45 research outputs found

    Converging or diverging trajectories of mortality under one year of age in the Baltic States : a comparison with the European Union

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    Funding Information: The present study was supported by the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland (Grant No. N/ST/ZB/18/002/3303). Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: Information about trends in perinatal and child health inequalities is scarce, especially in the Eastern Europe. We analyzed how mortality under 1 year of age has been changing in the Baltic States and the European Union (EU) over 25 years, and what associations occurred between changes in macroeconomic factors and mortality. Methods: Data on fetal, neonatal, infant mortality, and macroeconomic factors were extracted from WHO database. Joinpoint regression analysis was performed to analyze time trajectories of mortality over 1990–2014. We also investigated how the changes in health expenditures and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contributed to the changes in mortality. Results: The reduction of fetal, neonatal and infant mortality in the Baltic countries led to convergence with the EU. In Estonia this process was the fastest, and then the rates tended to diverge. The strongest effect in reduction of neonatal mortality was related to the annual increase in health expenditure and GDP which had occurred in the same year, and a decrease in fetal mortality associated with an increase in health expenditure and GDP in the 4th and 5th year, respectively, following the initial change. Conclusions: These findings outlined convergences and divergences in mortality under 1 year of age in the Baltic States compared with the patterns of the EU. Our data highlighted a need to define health policy directions aimed at the implementation of effective intervention modalities addressing reduction of risks in prenatal and early life.Peer reviewe

    Management of hypoparathyroidism: a Position Statement of the Expert Group of the Polish Society of Endocrinology

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    W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat osiągnięto istotny postęp w zrozumieniu epidemiologii, obrazu klinicznego, etiologii oraz powikłań szkieletowych i nerkowych, a także zmieniły się możliwości leczenia niedoczynności przytarczyc. W przedstawionym Stanowisku Grupy Ekspertów Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego przedstawiono podsumowanie aktualnego stanu wiedzy i oraz rekomendacje optymalnego postępowania, które mają pomóc klinicystom w rozpoznawaniu, leczeniu i monitorowaniu niedoczynności przytarczyc w Polsce. Omówiono także odrębności postępowania w niedoczynności przytarczyc u dzieci, kobiet ciężarnych i karmiących oraz u pacjentów z przewlekłą chorobą nerek. Niedoczynność przytarczyc jest rzadkim zaburzeniem charakteryzującym się hipokalcemią i brakiem lub niedoborem parathormonu (PTH). Niedoczynność przytarczyc może prowadzić do wielonarządowych powikłań, w tym nefrokalcynozy, kamicy nerkowej, niewydolności nerek, zaćmy, drgawek, zaburzeń rytmu serca, depresji i zwiększonego ryzyka zakażeń. Minimalizowanie powikłań niedoczynności przytarczyc wymaga starannej oceny i ścisłego monitorowania wskaźników laboratoryjnych. Konwencjonalne leczenie niedoczynności przytarczyc polega na utrzymywaniu prawidłowego stężenia wapnia w surowicy za pomocą doustnych preparatów wapnia i aktywnej witaminy D. Takie leczenie nie jest doskonałe, nie zastępuje też prawidłowego wydzielania PTH, często wiąże się z niedostateczną kontrolą biochemiczną i budzi obawy o długotrwałe działania niepożądane. Niedoczynność przytarczyc jest jedyną „klasyczną” niedoczynnością wewnątrzwydzielniczą, która nie jest powszechnie leczona suplementacją brakującego hormonu. Dostępne od niedawna preparaty rekombinowanego ludzkiego PTH [rhPTH (1-84)] dają nadzieję, że leczenie niedoczynności przytarczyc brakującym w tym schorzeniu hormonem zapewni lepszą kontrolę i zmniejszy ryzyko powikłań. Jednak takie leczenie jest obecnie w Polsce niedostępne.Over the past few years, there have been significant advances in our understanding of hypoparathyroidism (HypoPT) in terms of its epidemiology, clinical presentation, etiology, and skeletal and renal complications. Moreover, the available treatment options for HypoPT have changed. This position statement of the Expert Group of the Polish Society of Endocrinology summarizes the current state of knowledge and provides recommendations for optimal management to assist clinicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of HypoPT in Poland. The specific aspects of HypoPT management in children, pregnant and lactating women, and patients with chronic kidney disease are also discussed. HypoPT is a rare disorder characterized by hypocalcemia and the lack or deficiency of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Hypoparathyroidism can be associated with complications, including nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, renal insufficiency, cataract, seizures, cardiac arrhythmia, depression, and an increased risk of infection. Minimizing complications of HypoPT requires careful evaluation and close monitoring of laboratory parameters. Conventional management of HypoPT has focused on maintaining serum calcium levels using oral calcium and active vitamin D. However, this approach is limited because it does not restore normal PTH function, is often associated with inadequate biochemical control, and raises concerns as to long-term side effects. HypoPT is the only classic endocrine insufficiency that is not commonly treated with the substitution of the missing hormone. Recently, recombinant human PTH(1-84) has become available, offering hope that the use of the missing hormone in the treatment of HypoPT will help achieve better control and reduce the risk of complications. However, this treatment is currently unavailable in Poland

