95 research outputs found

    The meaning and practice of stewardship in South Africa

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    Stewardship offers a means of addressing social-ecological sustainability challenges, from the local to the global level. The concept of stewardship has had various meanings attached to it over time, and the links between the theory and practice of stewardship are not well understood. We sought to characterise the practice of stewardship in South Africa, to better understand the relationship between theory and practice. We found that practitioners' understandings of stewardship coalesce around two core notions: the idea of stewardship as 'responsible use and care' of nature, and stewardship as a 'balancing act' between stewards' use of natural resources for agricultural production and their responsibility to protect and manage the wider ecosystem. Stewardship practice in South Africa is strongly influenced by the biodiversity stewardship tool; however, many practitioners are integrating biodiversity stewardship with other approaches. These emerging social-ecological stewardship initiatives operate at landscape-level and work towards integrated social and ecological stewardship outcomes, by facilitating collaboration among diverse stakeholders. Further research is needed to better understand what is required to support these integrated, collaborative and cross-sectoral initiatives. Policy mechanisms that facilitate integrated place-based stewardship practice can contribute to expanding the practice of biodiversity stewardship in South Africa

    Stewardship and collaboration in multifunctional landscapes: a transdisciplinary enquiry

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    Social-ecological sustainability challenges, from the local to the global level, are of increasing concern. Stewardship has been proposed as a means of dealing with these challenges, but how can it be achieved in practice? In South Africa, the concept is put into practice by practitioners working with local stewards to facilitate more sustainable and equitable management of ecosystem services across landscapes. This landscape approach requires collaboration between multiple stakeholders, as social-ecological processes function beyond the boundaries of individual farms or villages. The aim of this research was to investigate the practice of stewardship and collaboration in multifunctional landscapes in South Africa through a transdisciplinary enquiry. This was achieved using a methodological framework based on critical complexity, transdisciplinarity, and critical realism. This framework was applied through an inductive, mixed methods research design which involved stewardship practitioners, stewards, and other stakeholders in the research. Practitioners' understandings of the stewardship concept vary, yet they coalesce around the idea of responsible use and care of nature. Accordingly, the primary role of stewards is to interact with nature responsibly and carefully, balancing the use of ecosystem services for their own benefit with broader social- ecological interests and needs. Although the biodiversity stewardship tool dominates stewardship practice in South Africa, more integrated social-ecological initiatives are also emerging, often hand-in-hand with this approach. Practitioners working in these initiatives face multiple interacting and mutually reinforcing enablers and barriers that facilitate or hinder collaboration for stewardship. Individual and social-relational enablers are pivotal to long-term sustainability of initiatives, whilst deep-seated inequalities and mistrust are significant barriers to collaboration. Despite such challenges, practitioners are succeeding in fostering collaboration by operating as hubs in the landscape. They are actively building new relationships and networks among diverse stakeholders to address shared sustainability challenges. This results in a patchwork of collaborative stewardship activity across the landscape, suggesting that stewardship and collaboration are fundamentally relational processes and that pluralistic approaches to sustainability are needed in multifunctional landscapes. Moreover, by re-focusing stewardship on stewards, practitioners are finding innovative ways to enable farmers to appreciate and practice stewardship, addressing the conflict between agriculture and conservation. Drawing on these findings, a critical realist analysis revealed underlying generative mechanisms that help to explain the challenges encountered in collaborative efforts toward stewardship. These mechanisms included, amongst others: individual stewards' values, societal constraints on the ability of stewards to express care, conflict between agriculture and conservation due to dominant agricultural approaches and neoliberal economic policies, and the divided and unequal nature of South African society. Operationalising transdisciplinary