4 research outputs found

    Treatment, Services and Follow-up for Victims of Family Violence in Health Clinics in Maputo, Mozambique

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    Background: Family violence (FV) is a global health problem that not only impacts the victim, but the family unit, local community and society at large.Objective: To quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the treatment and follow up provided to victims of violence amongst immediate and extended family units who presented to three health centers in Mozambique for care following violence.Methods: We conducted a verbally-administered survey to self-disclosed victims of FV who presented to one of three health units, each at a different level of service, in Mozambique for treatment of their injuries. Data were entered into SPSS (SPSS, version 13.0) and analyzed for frequencies. Qualitative short answer data were transcribed during the interview, coded and analyzed prior to translation by the principal investigator.Results: One thousand two hundred and six assault victims presented for care during the eight-week study period, of which 216 disclosed the relationship of the assailant, including 92 who were victims of FV. Almost all patients (90%) waited less than one hour to be seen, with most patients (67%) waiting less than 30 minutes. Most patients did not require laboratory or radiographic diagnostics at the primary (70%) and secondary (93%) health facilities, while 44% of patients received a radiograph at the tertiary care center. Among all three hospitals, only 10% were transferred to a higher level of care, 14% were not given any form of follow up or referral information, while 13% required a specialist evaluation. No victims were referred for psychological follow-up or support. Qualitative data revealed that some patients did not disclose violence as the etiology, because they believed the physician was unable to address or treat the violence-related issues and/or had limited time to discuss.Conclusion: Healthcare services for treating the physical injuries of victims of FV were timely and rarely required advanced levels of medical care, but there were no psychological services or follow-up referrals for violence victims. The healthcare environment at all three surveyed health centers in Mozambique does not encourage disclosure or self-report of FV. Policies and strategies need to be implemented to encourage patient disclosure of FV and provide more health system-initiated victim resources. [West J Emerg Med. 2011;12(3):348-353.

    Domestic violence in Mozambique : from policy to practice

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    Background To reduce the impact of domestic violence (DV), Mozambican governmental and non-governmental entities are making efforts to strengthen the legislative framework and to improve the accessibility of care services for survivors of violence. Despite this remarkable commitment, the translation of policies and legislation into actions remains a considerable challenge. Therefore, this paper aims to identify gaps in the implementation of existing national policies and laws for DV in the services providing care for survivors of DV. Methods This qualitative study comprised of two approaches. The first consisted of content analysis of guidelines and protocols for DV care provision. The second consisted of in-depth interviews with institutional gender focal points (Professionals with experience in dealing with aspects related to DV). The analysis of the document content was based on a framework developed according to key elements recommended by international agencies (PAHO and UN) for design of DV policies and strategies. Data from the in-depth interviews, where analysed in accordance with the study objectives. Results Eleven (11) guidelines/protocols of care provision and innumerable brochures and pamphlets were identified and analysed. There is a standardised form which contains fields for police and the health sector staff to complete, but not for Civil Society Organisations. However, there is no specific national DV database. Although the seventeen (17) focal points interviewed recognised the relevance of the reviewed documents, many identified gaps in their implementation. This was related to the weaknesses of the offender's penalisation and to the scarcity of care providers who often lack appropriate training. The focal points also recognised their performance is negatively influenced by socio-cultural factors. Conclusion Within services providing care to survivors of DV, a scarcity of guidelines and protocols exist, compromising the quality and standardisation of care. The existence of guidelines and protocols was regarded as a strength, however its implementation is still problematic. There was also recognition for the need to strengthening by governmental and non-governmental entities the defined policies and strategies for DV prevention and control into practice