97 research outputs found

    Injury profile in elite acrobatic gymnasts compared by gender

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    Acrobatic gymnastics is associated with injury risk. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge on injury incidence, type and severity in acrobatic gymnasts of both sexes. An epidemiologic, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 54 gymnasts: 23 males and 31 females aged 14 to 23. The training characteristics (training time: days and hours), as well as the injuries suffered (site, type, severity and moment of injury) were assessed. A total of 89 injuries were recorded. Injury incidence was 9.85/1,000 h of exposure among women and 9.15 among men. The highest percentage of injuries was located in the lower limb, with no significant differences based on sex. Ligament injuries were the most common among women, while tendonitis prevailed among men. The majority of injuries occurred while performing group skills in the technical part of the session (27% during dynamic and 23.6% during static skills), bases suffered a greater number of injuries than tops. It was concluded that muscle and ligament injuries were the most common injury types, the lower limb the most frequently affected body region and moderate the most frequent severity level in both sexes. The variables sex and role were associated with injury incidence

    Aspectos fundamentales de la evolución de la gimnasia deportiva masculina en España hasta 1980

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    Por esta serie de motivos, he organizado el trabajo estudiando, primero, un capítulo referente a la Federación Internacional de Gimnasia, que voy analizando desde su nacimiento y primeros pasos, recorriendo posteriormente todas aquellas etapas, que han tenido relevancia y una determinada trascendencia en su evolución histórica. En Gimnasia Deportiva, los ejercicios de los gimnastas, se ven sometidos a valoración según el criterio de los jueces. Estos a su vez, basan dicho criterio en las directrices del Código de Puntuación, donde de una forma ordenada y característica, se van acumulando y sintetizando las resoluciones que la Federación Internacional va aprobando periódicamente en sus Asambleas Técnicas. Analizaré, por tanto, como han evolucionado los criterios de puntuación en la Federación Internacional de Gimnasia y su repercusión en la evolución del nivel gimnástico. Posteriormente y en el capítulo segundo, acometo el análisis de la gimnasia en España, recorriéndolo de una forma descriptiva, desde sus heroicos y difíciles comienzos, pasando por la recopilación y análisis detallado de todos aquellos datos que se podrían considerar como más significativos y representativos del nivel gimnástico. Intento analizar y relacionar variables importantes de las que se puedan obtener conclusiones válidas. Por una parte se hacía necesario desglosar y detallar numéricamente por Provincias el número de practicantes, representado por la cantidad total de licencias deportivas con carácter anual. Por otra parte la aportación de gimnastas en competiciones nacionales de carácter oficial, en las diferentes categorías. Otro de los problemas que centraron mi atención, fue el intentar comprobar si existía alguna relación en cuanto a la formación de técnicos de este deporte y el movimiento gimnástico propiamente dicho. El estudio de las puntuaciones en competiciones nacionales, dará una visión clara y detallada del avance de nuestra gimnasia de competición. En el capítulo tercero, al recopilar y analizar los datos de las competiciones internacionales más importantes, valoramos, paralelamente, los resultados obtenidos en cada momento por los gimnastas seleccionados, que representaban el nivel gimnástico español, situándola, en cada ocasión, en el lugar correspondiente dentro del contexto de la gimnasia deportiva masculina mundial. Finalmente, en el capítulo cuarto, se presentan una serie de conclusiones y datos comparativos, terminando con unas conclusiones generales

    Características morfológicas y funcionales del aeróbic deportivo

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    El aeróbic se ha manifestado en los últimos años como una actividad física de las más practicadas en el mundo. Ese auge impulsa en la década de los ochenta esta actividad como deporte espectáculo y de competición, hoy todavía desconocido en gran parte de la geografía española. Nosotros hemos abordado el presente estudio con el objetivo de analizar algunas características morfológicas y funcionales de los sujetos practicantes de aeróbic deportivo y de esta forma aportar determinados parámetros del perfil de la especialidad que puedan facilitar elementos de interés para un mayor conocimiento y entrenamiento específico. No se trata del análisis del aeróbic entendido como "Método de gimnasia con acompañamiento musical para el mantenimiento y desarrollo de la forma física general del individuo, con ejercicios fundamentalmente aeróbicos" que define Porta (1986), sino del aeróbic deportivo, como modalidad competitiva institucionalizada, con un reglamento técnico específico que busca medir la habilidad general de todo competidor

