14,235 research outputs found

    Motion of discrete solitons assisted by nonlinearity management

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    We demonstrate that periodic modulation of the nonlinearity coefficient in the discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger (DNLS) equation can strongly facilitate creation of traveling solitons in the lattice. We predict this possibility in an analytical form, and test it in direct simulations. Systematic simulations reveal several generic dynamical regimes, depending on the amplitude and frequency of the time modulation, and on initial thrust which sets the soliton in motion. These regimes include irregular motion, regular motion of a decaying soliton, and regular motion of a stable one. The motion may occur in both the straight and reverse directions, relative to the initial thrust. In the case of stable motion, extremely long simulations in a lattice with periodic boundary conditions demonstrate that the soliton keeps moving as long as we can monitor without any visible loss. Velocities of moving stable solitons are in good agreement with the analytical prediction, which is based on requiring a resonance between the ac drive and motion of the soliton through the periodic potential. All the generic dynamical regimes are mapped in the model's parameter space. Collisions between moving stable solitons are briefly investigated too, with a conclusion that two different outcomes are possible: elastic bounce, or bounce with mass transfer from one soliton to the other. The model can be realized experimentally in a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a deep optical lattice

    Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid)

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    p. 468-475A timber shell structure is designed to provide covering for an outdoor auditorium in Madrid (Spain). The covering comprises five independent overlapped marquees with similar shape but diverse dimensions. The surface geometry of each marquee is defined by a hyperbolic paraboloid, with its boundaries delimited by elliptical curves in horizontal projection. Structural section for the timber shell is a composite section with several staggered layers of straight sawn timber planks, arranged in two orthogonal directions following the straight skew lines of the hyperbolic paraboloid. Over them two continuous top layers are arranged which provides bracing for the structure and support for the waterproofing material. Each layer is laid over the previous one, bolted and glued with polyurethane adhesive. Special characteristics of the design analysis and detailed erection process are described. The designed solution provides lightweight roofing with a powerful and original image, short construction time and reasonable budget.Anton, A.; Meijide, AG.; Corbal, JJ. (2009). Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/653

    Identification of redundant and synergetic circuits in triplets of electrophysiological data

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    Neural systems are comprised of interacting units, and relevant information regarding their function or malfunction can be inferred by analyzing the statistical dependencies between the activity of each unit. Whilst correlations and mutual information are commonly used to characterize these dependencies, our objective here is to extend interactions to triplets of variables to better detect and characterize dynamic information transfer. Our approach relies on the measure of interaction information (II). The sign of II provides information as to the extent to which the interaction of variables in triplets is redundant (R) or synergetic (S). Here, based on this approach, we calculated the R and S status for triplets of electrophysiological data recorded from drug-resistant patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in order to study the spatial organization and dynamics of R and S close to the epileptogenic zone (the area responsible for seizure propagation). In terms of spatial organization, our results show that R matched the epileptogenic zone while S was distributed more in the surrounding area. In relation to dynamics, R made the largest contribution to high frequency bands (14-100Hz), whilst S was expressed more strongly at lower frequencies (1-7Hz). Thus, applying interaction information to such clinical data reveals new aspects of epileptogenic structure in terms of the nature (redundancy vs. synergy) and dynamics (fast vs. slow rhythms) of the interactions. We expect this methodology, robust and simple, can reveal new aspects beyond pair-interactions in networks of interacting units in other setups with multi-recording data sets (and thus, not necessarily in epilepsy, the pathology we have approached here).Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, 3 supplementary figures. To appear in the Journal of Neural Engineering in its current for

    Exploring Bicycle and Public Transit Use by Low-Income Latino Immigrants: A Mixed-Methods Study in the San Francisco Bay Area

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    Latin American immigrants will continue to make up a large share of transit ridership, bicycling and walking in the United States for the foreseeable future, but there is relatively little research about them. This mixed-methods study compares the travel patterns of low-income immigrants living in the San Francisco Bay Area with that of other groups and investigates the barriers and constraints faced by low-income immigrants when taking transit and bicycling. Much of the previous work on immigrant travel has relied on national surveys and qualitative analysis, which underrepresent disadvantaged population groups and slower modes of travel, or are unable to speak to broader patterns in the population. We conducted interviews with 14 low-income immigrants and a paper-based intercept survey of 2,078 adults. Interviewees revealed five major barriers that made public transit use difficult for them, including safety, transit fare affordability, discrimination, system legibility, and reliability. Although crime was the most prominent issue in interviews, the survey results suggest transit cost is the most pressing concern for low-income immigrants. Low-income immigrants were less likely than those with higher-incomes to have access to a motor vehicle, and were less likely than higher-income immigrants or the U.S.-born of any income to have access to a bicycle or bus pass. Finally, although most barriers to public transit use were the same regardless of nativity or household income, low-income immigrants were much less willing to take public transit when they had the option to drive and less willing to bicycle for any purpose. The prevalence of concerns about transit affordability, crime, and reliability suggest transit agencies should consider income-based fare reductions, coordinated crime prevention with local law enforcement, and improved scheduling

    Banking Sector Performance in Latin America: Market Power versus Efficiency

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    TSince the mid-1990s the banking sector in the Latin American emerging markets has experienced profound changes due to financial liberalisation, a significant increase in foreign investments and greater mergers activities often occurring following financial crises. The wave of consolidation and the rapid increase in market concentration that took place in most countries has generated concerns about the rise in banks’ market power and its potential effects on consumers. This paper advances the existing literature by testing the market power (Structure-Conduct-Performance and Relative Market Power) and efficient structure (X- and scale efficiency) hypotheses for a sample of over 2,500 bank observations in nine Latin American countries over 1997-2005. We use the Data Envelopment Analysis technique to obtain reliable efficiency measures. We produce evidence supporting the efficient structure hypotheses. The findings are particularly robust for the largest banking markets in the region, namely Brazil, Argentina and Chile. Finally, capital ratios and bank size seem to be among the most important factors in explaining higher than normal profits for Latin American banks.Structure-Conduct-Performance; Efficient Structure; Latin American banking; Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
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