50 research outputs found

    Bogomoljke (MANTODEA) na poluotoku Pelješcu (južna Hrvatska)

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    Surveys for mantids were undertaken at 9 sites, located along the northern and southern coasts and in the interior of Pelješac Peninsula, southern Croatia. Sweep nettings and visual observations were carried out from 27 July 2013 till 8 August 2013. Five mantid species from four genera were observed, including Ameles cf. decolor (Charpentier, 1825), A. spallanzania (Rossi, 1792), Iris oratoria (Linnaeus, 1758), Mantis religiosa Linnaeus, 1758, and Empusa fasciata Brullé, 1832. The first exact records of the Mediterranean Mantis, I. oratoria in continental Croatia are reported. The need for a detailed study on the sympatric distribution of A. decolor and A. heldreichi in Croatia is addressed.Istraživanja bogomoljki provedena su na 9 lokaliteta smještenih duž sjeverne i južne obale te unutrašnjosti poluotoka Pelješca (južna Hrvatska). Tehnikom košnje pomoću entomološke mrežice i vizualnim opažanjima bogomoljke su proučavane od 27. srpnja do 8. kolovoza 2013. godine. Zabilježeno je 5 vrsta koje pripadaju u 4 roda, uključujući vrste Ameles cf. decolor (Charpentier, 1825), A. spallanzania (Rossi, 1792), Iris oratoria (Linnaeus, 1758), Mantis religiosa Linnaeus, 1758 I Empusa fasciata Brullé, 1832. U radu se navodi i prva točna evidencija mediteranske vrste bogomoljke I. oratoria u kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske. Potrebno je provesti detaljnija istraživanja kako bi se utvrdila simpatrička rasprostranjenost vrsta A. decolor A. heldreichi u Hrvatskoj

    Bogomoljke (MANTODEA) na poluotoku Pelješcu (južna Hrvatska)

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    Surveys for mantids were undertaken at 9 sites, located along the northern and southern coasts and in the interior of Pelješac Peninsula, southern Croatia. Sweep nettings and visual observations were carried out from 27 July 2013 till 8 August 2013. Five mantid species from four genera were observed, including Ameles cf. decolor (Charpentier, 1825), A. spallanzania (Rossi, 1792), Iris oratoria (Linnaeus, 1758), Mantis religiosa Linnaeus, 1758, and Empusa fasciata Brullé, 1832. The first exact records of the Mediterranean Mantis, I. oratoria in continental Croatia are reported. The need for a detailed study on the sympatric distribution of A. decolor and A. heldreichi in Croatia is addressed.Istraživanja bogomoljki provedena su na 9 lokaliteta smještenih duž sjeverne i južne obale te unutrašnjosti poluotoka Pelješca (južna Hrvatska). Tehnikom košnje pomoću entomološke mrežice i vizualnim opažanjima bogomoljke su proučavane od 27. srpnja do 8. kolovoza 2013. godine. Zabilježeno je 5 vrsta koje pripadaju u 4 roda, uključujući vrste Ameles cf. decolor (Charpentier, 1825), A. spallanzania (Rossi, 1792), Iris oratoria (Linnaeus, 1758), Mantis religiosa Linnaeus, 1758 I Empusa fasciata Brullé, 1832. U radu se navodi i prva točna evidencija mediteranske vrste bogomoljke I. oratoria u kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske. Potrebno je provesti detaljnija istraživanja kako bi se utvrdila simpatrička rasprostranjenost vrsta A. decolor A. heldreichi u Hrvatskoj

    Zanik stanowisk rozrodczych kumaka nizinnego (Bombina bombina) na terenie Powiśla Łomiankowskiego

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    Field surveys for the Fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina were conducted in spring and summer 2013 and 2014. The study area is located in the Vistula River valley, north of Warsaw in Mazovia, central Poland. The area is of a high natural value and partially overlaps with two Natura 2000 areas: the Kampinos section of the Vistula River valley (PLH 140029) and the Middle Vistula River valley (PLB 140004). Two breeding sites of Fire- -bellied toads were detected in the vicinity of river dikes, including one in an ephemeral pond located in the flooded part of the river valley. The results document the decrease in number of breeding sites of the species. The surviving two local populations of Fire-bellied toads are endangered with illegal dumping of construction debris and the close vicinity of motocross track. To reduce the risk of extinction of local populations of Fire-bellied toads in Vistula valley, the authors discuss the proposition to enlarge existing Natura 2000 areas

    Zmiany w występowaniu piżmaka Ondatra zibethicus w centralnej i wschodniej Polsce w latach 1996 – 2007

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    Piżmak Ondatra zibethicus (L. 1766), jest gatunkiem introdukowanym w Europie. Jest rozpowszechniony w całej Polsce, jednak w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach zaobserwowano załamanie jego liczebności. Większość dotychczasowych informacji o występowaniu gatunku opartych było o sprawozdania o stanie zwierzyny Polskiego Związku Łowieckiego. W niniejszej pracy prezentowane są wyniki prac terenowych, w których poszukiwano śladów obecności piżmaka na 1554 stanowiskach badawczych w centralnej i wschodniej Polsce. Ślady obecności piżmaków stwierdzono w 19.5% spośród 1111 stanowisk przebadanych w 1996-1998, i w 5.3% spośród 413 stanowisk przebadanych w 2007 r. Większość stwierdzeń piżmaków znajdowała się w zachodniej części terenu badań. Spadek liczebności gatunku odzwierciedlony jest w istotnym zmniejszeniu się częstości stwierdzeń piżmaków z 44% w 1996-1998 do 7% w 2007 r. na 249 stanowiskach badanych w obu okresach. Spadek liczebności piżmaka spowodowany jest przypuszczalnie drapieżnictwem norki amerykańskiej Neovison vison

