1,037 research outputs found

    The Islamic Juridical Vacuum and Islamic Authorities’ Role in Divorce Cases

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    This article argues that Islamic authorities do not try to sustain a jurisdiction over Islamic divorce in Denmark. They respond to a juridical demand caused by the absence of Islamic legal institutions in Denmark, which I call the Islamic juridical vacuum. This vacuum entails that sharia is often defined locally in communities or families rather than by Islamic authorities, and when women are unable to obtain an Islamic divorce they turn to Islamic authorities for help. That is, in the absence of Islamic legal institutions they expect Islamic authorities such as imams and teachers in mosques to take the role of an Islamic judge upon themselves and issue Islamic divorces. However, Islamic authorities in Denmark have no formal legal power to issue divorces and they are often incapable of helping women whose husbands object to divorce. Therefore, some women end up in a type of marital captivity that Anika Liversage and I – with the Arabic word for marrigage, nikah – call nikah-captivity (Liversage and Petersen 2020)

    Own check of antibiotic residues in Danish pigs

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    Examination of antibiotic residues in slaughter pigs has become an integrated part of the Danish pig abattoirs’ own check program. The examination of antibiotic residues in pigs is done at random and by suspicion

    Extracting Tree-structures in CT data by Tracking Multiple Statistically Ranked Hypotheses

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    In this work, we adapt a method based on multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) that has been shown to give state-of-the-art vessel segmentation results in interactive settings, for the purpose of extracting trees. Regularly spaced tubular templates are fit to image data forming local hypotheses. These local hypotheses are used to construct the MHT tree, which is then traversed to make segmentation decisions. However, some critical parameters in this method are scale-dependent and have an adverse effect when tracking structures of varying dimensions. We propose to use statistical ranking of local hypotheses in constructing the MHT tree, which yields a probabilistic interpretation of scores across scales and helps alleviate the scale-dependence of MHT parameters. This enables our method to track trees starting from a single seed point. Our method is evaluated on chest CT data to extract airway trees and coronary arteries. In both cases, we show that our method performs significantly better than the original MHT method.Comment: Accepted for publication at the International Journal of Medical Physics and Practic

    Comparison of field measurements and calculations of relative humidity and temperature in wood framed walls

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    Energy efficient wood frame buildings give besides a number of positive effects also risks for moisture damages. To avoid moisture damage in wood houses some parts of the Swedish construction industry use WUFI 1D calculation tool in the design phase. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the coupling between measured and WUFI 1D calculated values of relative humidity and temperature. The first step presents a comparison between measurements and blind calculations of relative humidity and temperature at different positions in a wooden wall with an air gap. In the second step has boundary conditions for calculated values been adjusted in order to achieve better agreement. The result of the comparisons between calculated and measured values are analyzed. The general conclusion of this study is that it is of great importance to apply a correct airflow in air gap. Results also show that it is possible to obtain reliable calculated values with a proper flow in the air gap

    Neurotechnological Behavioural Treatment of Criminal Offenders:A Comment on Bomann-Larsen

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    Islamisk Feminisme : Nyt fra Fronten

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    Frihed og rollemodeller : Muslimske kvinders selvbiografier i Danmark

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    Denne artikel undersøger to typer af litterære karakterer, som skabes i Rushy Rashids Et løft af sløret (2000), Özlem Cekic’ Fra Føtex til Folketinget (2009) og Geeti Amiris Glansbilleder (2016). Den første type er den muslimske kvinde som forbillede for kvindekamp, og den anden er patriarken som produceret af, hvad muslimske debattører har kaldt “rygtesamfundet”. Forfatterne fremstiller den såkaldte indvandrerkvinde som stærk, bemyndiget og forbilledlig, hvilket muliggør nye narrativer, hvor hun kæmper for kvinders ligestilling snarere end at være en undertrykt indvandrerkvinde. Patriarken fremstilles samtidig som et produkt af rygtesamfundet snarere end som ophavsmanden hertil, hvilket ændrer de magtdynamikker, som forfatterne har været underlagt i deres opvækst. Det vil sige, at fokus skubbes fra patriarken som karakter til rygtesamfundet. Islam er kun perifert behandlet af Rashid og Cekic, mens religionen spiller en lidt større – men sta-dig marginal – rolle hos Amiri. Ingen af forfatterne tilskriver islam en formativ eller determinerende rolle for rygtesamfundet. Rashid og Amiri skriver tværtimod, at islam misbruges af muslimer til at fastholde rygtesamfundet, som grundlæg-gende strider imod islamiske værdier, mens Cekic italesætter islamiske værdier som almindelige menneskelige værdier

    +Way pĂĄ linje 5A

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    I april 2017 er der driftsstart for Movia’s højklassede busløsning +Way. +Way er en effektiv, komfortabel og miljøvenlig transportløsning, der tænker by og transport sammen. Movia er derfor i tæt samarbejde med kommuner og operatører om at udrulle +Way konceptet på en af Skandinaviens største buslinjer, linje 5A i København. Ambitioner og forventninger er store. +Way skal være en attraktiv løsning for alle parter både passagerer, finansierende myndigheder og operatører
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