    Normative data on the Bonn Risk Index for calcium oxalate crystallization in healthy children

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    Bonn Risk Index (BRI) is being used for the assessment of urinary calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystallization. There are no published data regarding BRI during growth. The objective of this study was to establish age- and sex-dependent BRI values in healthy children and adolescents. A total of 1,050 Caucasian subjects aged 3–18 years (525 males, 525 females) without a history of kidney stone disease were enrolled in the cross-sectional study. The study group was divided into 15 ranges according to age, each comprising 70 subjects. Urinary ionized calcium [Ca(2+)] was measured using a selective electrode while the onset of spontaneous crystallization was determined using a photometer and titrating with 40 mmol/L ammonium oxalate (Ox(2−)). The calculation of BRI value was based on the ratio of [Ca(2+)] to the required amount of ammonium oxalate added to 200 ml of urine to induce crystallization. The median BRI was 0.26 1/L and the values of the 5th and 95th percentiles were 0.06 1/L and 1.93 1/L, respectively. BRI correlated positively with body-area-related BRI (1/L × 1.73 m(2)) (R = 0.18; P < 0.05), whereas a negative correlation was found between BRI and body weight (1/L × kg) (R = −0.85; P < 0.05). Neither sex nor age differences were detected in BRI across studied children and adolescents. The values of Bonn Risk Index were constant during growth and there was a limited influence of age and sex on BRI in children over 3 years of age. The BRI may be valuable in the evaluation of pediatric patients at risk for kidney stones, particularly if the BRI from stone formers is demonstrated to be higher than in normal children

    Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in Poland. Update 2022

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    Guidelines to provide an update of the previously published Polish recommendations for the management of women and men with osteoporosis have been developed in line with advances in medical knowledge, evidence-based data, and new concepts in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. A Working Group of experts from the Multidisciplinary Osteoporosis Forum and from the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation in Warsaw performed a thorough comprehensive review of current relevant publications in the field (including all age groups of people and management of secondary osteoporosis), and they evaluated epidemiological data on osteoporosis in Poland and the existing standards of care and costs. A voting panel of all co-authors assessed and discussed the quality of evidence to formulate 29 specific recommendations and voted independently the strength of each recommendation. This updated practice guidance highlights a new algorithm of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for individuals at high and very high fracture risk and presents a spectrum of general management and the use of medication including anabolic therapy. Furthermore, the paper discusses the strategy of primary and secondary fracture prevention, detection of fragility fractures in the population, and points to vital elements for improving management of osteoporosis in Poland

    Practical guidelines for the supplementation of vitamin D and the treatment of deficits in Central Europe — recommended vitamin D intakes in the general population and groups at risk of vitamin D deficiency

