31 research outputs found

    Fair Mutual Exclusion with Unfair P and V Operations

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    A Comparison of Strict and Non-Strict Semantics for Lists

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    Parallel symbolic state-space exploration is difficult, but what is the alternative?

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    State-space exploration is an essential step in many modeling and analysis problems. Its goal is to find the states reachable from the initial state of a discrete-state model described. The state space can used to answer important questions, e.g., "Is there a dead state?" and "Can N become negative?", or as a starting point for sophisticated investigations expressed in temporal logic. Unfortunately, the state space is often so large that ordinary explicit data structures and sequential algorithms cannot cope, prompting the exploration of (1) parallel approaches using multiple processors, from simple workstation networks to shared-memory supercomputers, to satisfy large memory and runtime requirements and (2) symbolic approaches using decision diagrams to encode the large structured sets and relations manipulated during state-space generation. Both approaches have merits and limitations. Parallel explicit state-space generation is challenging, but almost linear speedup can be achieved; however, the analysis is ultimately limited by the memory and processors available. Symbolic methods are a heuristic that can efficiently encode many, but not all, functions over a structured and exponentially large domain; here the pitfalls are subtler: their performance varies widely depending on the class of decision diagram chosen, the state variable order, and obscure algorithmic parameters. As symbolic approaches are often much more efficient than explicit ones for many practical models, we argue for the need to parallelize symbolic state-space generation algorithms, so that we can realize the advantage of both approaches. This is a challenging endeavor, as the most efficient symbolic algorithm, Saturation, is inherently sequential. We conclude by discussing challenges, efforts, and promising directions toward this goal

    STIM1 signalling controls store-operated calcium entry required for development and contractile function in skeletal muscle

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    It is now well established that stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) is the calcium sensor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stores required to activate store-operated calcium entry (SOC) channels at the surface of non-excitable cells. Yet little is known about STIM1 in excitable cells such as striated muscle where the complement of calcium regulatory molecules is rather disparate from that of non-excitable cells. Here, we show that STIM1 is expressed in both myotubes and adult skeletal muscle. Myotubes lacking functional STIM1 fail to exhibit SOC and fatigue rapidly. Moreover, mice lacking functional STIM1 die perinatally from a skeletal myopathy. In addition, STIM1 haploinsufficiency confers a contractile defect only under conditions where rapid refilling of stores would be needed. These findings provide novel insight to the role of STIM1 in skeletal muscle and suggest that STIM1 has a universal role as an ER/SR calcium sensor in both excitable and non-excitable cells

    Handling Conflicts in Depth-First Search for LTL Tableau to Debug Compliance Based Languages

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    Providing adequate tools to tackle the problem of inconsistent compliance rules is a critical research topic. This problem is of paramount importance to achieve automatic support for early declarative design and to support evolution of rules in contract-based or service-based systems. In this paper we investigate the problem of extracting temporal unsatisfiable cores in order to detect the inconsistent part of a specification. We extend conflict-driven SAT-solver to provide a new conflict-driven depth-first-search solver for temporal logic. We use this solver to compute LTL unsatisfiable cores without re-exploring the history of the solver.Comment: In Proceedings FLACOS 2011, arXiv:1109.239

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    and Vigyan Singhal. Robust latch mapping for combinational equivalence checking

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    Abstract Existing literature on combinational equivalence checking concentrates on comparing combinational blocks and assumes that a latch mapping (register mapping) has already been constructed. We describe an algorithm for automatically constructing a latch mapping. It is based on the functionality of the circuits being compared rather than on heuristics. As a result, if two circuits are combinationally equivalent, then our algorithm is guaranteed to find a latch mapping. Our empirical results show that the method is practical on large circuits

    Robust Latch Mapping for Combinational Equivalence Checking

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    Existing literature on combinational equivalence checking concentrates on comparing combinational blocks and assumes that a latch mapping (register mapping) has already been constructed. We describe an algorithm for automatically constructing a latch mapping. It is based on the functionality of the circuits being compared rather than on heuristics. As a result, if two circuits are combinationally equivalent, then our algorithm is guaranteed to find a latch mapping. Our empirical results show that the method is practical on large circuits. 1. Introduction When applied to a pair of sequential circuits, combinational equivalence checking typically consists of two steps. The first step is to construct a latch mapping (also known as a register mapping). This identifies corresponding latches in the two designs to be compared. It is then possible to break the circuits into corresponding combinational blocks. The second step is to verify whether the corresponding combinational blocks are equ..

    Automatic verification of pipelined microprocessor control

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    1 Introduction The design of high-performance processors is a very expensive and competitive enterprise. The speed with which a design can be completed is a crucial factor in determining its success in the marketplace. Concern about design errors is a major factor in design time. For example, each month of additional design time of the MIPS 4000 processor was estimated to cost 33-8 million, and 27 % of the design time was spent in "verification and test " [13]

    Efficient validity checking for processor verification

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    We describe an efficient validity checker for the quantifier-free logic of equality with uninterpreted functions. This logic is well suited for verifying microprocessorcontrol circuitry since it allows the abstraction of datapath values and operations. Our validity checker uses special data structures to speed up case splitting, and powerful heuristics to reduce the number of case splits needed. In addition, we present experimental results and show that this implementation has enabled the automatic verification of an actual high-level microprocessor description.