    Systematic review of flexibility tests in gymnastics

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    The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. The search was conducted on PubMed, WOS, Scopus, Sport Discus and Google Scholar databases, and included studies in English and Spanish that assessed flexibility in gymnasts and were published between January 2005 and March 2020. Twenty-seven manuscripts were selected, rhythmic and women’s artistic gymnastics being the most frequently studied disciplines. Flexibility was most commonly assessed in the hip and shoulder joints. Within the wide variety of tests performed, the most commonly used ones were the split, shoulder flexibility, bridge and sit-and-reach tests. Linear measurements were usually used, followed by the angular ones. In conclusion, in spite of flexibility being a determining capacity in gymnastic disciplines, several studies did not provide information on the validity of their results. Further studies including validated tests applied to larger samples and using longitudinal approaches are needed, with the aim to confirm test predictive validity and to allow for greater generalisation

    Systematic review of flexibility tests in gymnastics

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    The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. The search was conducted on PubMed, WOS, Scopus, Sport Discus and Google Scholar databases, and included studies in English and Spanish that assessed flexibility in gymnasts and were published between January 2005 and March 2020. Twenty-seven manuscripts were selected, rhythmic and women’s artistic gymnastics being the most frequently studied disciplines. Flexibility was most commonly assessed in the hip and shoulder joints. Within the wide variety of tests performed, the most commonly used ones were the split, shoulder flexibility, bridge and sit-and-reach tests. Linear measurements were usually used, followed by the angular ones. In conclusion, in spite of flexibility being a determining capacity in gymnastic disciplines, several studies did not provide information on the validity of their results. Further studies including validated tests applied to larger samples and using longitudinal approaches are needed, with the aim to confirm test predictive validity and to allow for greater generalisation

    Aeróbic deportivo: importancia del conocimiento previo del error en el aprendizaje y retención de una habilidad gimnástica de salto

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido, por un lado intentar plantear un sistema de entrenamiento técnico indicando los errores a evitar establecidos por el Código de Puntuación en esta modalidad deportiva, y por otro lado, ver los efectos de un entrenamiento global (basado en mini-circuitos) empleado con éxito en otra disciplina deportiva como es la Gimnasia Artística (Carrasco, 1977; Vernetta, 1995, Vernetta y López, 1997, 98). En el presente trabajo, hemos utilizado tres grupos experimentales formados por alumnos/as de la asignatura de Alto Rendimiento en Gimnasia Aeróbica de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte de la Universidad de Vigo con un rango de edad de 19 a 22 años. La finalidad ha sido delimitar la eficacia diferencial de tres tipos de entrenamiento (Analítico progresivo, Global con Mini-circuito y Mini-circuito con conocimiento previo del error a evitar) sobre el aprendizaje y retención de una habilidad gimnástica de salto del Aeróbic Deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos van a verificar la hipótesis planteada, constatándose las mayores ganancias de aprendizaje y retención en el grupo que se benefició del Mini-circuito con conocimiento previo del error a evitar

    Análisis comparativo de adhesión a la dieta mediterránea entre niñas y adolescentes de gimnasia rítmica

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    Introduction: Eating habits are one of the underlying aspects in rhythmic gymnastics as a sport with an aesthetic component. Objective: To evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) in girls and adolescents who perform rhythmic gymnastics, and the relationship of this adherence with Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference. Methods: A prospective, descriptive comparative cross-sectional study with the participation of 221 gymnasts aged between 7 and 17 years. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was analyzed using the KIDMED test. The waist circumference, height and weight of each gymnast were measured and the BMI calculated. Results: 41.63%, 52.94% and 5.43% of the total sample exhibited high, medium and low adherence, respectively, to the Mediterranean diet. The Mann-Whitney U test indicated significant differences in the rate of adherence to the Mediterranean diet between the two age groups, U = 5007.0, p = .016, r = .162. The adolescent gymnasts had greater adherence than the younger gymnasts. The total sample showed a positive correlation of the rate of adherence with weight (Rho = .143, p = .034), BMI (Rho = .152, p = .024) and waist circumference (Rho = .180, p = .007). Conclusions: The eating habits of adolescent gymnasts with regard to the Mediterranean diet are healthier than those of the younger gymnasts. All participants had normal BMI values. The KIDMED values of the total sample were related to weight and BMI. The high percentages of younger gymnasts with mean adherence to the MD evidenced the need to approximate their eating habits with Mediterranean standards.Introducción: Los hábitos alimentarios son uno de los aspectos fundamentales en la gimnasia rítmica como deporte de componente estético. Objetivo: Evaluar la adhesión a la dieta mediterránea (DM) en niñas y adolescentes de gimnasia rítmica y su relación con el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) y el perímetro de cintura. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y comparativo en donde participaron 221 gimnastas entre 7 y 17 años. Se analizó la adhesión a la dieta mediterránea a través del test KIDMED. Fueron medidos el perímetro de cintura, así como la altura y el peso de cada gimnasta, calculando el IMC. Resultados: 41,63%, 52,94% y 5,43% de la muestra total demostraron la adhesión a la dieta mediterránea alta, mediana y baja respectivamente. El test U de Mann-Whitney apuntó diferencias significativas del índice de adhesión a la dieta mediterránea entre los dos grupos de edad, U = 5007,0, p = ,016, r = ,162. Las gimnastas adolescentes presentaron mayor adhesión que las niñas. La muestra total mostró una correlación positiva del índice de adhesión con el peso (Rho = ,143, p = ,034), IMC (Rho = ,152, p = ,024), y perímetro de cintura (Rho = ,180, p = ,007). Conclusiones: Los hábitos de las gimnastas adolescentes con relación a la dieta mediterránea son más saludables que los de las gimnastas niñas. Todas presentaron valores normales de IMC. Los valores de Kidmed de la muestra total se relacionaron al peso y al IMC. Los elevados porcentajes de gimnastas niñas con adhesión mediana a la DM evidencian la necesidad de aproximar sus hábitos a los estándares mediterráneos. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio de diagnóstico comparativo

