88 research outputs found

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    final_soap_GNV120025.fa: Assembly of Hemiargus ceraunus from Genbank SRA accession #SRR1299274, using multiple kmers (13,23,33,43,63) with SOAPdenovo-Trans v1.01. Different Kmer assemblies were combined with cd-hit-est and processed with the fastx toolkit. See Kawahara and Breinholt (2014) for more details


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    Description of the python scripts and direction how to run them


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    python script to remove list of sequences from a fasta fil


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    python script to process blast results of blasting sequences from each loci against themselves using usearch to identify contaminatio


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    This script was used for multiple kmer transcriptome assemblies. The script is specific to the University of Florida module system but can be easily edited for use on other HPC systems


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    python script to split a single line fasta file with many loci into locus specific fasta file


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    python script to trim alignments by density and entrop


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    python script to split alignment into head, probe, and tail regions based on the beginning and end of a reference sequence in the alignmen


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    List of taxa codes and names and source of data for the two nexus files below in tab-delimited text
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