20 research outputs found


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    This file contains all data associated with the article: "Foster care-givers influence brood pathogen resistance in ants". Please see the ReadMe file for detailed descriptions


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    Data on the proportion of brood that survived to eclose in each rearing group, given the number of eggs that were collected


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    Eggs were collected from field colonies and placed with rearing groups of foreign workers. This file contains survival data for eggs that were collected by workers in each rearing group


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    Formica selysi microsatellite genotypes from individuals collected across a 10-year time span in the Bois de Finges reserve between Sierre and Susten in Valais, Switzerland


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    Aligned COI sequences of Formica selysi individuals

    Purcell et al. Microsat Data

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    Microsatellite results for each individual and each colony. 'NA' represents missing data. Individuals with poor quality results were removed

    Comparison of recovery of rafts with and without brood: time to disassemble raft (a) and proportion of unresponsive workers after 60 minute recovery period (b).

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    <p>Comparison of recovery of rafts with and without brood: time to disassemble raft (a) and proportion of unresponsive workers after 60 minute recovery period (b).</p

    Photos of floodplain habitat in Valais, Switzerland (a) and incipient raft during self-assembly (b).

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    <p>Photos of floodplain habitat in Valais, Switzerland (a) and incipient raft during self-assembly (b).</p


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    This is the raw GCMS data for Formica cinerea colony BRA1. The file is in .RAW format, which is compatible with Thermo Xcalibur, Micromass MassLynx, and Perkin Elmer TurboMass