research enabled meaningful engagement with practitioner partners, allowing for novel insights and unexpected findings to emerge from practice-based knowledge. Putting transdisciplinarity into practice revealed the dynamic and multi-faceted role that researchers can play in transdisciplinary research, highlighting the importance of relational knowledge and competencies. Existing support systems and incentives within universities need to be re-configured to enable postgraduate students to conduct engaged science in service of society.Kuyanda ukuxhalatyiswa yimiceli mngeni yobudlewlane obuhlala buhleli bezentlalo nendalo, ekuhlaleni nakwihlabathi. Kuphakanyiswe umbono wobugosa-bumeli (ubuphathi bendalo, stewardship) ukuze kuhlangatyezwane nale miceli mngeni, kodwa iza kwenziwa njani le nto? EMzantsi Afrika le ngcamango iye yabekwa entsebenzweni ngabo banezakhono no bugcisa besebenza namagosa-bameli asekuhlaleni, benceda ekulawulweni ngendlela ehlala ihleli nelinganayo iinkonzo zobudlelwane nendalo kuyo yonke imihlaba. Le ndlela yokusebenzisa le mihlaba ifuna intsebenziswano phakathi kwabo bonke ababandakanyekayo, njengoko ubudlelwane bentlalo nendalo busebenza ngaphaya kwemida yomfama ngamnye okanye iilali. Injongo yoluhlolisiso ibikukuphanda ngoqheliselo lobugosa-bumeli nentsebenziswano yeemihlaba esebenza ngendlela ezininzi eMzantsi Afrika kubuzwa kumasebe olwazi ohlukeneyo olwazi(transdisciplinarity). Oku kwathi kwaphunyezwa ngenkqubo ehlola izinto ezahlukahlukeneyo kwimigangatho eyahlukeneyo, isekelwe kwingcamango enzulu kunoko kubonakala kuqondakalayo, kumasebe olwazi ohlukeneyo, nakulwazi lwesayensi nentlalo. Le nkqubo yenziwa kusetyenziswa inkqubo yokuqokelela ulwazi luze luhlalutywe, iintlobo ezahlukeneyo zokwenza uhlolisiso, ezazibandakandakanya abanezakhono zobugosa-bumeli, amagosa-bameli nabanye ababandakanyekileyo kolu hlolisiso. Ingcamango zabanezakhono zobubugosa-bumeli ziyohluka, kanti iingcamango zinye ngokuphathelele ukusetyenziswa nokukhathelela indalo yemvelo. Phofu ke, indima esisiseko yamagosa-bameli kukuphembelelana ngokufanelekileyo nangenkathalo nendalo, bethelekisa ukusebenzisa iinkonzo zobudlelwane nendalo ukuze zincede bona, kunye nomdla neemfuno eziphangaleleyo zobudlelwane bendalo nentlalo. Nakubeni isixhobo Sobugosa-Bumeli Bendalo Eyahlukeneyo Yezityalo Nezilwanyana (Biodiversity Stewardship) isesona sitshotsha phambili kuqheliselo lobugosa-bumeli eMzantsi Afrika, zikhona nezinye izixhobo ezivelayo eziqukwayo kwiphulo lobudlelwane bendalo nentlalo, ezisoloko zisebenza kakuhle neli lokuqala. Abanezakhono nabasebenza kula maphulo bajamelene neendidi zokuphembelelana, iingxaki ezahlukeneyo, izisombululo nezithinteli ezinceda okanye zonakalise intebenziswano yobugosa-bumeli. Isisombululo ngasinye nezo zayanyaniswa nentlalo zibaluleke gqitha kumaphulo azakuhlala ehleli, nakubeni ukungalingani okuzinze nzulu nokungathembani iyimiqobo ebelulekileyo kwintsebenziswano. Nangona ikhona le micelimngeni, abanezakhono bayaphumelela ekukhuliseni intsebenziswano ngokuthi basebenze kwiindawo ezithile kwimihlaba. Bakha unxulumano olutsha noqhagamishelwano nababandakanyekileyo ngokwahluka kwabo ukuze kusingathwe nemiceli mngeni yokugcina ubudlelwane bendalo nentlalo buhlale buhleli. Oku kuye kwaphumela kwintsebenziswano yobugosa-bumeli ethe yakho pha na pha kule mihlaba, nto leyo ebonisa ukuba ubugosa- bumeli nentsebenziswano ngokusisiseko yinkqubo enxulumeneyo, kwaye iindlela ezininzi zokwenza ubudlelwane bendalo nentlalo buhlale buhleli ziyimfuneko kwimihlaba ekwenziwa izinto ezininzi kuyo. Ngapha koko, ngokuthi kuphindwe kunikelwe ingqalelo kubugosa-bumeli isiya kumagosa bameli, abanezakhono bafumana iindlela ezintsha zokunceda amafama axabise aze aqhelisele ubugosa-bumeli, ngolu hlobo kusingathwa ingxabano phakathi kwezolimo nolondolozo lwendalo. Xa sifunda koku, ukucamngca nzulu ngako kutyhile enye indlela eye yanceda ekucaciseni imiceli mngeni ekuhlangatyezwane nayo kwimigudu yentsebenziswano yobugosa-bumeli. Ezi ndlela zibandakanya, phakathi kwezinye: indlela aziphatha ngayo amagosa-bameli, iingcinezelo yabahlali ekubeni amagosa-bameli abonakalise inkathalo, ukungavisisani phakathi kwezolimo nolondolozo lwendalo ngenxa yendlela ezongamelayo nezisetyenziswayo zolimo, nemigaqo-nkqubo yezoqoqosho elawulwa bucala, nokwahlukana, ukungalingani kwabantu baseMzantsi Afrika. Ukusebenzisa uhlolisiso lwamasebe olwazi ohlukeneyo kubangele ukufuthelana okunentsingiselo namaqabane abo banezakhono, oku kuvulele iingcamango ezinzulu nokufumana izinto ebezingalindelekanga kulwazi olusekelwe kuqheliselo. Ukubeka ulwazi lwamasebe ahlukeneyo entsebenzweni kutyhile iindima ezahlukeneyo okanye ezininzi ezidlalwa ngabahlolisisi kuhlolisiso lolwazi lwamasebe ohlukeneyo, kubalaseliswa ukubaluleka kolwazi olunxulunyaniswayo nozimiselo. Iinkqubo zenkxaso nezinye izinto ezincedayo ezikhoyo kwiyunivesiti kufuneka ziphinde zakhiwe ukuze zincede abafundi abenza uhlolisiso balwenze benomfutho wesayensi enceda abahlali