    The occurrence of muskrat Ondatra zibethicus in central and eastern Poland in the period 1996–2007

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    Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus (L. 1766), is an introduced species to European fauna. It is widespread in Poland, however, signs of its decline were observed in the last decades. While most of the information on muskrat is based on questionnaires and bag record, in this paper results of field census for muskrat signs (tracks and faeces) at a total of 1554 sites are presented. Signs of muskrats were present at 19.5% of 1111 sites surveyed from 1996-1998, and at 5.3% of 413 sites surveyed in 2007. Muskrats inhabited mostly small and medium rivers in the western part of the study area. The decrease in the occurrence of the species over a study period is the best document by a significant reduction in the frequency of muskrat records at the 249 sites surveyed in 1996-1998 (present at 44% sites) and 2007 (7%). The decline of the muskrat population is most probably the effect of increasing predation by American mink Neovison vison

    Small mammals of the suburban areas of Warsaw in the diet of the tawny owl Strix aluco

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    We investigated the composition of small mammals at nine locations in the southwestern suburban zone of Warsaw (central Poland) through the analysis of the pellets of the Tawny owl Strix aluco. In total, we recorded 611 individuals of 15 species of small mammal communities in the diet. Rodents constituted the most numerous mammalian order. Among the most abundant prey we recorded were Myodes glareolus (63 individuals = 10.3% of all mammals), Apodemus agrarius (56 individuals = 9.2%) (173), Apodemus flavicollis (54 individuals = 8.8%), Mus musculus (48 individuals = 7.9%) and Microtus arvalis (44 individuals = 7.2%). We recorded also some species rarely captured by the tawny owl: Nyctalus noctula and Mustela nivalis. Species composition of small mammals of the study area resembled city parks, with several species typical for anthropogenic landscape

    Drobne ssaki terenów podmiejskich Warszawy w pokarmie puszczyka Strix aluco

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    Zbadano skład zgrupowania drobnych ssaków na 9 stanowiskach położonych w podmiejskiej, południowo-zachodniej strefie Warszawy. Na podstawie analizy wypluwek puszczyka Strix aluco stwierdzono łącznie 611 osobników reprezentujących 15 gatunków drobnych ssaków, głównie gryzoni. Do najliczniejszych gatunków należały: nornica ruda Myodes glareolus (63 osobniki), mysz polna Apodemus agrarius (56), mysz leśna Apodemus flavicollis (54), mysz domowa Mus musculus (48) i nornik zwyczajny Microtus arvalis (44). Stwierdzono gatunki rzadko łowione przez puszczyka: borowca wielkiego Nyctalus noctula i łasicę łaskę Mustela nivalis. W porównaniu do teriofauny Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego, badane zgrupowanie drobnych ssaków cechuje zubożony skład gatunkowy. Jest ono nieco bardziej podobne do zgrupowań zasiedlających miejskie parki, niż do stwierdzonych w Chojnowskim Parku Krajobrazowym. Na terenie badań ponad 25% oznaczonych do gatunku ssaków stanowiły gryzonie charakterystyczne dla krajobrazu silnie przekształconego przez człowieka

    Population of the invasive harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Pelješac Peninsula, southern Croatia

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    Samples of the invasive alien ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, were collected between 27 July and 8 August 2013 at four localities on the Pelješac Peninsula in southern Croatia. Altogether, 209 individuals were collected, of which 114 (54.5%) were males and 95 (45.5%) females. Three color forms were present in the samples: the non-melanic form succinea and the melanic forms spectabilis and conspicua. The form succinea clearly predominated (90.5% of collected individuals) followed by spectabilis (8.1%) and conspicua (1.4%). The ectoparasitic fungus Hesperomyces virescens, not previously reported from Croatia, was found on the elytron of one H. axyridis individual. The localities in Pelješac Peninsula mentioned in this paper are the southernmost of all Croatian localities so far reported to be colonized by H. axyridis

    Notes on the technique of the otter field survey

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    Flora i fauna rezerwatu przyrody Jezioro Kiełpińskie i sąsiednich starorzeczy w strefie podmiejskiej Warszawy

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    Field surveys for aquatic plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates along the banks of Kiełpińskie Lake and surrounding oxbows were conducted in June – August 2010. The study area is located in the Vistula River valley near Warsaw in central Poland. The results document the richness of flora and fauna species in the J. Kielpińskie reserve and adjacent aquatic habitats. A large number of protected species of plants and vertebrates were recorded in the area, including amphibians, birds, and mammals that are of particular importance to the European community, such as the fire-bellied toad, little bittern, western marsh harrier, beaver, and otter. Among aquatic plant communities, the community of "water lilies" Nupharo-Nymphaeetum was distinguished as the most valuable. The chain of oxbow lakes connected by a small stream forms an important ecological corridor. The presence of protected species and rare plant communities associated with the aquatic environment requires a responsible approach to the conservation of these habitats, located in close proximity to a large urban area. It also requires a holistic approach to nature protection in the reserve. In this case, not only should Kiełpińskie Lake be protected, but also its surroundings, which form elements of an ecological corridor