 regulatory action. Conclusion: Although significant reductions in diclofenac initiation occurred, patients with contraindications continued to be prescribed diclofenac, the extent of which varied by country and target condition. Understanding reasons for such variation may help to guide the design or dissemination of future safety warnings

    Advancing Eucalyptus genomics: identification and sequencing of lignin biosynthesis genes from deep-coverage BAC libraries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Eucalyptus </it>species are among the most planted hardwoods in the world because of their rapid growth, adaptability and valuable wood properties. The development and integration of genomic resources into breeding practice will be increasingly important in the decades to come. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are key genomic tools that enable positional cloning of important traits, synteny evaluation, and the development of genome framework physical maps for genetic linkage and genome sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe the construction and characterization of two deep-coverage BAC libraries EG_Ba and EG_Bb obtained from nuclear DNA fragments of <it>E. grandis </it>(clone BRASUZ1) digested with <it>Hind</it>III and <it>BstY</it>I, respectively. Genome coverages of 17 and 15 haploid genome equivalents were estimated for EG_Ba and EG_Bb, respectively. Both libraries contained large inserts, with average sizes ranging from 135 Kb (Eg_Bb) to 157 Kb (Eg_Ba), very low extra-nuclear genome contamination providing a probability of finding a single copy gene ≥ 99.99%. Libraries were screened for the presence of several genes of interest <it>via </it>hybridizations to high-density BAC filters followed by PCR validation. Five selected BAC clones were sequenced and assembled using the Roche GS FLX technology providing the whole sequence of the <it>E. grandis </it>chloroplast genome, and complete genomic sequences of important lignin biosynthesis genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The two <it>E. grandis </it>BAC libraries described in this study represent an important milestone for the advancement of <it>Eucalyptus </it>genomics and forest tree research. These BAC resources have a highly redundant genome coverage (> 15×), contain large average inserts and have a very low percentage of clones with organellar DNA or empty vectors. These publicly available BAC libraries are thus suitable for a broad range of applications in genetic and genomic research in <it>Eucalyptus </it>and possibly in related species of <it>Myrtaceae</it>, including genome sequencing, gene isolation, functional and comparative genomics. Because they have been constructed using the same tree (<it>E. grandis </it>BRASUZ1) whose full genome is being sequenced, they should prove instrumental for assembly and gap filling of the upcoming <it>Eucalyptus </it>reference genome sequence.</p