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    Wstęp: Wyniki badań z ostatnich lat dokumentują wiele korzyści wynikających z działania witaminy D na organizm człowieka na wszystkichetapach jego życia. Większość badań epidemiologicznych sugeruje, że niedobór witaminy D jest powszechny wśród mieszkańców EuropyŚrodkowej. Naturalną konsekwencją tej sytuacji jest konieczność ciągłego uświadamiania społeczeństwu oraz środowisku medycznemu,jaką rolę odgrywa witamina D w rozwoju i funkcjonowaniu organizmu ludzkiego.Metody: Na podstawie przeglądu danych literaturowych Polski Zespół Wielodyscyplinarny opracował tezy dotyczące zasad suplementacjiwitaminą D, które przesłano do członków Komitetu Naukowego konferencji „Witamina D — minimum, maksimum, optimum”,19–20 Październik, 2012, Warszawa. W trakcie powyższej konferencji z udziałem 550 delegatów oraz Ekspertów różnych dziedzin medycynyomówiono i przedyskutowano propozycje wytycznych suplementacji witaminą D populacji Europy Środkowej.Wyniki: W efekcie przeprowadzonych dyskusji Zespół Ekspertów opracował wytyczne suplementacji witaminą D dla wszystkich grupwiekowych populacji Europy Środkowej. Określono również kryteria diagnostyczne charakteryzujące stan zaopatrzenia organizmu w witaminę D: deficyt witaminy D ustalono jako stężenie 25(OH)D &lt; 20 ng/mL (&lt; 50 nmol/L)], suboptymalne zaopatrzenie jako stężenie25(OH)D wynoszące 20–30 ng/mL (50–75 nmol/L), a stężenie 30–50 ng/mL (75–125 nmol/L) uznano za docelowe dla zapewnienia efektuplejotropowego witaminy D.Wnioski: Poprawa obecnego stanu zaopatrzenia witaminy D w grupach dzieci, młodzieży, osób aktywnych zawodowo i seniorówpowinna zostać włączona do priorytetów polityki zdrowotnej społeczeństw Europy Środkowej.Introduction: Adequate Vitamin D intake and its concentration in serum are important for bone health and calcium–phosphate metabolismas well as for optimal function of many organs and tissues. Documented trends in lifestyle, nutritional habits and physical activityappear to be associated with moderate or severe Vitamin D deficits resulting in health problems. Most epidemiological studies suggest thatVitamin D deficiency is prevalent among Central European populations. Concern about this problem led to the organising of a conferencefocused on overcoming Vitamin D deficiency.Methods: After reviewing the epidemiological evidence and relevant literature, a Polish multidisciplinary group formulated theses onrecommendations for Vitamin D screening and supplementation in the general population. These theses were subsequently sent to ScientificCommittee members of the ‘Vitamin D — minimum, maximum, optimum’ conference for evaluation based on a ten-point scale.With 550 international attendees, the meeting ‘Vitamin D — minimum, maximum, optimum’ was held on October 19–20, 2012 in Warsaw(Poland). Most recent scientific evidence of both skeletal and non-skeletal effects of Vitamin D as well as the results of panellists’ votingwere reviewed and discussed during eight plenary sessions and two workshops.Results: Based on many polemical discussions, including post-conference networking, the key opinion leaders established ranges ofserum 25-hydroxyVitamin D concentration indicating Vitamin D deficiency [&lt; 20 ng/mL (&lt; 50 nmol/L)], suboptimal status [20–30 ng/mL(50–75 nmol/L)], and target concentration for optimal Vitamin D effects [30–50 ng/mL (75–125 nmol/L)]. General practical guidelines regardingsupplementation and updated recommendations for prophylactic Vitamin D intakes in Central European neonates, infants, childrenand adolescents as well as in adults (including recommendations for pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly) were developed.Conclusions: Improving the Vitamin D status of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly must be included in the priorities of physicians,healthcare professionals and healthcare regulating bodies. The present paper offers elaborated consensus on supplementationguidance and population strategies for Vitamin D in Central Europe

    Polish Validation of the SarQoL®, a Quality of Life Questionnaire Specific to Sarcopenia

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    Recently, SarQoL&reg; (Sarcopenia and Quality of Life), a quality of life (QoL) questionnaire specific to sarcopenia, was successfully developed. For practical reasons, there is a great interest in validating this questionnaire in other populations. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to translate and adjust the SarQoL&reg; into Polish and to standardize the validity of this method for the assessment of sarcopenic individuals in Poland with regard to psychometric properties. The English version was used for the translation process. A total of 106 community-dwelling Caucasian subjects aged 73.3 &plusmn; 5.94 years (65.1% females) were studied, with 60 participants being diagnosed sarcopenic. The translation and cross-cultural adaptation was carried out in five phases according to specific standard guidelines. There were no major linguistic issues in the translation process. The data confirmed a good discriminant validity, i.e., significantly lower scores for all domains (reduced global QoL in sarcopenic subjects compared to non-sarcopenic ones; 54.9 &plusmn; 16.5 vs. 63.3 &plusmn; 17.1, p = 0.013), and high internal consistency (Cronbach&rsquo;s alpha coefficient was 0.92). The significant correlation of the SarQoL&reg; scores with those of other questionnaires (SF-36v2&reg; Health Survey and EuroQoL-5-Dimension) that are supposed to have similar dimensions indicated the consistent construct validity of the SarQoL&reg;-PL questionnaire. No floor/ceiling effects were found. An excellent agreement was found between the test and the re-test (intraclass coefficient correlation (ICC): 0.99). The first Polish version of the SarQoL&reg; questionnaire is valid and consistent and therefore may be used with reliability for clinical and research purposes regarding QoL assessment of sarcopenic individuals. However, further research, in particular prospective studies, is needed to determine potential limitations and the suitability of the new tool for the Polish scenario and specificity