84 research outputs found

    Analysis of spin density wave conductivity spectra of iron pnictides in the framework of density functional theory

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    The optical conductivity of LaFeAsO, BaFe2_2As2_2, SrFe2_2As2_2, and EuFe2_2As2_2 in the spin-density wave (SDW) state is investigated within density functional theory (DFT) in the framework of spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and GGA+U. We find a strong dependence of the optical features on the Fe magnetic moments. In order to recover the small Fe magnetic moments observed experimentally, GGA+UeffU_{\rm eff} with a suitable choice of negative on-site interaction Ueff=UJU_{\rm eff}=U-J was considered. Such an approach may be justified in terms of an overscreening which induces a relatively small U compared to the Hund's rule coupling J, as well as a strong Holstein-like electron-phonon interaction. Moreover, reminiscent of the fact that GGA+UeffU_{\rm eff} with a positive UeffU_{\rm eff} is a simple approximation for reproducing a gap with correct amplitude in correlated insulators, a negative UeffU_{\rm eff} can also be understood as a way to suppress magnetism and mimic the effects of quantum fluctuations ignored in DFT calculations. With these considerations, the resulting optical spectra reproduce the SDW gap and a number of experimentally observed features related to the antiferromagnetic order. We find electronic contributions to excitations that so far have been attributed to purely phononic modes. Also, an orbital resolved analysis of the optical conductivity reveals significant contributions from all Fe 3d orbitals. Finally, we observe that there is an important renormalization of kinetic energy in these SDW metals, implying that the effects of correlations cannot be neglected.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; recalculated spectra for U_eff=-1.9 eV for better comparison to experimental results, added discussion of the role of U and J in LDA+

    Paramagnetism in the kagome compounds (Zn,Mg,Cd)Cu3_{3}(OH)6_{6}Cl2_{2}

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    Frustrated magnetism on the kagome lattice has been a fertile ground for rich and fascinating physics, ranging from experimental evidence of a spin liquid to theoretical predictions of exotic superconductivity. Among experimentally realized spin-12\frac{1}{2} kagome magnets, herbertsmithite, kapellasite, and haydeeite [(Zn,Mg)Cu3_{3}(OH)6_{6}Cl2_{2}] are all well described by a three-parameter Heisenberg model, but they exhibit distinctly different physics. We address the problem using a pseudofermion functional renormalization-group approach and analyze the low-energy physics in the experimentally accessible parameter range. Our analysis places kapellasite and haydeeite near the boundaries between magnetically ordered and disordered phases, implying that slight modifications could dramatically affect their magnetic properties. Inspired by this, we perform \textit{ab initio} density functional theory calculations of (Zn,Mg,Cd)Cu3_{3} (OH)6_{6}Cl2_{2} at various pressures. Our results suggest that by varying pressure and composition one can traverse a paramagnetic regime between different magnetically ordered phases.Comment: Published version. Main paper (7 pages, 5 figures) and Supplemental material (7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables). Change in titl

    Das Schachprojekt FUSc#

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    Die AG Schachprogrammierung der Freien Universität Berlin wurde im Oktober 2002 gegründet und forscht seitdem auf dem Gebiet der Schachprogrammierung und beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung des Schachmotors FUSc#. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden verschiedene Brettdarstellungen und Algorithmen getestet. Mit einer nichtrekursiven Alpha-Beta-Variante in Matrixform konnte eine vielversprechende Leistungssteigerung erreicht werden, dem gegenüber stand aber ein großer Grad an Codekomplexität. Als wichtigstes Forschungsziel bei dem seit Februar 2004 neu entwickelten Schachmotor DarkFUSc# gilt die Verwendung von Lernalgorithmen. Durch die Kombination von TD-Leaf(l) und einer komplexen Stellungsklassifikation wurde ein neues Lernverfahren entwickelt. Nach den gespielten Partien optimiert DarkFUSc# die mehr als 56.000 Koeffizienten seiner komplexen Bewertungsfunktion eigenständig und verbessert so sein Stellungsspiel von Partie zu Partie. Als Trainings- und Testplattform für die verschiedenen FUSc#-Varianten (unter anderem existiert inzwischen auch eine Linux-Version) wurde der Fusch-OnlineSchachServer bereitgestellt, auf dem Maschinen und Menschen gegeneinander spielen und voneinander lernen können

    Oxidative stress stimulates alpha-tocopherol transfer protein in human trophoblast tumor cells BeWo

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    alpha-Tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP) has been identified as the major intracellular transport protein for the antioxidant vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol). Expression of alpha-TTP on the reproductive system has been described both in mouse uterus and lately in the human placenta. The aim of this study was to clarify if placental expression of alpha-TTP can be modified by substances causing oxidative reactions. The human choriocarcinoma cell line BeWo was, therefore, treated with two known pro-oxidants. alpha-TTP expression was determined with immunocytochemistry and evaluated by applying a semiquantitative score. The presence of pro-oxidants in BeWo cells induced alpha-TTP expression. We thus hypothesize that stimulation of alpha-TTP expression by oxidative stress, as this was induced by pro-oxidants, could be part of an antioxidant process occurring in the placenta in the aim of enhancing the supply of alpha-Tocopherol. This process could occur both in normal pregnancies, as well as in pregnancy disorders presented with intensified oxidative stress. In that view, this model is proposed for further oxidative stress studies on trophoblast and placenta, on the grounds of clarifying the role of alpha-Tocopherol in pregnancy physiology and pathophysiology