    IziNambuzane: isiZulu names for insects

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    We provide a tool for communicating about insects in isiZulu to facilitate research and knowledge sharing in the fields of indigenous knowledge, cultural entomology, environmental education and community extensioninvolving isiZulu speakers. A total of 213 different names for 64 insect specimens were encountered among a sample of 67 respondents in 11 communities distributed across the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This list includes 93 names that can be considered core isiZulu vocabulary and which are widely used to identify insects that are agriculturally, medically, domestically, culturally or ecologically common or significant. Substantial variation was found regarding the names for particular insects, especially between regions, suggesting dialectal differences between isiZulu speakers. Grammatical and social variation in names was also recorded. This study highlights interdisciplinary teamwork in the field of indigenous knowledge research and the influences affecting the standardisation of South African languages for technical and scientific work

    Towards place-based research to support social–ecological stewardship

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    Concerns about ecological degradation and social inequalities have prompted increasing calls for stewardship in the social–ecological systems and sustainability science literature. However, how can the ideals of stewardship be realised in practice? The links between the theory and practice of stewardship are under-developed, and research to support place-based stewardship practice is limited. We therefore bring together complementary perspectives to guide research on place-based stewardship practice in the context of multifunctional landscapes. We unpack and synthesise literature on stewardship, landscapes, and collaboration for natural resource management, and highlight the ways in which the pathways approach can deepen research on collaboration and stewardship practice. We propose landscapes as a suitable level of analysis and action for stewardship. Since all landscapes are multifunctional, we argue that collaboration among multiple stakeholders is a necessary focus of such research. Our analysis reveals that existing theory on collaboration could be deepened by further research into the agency of individual human actors, the complex social–relational dynamics among actors, and the situatedness of actors within the social–ecological context. These factors mediate collaborative processes, and a better understanding of them is needed to support place-based stewardship practice. To this end, the pathways approach offers a waymark to advance research on collaboration, particularly in the complex, contested social–ecological systems that tend to characterize multifunctional landscapes

    The hitchhiker’s guide to co-production: six ways to link knowledge and action for sustainability

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    By directly linking research processes to change makers, co-production promises to create more impactful knowledge and actions. However, what co-production means in practice is not always clear or consistent. Drawing on the experiences of 32 co-production initiatives from around the world that aim to enhance sustainability, Josephine Chambers, Carina Wyborn, Henrik Österblom, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Jessica Cockburn, Rosemary Hill, Ruth Brennan, Chris Cvitanovic and their many co-authors, present a scheme for understanding different kinds of co-production, and the different tradeoffs they entail. In so doing, they highlight 6 modes of co-production that emerge when particular design choices are made

    Visit the exotic birthplaces of transdisciplinarity

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    Publisher versionPreface: Why a new approach to science? The world we live in is very different to the world of one hundred years ago. The world has never been so populated by humans and never before have the spe-cies ‘human’ influenced and manipulated the natural world in the way in which we do now. Academics are calling it the age of the Anthropocene. In the age of the Anthropocene we face different challenges to what hu- mans faced centuries ago. As we find ourselves in this new age we have had to not only question ‘what we know’ but also ‘how we know’ and whether the ‘how we know’ is the right kind of ‘how’ for the problems that we face today. This has led to a questioning of the way in which we generate knowledge and the way in which this knowledge is used. This critique is not aimed at all knowledge generation it is mostly a frustration that has arisen out of the physical and biological sciences with the realisation that doing good science is just not enough to bring about meaningful change in the world. Trans-disciplinary scientists and practitioners have begun this journey in search of a new kind of science - A science in service of society! This tourist trip will re- trace the few first steps of these emerging ideas so that we can understand where these new ideas have come from and how they may influence our own research.This document was developed for a postgraduate course on Transdisciplinary research held at Rhodes University. It explores three key theoretical approaches to transdisciplinarity in relation to the question 'Why TD?'