    Lesiones en jóvenes gimnastas femeninas de acrobática de la élite nacional

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    Acrobatic gymnastics is inevitably associated with the appearance of possible injuries. The objective was to analyze its incidence to gymnasts of competitive level. A prospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out through a questionnaire where 40 young people between 12 and 18 years old participated. The injuries suffered and the characteristics of the training were analyzed. These injuries occurred more in training (95.5%) than in competition. 57.77% were located in the lower extremity, 28.88% in the trunk 13.33% in the upper extremity. The most affected anatomical sites were the ankle and back (33.33% and 28.9%, respectively). Regarding the type of injury, sprains (40%) and contractures (26.7%) stand out. Most of the injuries occurred in the technical part, during the static and dynamic group movements. The study shows that there is a predominance of ligamentous and muscular injuries, with the lower limbs being the most affected areaLa gimnasia acrobática está asociada inevitablemente a la aparición de posibles lesiones. El objetivo fue analizar su incidencia a gimnastas de nivel competitivo. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, transversal y descriptivo a través de un cuestionario donde participaron 40 jóvenes entre 12 y 18 años. Se analizó las lesiones sufridas y las características del entrenamiento. Dichas lesiones se produjeron más en los entrenamientos (95,5%) que en competición. El 57,77% fueron localizadas en la extremidad inferior, 28,88% en el tronco 13,33% en la extremidad superior. Los sitios anatómicos más afectados fueron el tobillo y espalda (33,33% y 28,9%, respectivamente). En cuanto al tipo de lesión destacan los esguinces (40%) y contracturas (26,7%). La mayoría de las lesiones ocurrieron en la parte técnica, durante los movimientos grupales estáticos y dinámicos. El estudio demuestra que existe un predominio de lesiones ligamentosas y musculares, siendo los miembros inferiores la zona más afectada.

    Injury profile in elite acrobatic gymnasts compared by gender

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    Acrobatic gymnastics is associated with injury risk. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge on injury incidence, type and severity in acrobatic gymnasts of both sexes. An epidemiologic, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 54 gymnasts: 23 males and 31 females aged 14 to 23. The training characteristics (training time: days and hours), as well as the injuries suffered (site, type, severity and moment of injury) were assessed. A total of 89 injuries were recorded. Injury incidence was 9.85/1,000 h of exposure among women and 9.15 among men. The highest percentage of injuries was located in the lower limb, with no significant differences based on sex. Ligament injuries were the most common among women, while tendonitis prevailed among men. The majority of injuries occurred while performing group skills in the technical part of the session (27% during dynamic and 23.6% during static skills), bases suffered a greater number of injuries than tops. It was concluded that muscle and ligament injuries were the most common injury types, the lower limb the most frequently affected body region and moderate the most frequent severity level in both sexes. The variables sex and role were associated with injury incidence

    Injury profile in elite acrobatic gymnasts compared by gender

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    Acrobatic gymnastics is associated with injury risk. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge on injury incidence, type and severity in acrobatic gymnasts of both sexes. An epidemiologic, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 54 gymnasts: 23 males and 31 females aged 14 to 23. The training characteristics (training time: days and hours), as well as the injuries suffered (site, type, severity and moment of injury) were assessed. A total of 89 injuries were recorded. Injury incidence was 9.85/1,000 h of exposure among women and 9.15 among men. The highest percentage of injuries was located in the lower limb, with no significant differences based on sex. Ligament injuries were the most common among women, while tendonitis prevailed among men. The majority of injuries occurred while performing group skills in the technical part of the session (27% during dynamic and 23.6% during static skills), bases suffered a greater number of injuries than tops. It was concluded that muscle and ligament injuries were the most common injury types, the lower limb the most frequently affected body region and moderate the most frequent severity level in both sexes. The variables sex and role were associated with injury incidence