    Stability of the spiral spin liquid in MnSc2S4

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    We investigate the stability of the spiral spin liquid phase in MnSc2S4 against thermal and quantum fluctuations as well as against perturbing effects of longer-range interactions. Employing ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations we propose a realistic Hamiltonian for MnSc2S4, featuring second (J2) and third (J3) neighbor Heisenberg interactions on the diamond lattice that are considerably larger than previously assumed. We argue that the combination of strong J2 and J3 couplings reproduces the correct magnetic Bragg peak position measured experimentally. Calculating the spin-structure factor within the pseudofermion functional-renormalization group technique, we find that close to the magnetic phase transition the sizable J3 couplings induce a strong spiral selection effect, in agreement with experiments. With increasing temperature the spiral selection becomes weaker such that in a window around three to five times the ordering temperature an approximate spiral spin liquid is realized in MnSc2S

    Signatures of a gearwheel quantum spin liquid in a spin-12\frac{1}{2} pyrochlore molybdate Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We theoretically investigate the low-temperature phase of the recently synthesized Lu2_2Mo2_2O5_5N2_2 material, an extraordinarily rare realization of a S=1/2S=1/2 three-dimensional pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet in which Mo5+^{5+} are the S=1/2S=1/2 magnetic species. Despite a Curie-Weiss temperature (ΘCW\Theta_{\rm CW}) of 121(1)-121(1) K, experiments have found no signature of magnetic ordering oror spin freezing down to T0.5T^*\approx0.5 K. Using density functional theory, we find that the compound is well described by a Heisenberg model with exchange parameters up to third nearest neighbors. The analysis of this model via the pseudofermion functional renormalization group method reveals paramagnetic behavior down to a temperature of at least T=ΘCW/100T=|\Theta_{\rm CW}|/100, in agreement with the experimental findings hinting at a possible three-dimensional quantum spin liquid. The spin susceptibility profile in reciprocal space shows momentum-dependent features forming a "gearwheel" pattern, characterizing what may be viewed as a molten version of a chiral noncoplanar incommensurate spiral order under the action of quantum fluctuations. Our calculated reciprocal space susceptibility maps provide benchmarks for future neutron scattering experiments on single crystals of Lu2_2Mo2_2O5_5N2_2.Comment: Published version. Main paper (6 pages, 3 figures) + Supplemental Material (4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table

    Effects of correlation in LiFeAs

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    We discuss the role of electronic correlations in the iron-based superconductor LiFeAs by studying the effects on band structure, mass enhancements, and Fermi surface in the framework of density functional theory combined with dynamical mean field theory calculations. We conclude that LiFeAs shows characteristics of a moderately correlated metal and that the strength of correlations is mainly controlled by the value of the Hund's rule coupling J. The hole pockets of the Fermi surface show a distinctive change in form and size with implications for the nesting properties. Our calculations are in good agreement with recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and de Haas-van Alphen experiments.Comment: This version includes minor additions and shows experimental dHvA data for easier comparison. Accepted for publication in Physical Review B (in press). 7 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamical cluster approximation within an augmented plane-wave framework: Spectral properties of SrVO3_3

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    We present a combination of local density approximation (LDA) with the dynamical cluster approximation (LDA+DCA) in the framework of the full-potential linear augmented plane-wave method, and compare our LDA+DCA results for SrVO3_3 to LDA with the dynamical mean field theory (LDA+DMFT) calculations as well as experimental observations on SrVO3_3. We find a qualitative agreement of the momentum resolved spectral function with angle-resolved photoemission spectra (ARPES) and former LDA+DMFT results. As a correction to LDA+DMFT, we observe more pronounced coherent peaks below the Fermi level, as indicated by ARPES experiments. In addition, we resolve the spectral functions in the K0=(0,0,0){\bf K}_{0}=(0,0,0) and K1=(π,π,π){\bf K}_{1}=(\pi,\pi,\pi) sectors of DCA, where band insulating and metallic phases coexist. Our approach can be applied to correlated compounds where not only local quantum fluctuations but also spatial fluctuations are important.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Spontaneous Dissociation of Co2(CO)8 and Autocatalytic growth of Co on SiO2 : A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation

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    We present experimental results and theoretical simulations of the adsorption behavior of the metal-organic precursor Co2(CO)8 on SiO2 surfaces after application of two different pre-treatment steps, namely by air plasma cleaning or a focused electron beam pre-irradiation. We observe a spontaneous dissociation of the precursor molecules as well as auto-deposition of cobalt on the pre-treated SiO2 surfaces. We also find that the differences in metal content and relative stability of these deposits depend on the pre-treatment conditions of the substrate. Transport measurements of these deposits are also presented. We are led to assume that the degree of passivation of the SiO2 surface by hydroxyl groups is an important controlling factor in the dissociation process. Our calculations of various slab settings using dispersion corrected density functional theory support this assumption. We observe physisorption of the precursor molecule on a fully hydroxylated SiO2 surface (untreated surface) and chemisorption on a partially hydroxylated SiO2 surface (pre-treated surface) with a spontaneous dissociation of the precursor molecule. In view of these calculations, we discuss the origin of this dissociation and the subsequent autocatalysis.Comment: 22 pages, 8 Figures, In Press Article, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 201