238 research outputs found

    Interaction: Full and partial Immersive Virtual Reality Displays

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    Combining Interaction Techniques and Display Types for Virtual Reality

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    Full and partial immersion in virtual reality are fundamental different user experiences: partial immersion supports the feeling of “looking at ” a virtual environment while full immersion supports the feeling of “being in ” that environment. Working with a range of interactive virtual reality applications using different display systems we have found that the use of six-sided caves and panoramic displays results in different requirements to interaction techniques. These can be related to specific categories of interaction: orientating, moving and acting. In this paper I present a framework for the evaluation and design of interaction techniques for virtual reality focusing on the relations between interaction techniques and display types

    Mobile Computing

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    Indexical Representations for Context-Aware Mobile Devices

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    Augmenting the City:The Design of a Context-Aware Mobile Web Site

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    Public Pervasive Computing:Making the Invisible Visible

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    Making Conversations Persistent Through Computer Mediation:Coordination in a Safety-Critical Domain

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    Proxemic interactions with multi-artifact systems

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    Abstract — The artifact ecologies emerging from an increasing number of interactive digital artifacts, capable of communicating with each other wirelessly, have created an interaction space where software applications are no longer limited by the physical boundaries of a single device. With the new opportunities follows an added complexity that interaction designers need to address. Previous work have shown the potential of proxemic interactions as one way of dealing with design challenges of ubicomp systems. However, the work focused on interactions involving multiple digital artifacts is limited. In this paper, we analyze two multi-artifact systems from our prior work within the domain of music consumption and identify four concepts of multi-artifact interactions: Plasticity, migration, complementarity, and multi-user. These concepts forms the basis for a discussion on the potential use of proxemic interactions in the design of multi-artifact systems. Keywords- artifact ecology, multi-artifact systems, proxemic interactions, music systems. I
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