    Livestock ecosystem services and disservices in a medium-sized South African town

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    Production of livestock in urban spaces is a common phenomenon globally, particularly in the Global South. Livestock provides multiple benefits to society yet its production in urban spaces can result in adverse impacts to residents that can trigger conflicts. Understanding of the ecosystem services and disservices of livestock from the perspectives of residents can inform inclusive local management plans. Using household surveys and key informant interviews, this study sought to examine the contribution of livestock to owners, and perceptions of livestock services and disservices among non-livestock owners and key informants in Makhanda, a medium-sized South African town. Livestock owners derived multiple benefits from their livestock, including provisioning services such as meat, milk, skins and draught, and use livestock and livestock products in cultural activities such as rituals, bride price payments and funerals that are key elements of local identity. Among residents, there were marked differences in perceptions on the services and disservices of livestock which points to potential conflicts over urban land use and the need for addressing trade-offs. A key trade-off for local municipal authorities is addressing hunger and poverty by supporting well-regulated urban livestock production versus managing potential livestock disservices such as injuries to humans, livestock-vehicle collisions, health hazards and damage to urban green infrastructure. The trade-offs should be understood and considered by local authorities and residents as a basis for collectively developing strategies that can integrate livelihoods and cultural realities to balance competing demands for urban spaces including livestock production and other uses

    IziNambuzane: isiZulu names for insects

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    We provide a tool for communicating about insects in isiZulu to facilitate research and knowledge sharing in the fields of indigenous knowledge, cultural entomology, environmental education and community extensioninvolving isiZulu speakers. A total of 213 different names for 64 insect specimens were encountered among a sample of 67 respondents in 11 communities distributed across the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This list includes 93 names that can be considered core isiZulu vocabulary and which are widely used to identify insects that are agriculturally, medically, domestically, culturally or ecologically common or significant. Substantial variation was found regarding the names for particular insects, especially between regions, suggesting dialectal differences between isiZulu speakers. Grammatical and social variation in names was also recorded. This study highlights interdisciplinary teamwork in the field of indigenous knowledge research and the influences affecting the standardisation of South African languages for technical and scientific work

    Short Course Handouts Bundle for the Training of Trainers Course: Introductory course to facilitating social learning and stakeholder engagement in natural resource management contexts

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    This document is a compilation of the course handouts (materials) developed and produced for the “Training of Trainers” Short Course – the full title of which is the: “Introductory course to facilitating social learning and stakeholder engagement in natural resource management contexts”

    Limitations of Prostate Biopsy in Detection of Cribriform and Intraductal Prostate Cancer

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgments: Rui M. Bernardino is supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (2022.13386.BD). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 European Association of UrologyBackground: The presence of cribriform morphology and intraductal carcinoma (IDC) in prostate biopsies and radical prostatectomy specimens is an adverse prognostic feature that can be used to guide treatment decisions. Objective: To assess how accurately biopsies can detect cribriform morphology and IDC cancer by examining matched biopsy and prostatectomy samples. Design, setting, and participants: Patients who underwent radical prostatectomy at The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre between January 2015 and December 2022 and had cribriform morphology and/or IDC in the surgical specimen were included in the study. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: We used detection sensitivity to evaluate the level of agreement between biopsy and prostatectomy samples regarding the presence of cribriform morphology and IDC. Results and limitations: Of the 287 men who underwent radical prostatectomy, 241 (84%) had cribriform morphology and 161 (56%) had IDC on final pathology. The sensitivity of prostate biopsy, using radical prostatectomy as the reference, was 42.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] 36–49%) for detection of cribriform morphology and 44.1% (95% CI 36–52%) for detection of IDC. The sensitivity of prostate biopsy for detection of either IDC or cribriform morphology was 52.5% (95% CI 47–58%). Among patients who underwent multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging–guided biopsies, the sensitivity was 54% (95% CI 39–68%) for detection of cribriform morphology and 37% (95% CI 19–58%) for detection of IDC. Conclusions: Biopsy has low sensitivity for detecting cribriform morphology and IDC. These limitations should be incorporated into clinical decision-making. Biomarkers for better detection of these histological patterns are needed. Patient summary: Prostate biopsy is not an accurate method for detecting two specific types of prostate cancer cells, called cribriform pattern and intraductal prostate cancer, which are associated with unfavorable prognosis.proofepub_ahead_of_prin