434 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Program “Infanteri Matematika” Di Wilayah 4p

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    Program “INFANTERI MATEMATIKA” bertujuan untuk menyediakan wahana bagi mahasiswa menerapkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama perkuliahan dan ikut berperan serta dalam pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia di Wilayah Pedalaman, Perbatasan, Pesisir, dan Perkotaan (4P). Kata Infanteri dalam hal ini diartikan sebagai Kaum Intelektual Muda (mahasiswa) yang membuka jalan untuk perkembangan pendidikan matematika. Disebut pembuka jalan karena sasaran dari program ini adalah anak usia dini yang baru mulai mengenal matematika. Matematika dipilih sebagai muatan yang disampaikan karena matematika memberikan sumbangsih yang cukup besar dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan pengembangan pola pikir anak/generasi muda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu mengikuti alur Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D). Adapun alurnya, yaitu diawali dengan Studi Pendahuluan, Penyusunan Program, Pengembangan Program, dan Validasi Program. Dalam pengembangan Program, dilakukan uji coba lapangan. Uji coba lapangan dilakukan dengan mengirim empat orang mahasiswa sebagai Infanteri Matematika (IfMat) ke empat sekolah sasaran yaitu SD N 08 Long Peso di Desa Long Buang (Pedalaman), SD N 06 Sebatik Tengah (Perbatasan), SD N 04 Biduk-biduk (Pesisir), dan SD N Utama Satu Tarakan (Perkotaan). Keempat IfMat bertugas mengenalkan Matematika kepada siswa kelas 1 di masing-masing sekolah sasaran. Setelah dilaksanakan seleksi, mahasiswa yang terpilih menjadi IfMat diantaranya: 1) Febriyan untuk wilayah Perbatasan, Kirin Esa Putri untuk wilayah Perkotaan, Ismail untuk wilayah Pedalaman, dan Lisa Rosalia Arisanti untuk wilayah Pesisir. Keempat mahasiswa tersebut melaksanakan Program Infanteri Matematika di wilayah masing-masing dengan subjek coba adalah anak usia pra-sekolah dan anak kelas 1 SD. Beberapa manfaat yang diberikan sebagai dampak dari program ini diantaranya memperbaiki kesalahan pemahaman siswa tentang penulisan lambang bilangan, melatih keterampilan siswa menulis lambang bilangan, mengajak siswa bermain yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan matematika. Penyebutan istilah matematika dalam proses pembelajaran sangat dikurangi, dan proses belajar sambil bermain diterapkan untuk menghindari konflik kognitif pada anak usia dini

    Detection of Coalescent Acute Mastoiditis on MRI in Comparison with CT

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    Purpose Current imaging standard for acute mastoiditis (AM) is contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), revealing inflammation-induced bone destruction, whereas magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outperforms CT in detecting intracranial infection. Our aim was to compare the diagnostic performance of MRI with CT in detecting coalescent AM and see to which extent MRI alone would suffice to diagnose or rule out this condition. Methods The MR images of 32 patients with AM were retrospectively analyzed. Bone destruction was evaluated from T2 turbo spin echo (TSE) and T1 Gd magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo (MPRAGE) images. Intramastoid enhancement and diffusion restriction were evaluated subjectively and intramastoid apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were measured. The MRI findings were compared with contrast-enhanced CT findings of the same patients within 48 & x202f;h of the MR scan. Results Depending on the anatomical subsite, MRI detected definite bone defects with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 54-82%. Exception was the inner cortical table where sensitivity was only 14% and specificity was 76%. Sensitivity for general coalescent mastoiditis remained 100% due to multiple coexisting lesions. The absence of intense enhancement and non-restricted diffusion had a high negative predictive value for coalescent mastoiditis: an intramastoid ADC above 1.2 & x202f;x 10(-3)& x202f;mm(2)/s excluded coalescent mastoiditis with a negative predictive value of 92%. Conclusion The MRI did not miss coalescent mastoiditis but was inferior to CT in direct estimation of bone defects. When enhancement and diffusion characteristics are also considered, MRI enables dividing patients into low, intermediate and high-risk categories with respect to coalescent mastoiditis, where only the intermediate risk group is likely to benefit from additional CT.Peer reviewe

    Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Pendekatan Problem Posing Berbasis Komputer Pada Siswa SMA Kelas X

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana untuk menghasilkan materi pembelajaran matematika problem possing berbasis komputer dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kuantitas dan kualitas pertanyaan siswa dari masalah pendekatan problem possing berbasis komputer. Pertanyaan dan respon siswa dikumpulkan dari 35 siswa kelas satu SMA di Bandung. Data dianalisis dengan deskriptif dengan menggunakan rubrik Leung dan taksonomi Bloom. Untuk menghasilkan materi problem posing berbasis komputer, pertama, guru harus memilih konsep yang diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kemampuan siswa. Setelah itu, guru mencari konteks yang sesuai dengan konsep. Setelah konteks yang dipilih dan cocok tersebut, guru harus memilih software untuk melakukan ide dalam bentuk yang dinamis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 240 pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh siswa, hanya 35% yang masuk akal dan cukup masalah matematika. Dari 35% pertanyaan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa 75% siswa di tingkat pemahaman berdasarkan Bloom taksonomi. Dari 75% siswa yang merespon tersebut menunjukkan bahwa mereka senang terhadap materi yang menggunakan pendekatan problem possing matematika berbasis komputer. This study aims to know how to produce mathematics problem posing material based on computer and to know how the quantity and quality of students\u27 question from mathematics problem posing based on computer. Students\u27 questions and respond is collected from 35 first grade students of senior high school in Bandung. The data is analysed with descriptively by using Leung\u27s rubric and Bloom taxonomy. To produce problem posing material based on computer, first, teacher must choose a concept that wish to be gifted to students. After that, the teacher searchs a context that according to the concept. After the context is selected and match with it, the teacher must choose a software to perform the idea in dynamic form. The result of this study shows that there is 240 questions that pose by students, only 35% is plausible and sufficient mathematics problem. From 35% questions, it shows that 75% students is in understanding level based on Bloom taxonomy. From the questioner, 75% students\u27 respond shows that they are happy toward material presentation by mathematics problem posing approach based on computer

    From urinary tract infection to cochlear implantation: A case report

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    Severe infections can cause difficult neurologic sequelae, sensorineural hearing loss included. In this case report, we describe a 58-year-old female, who had lost hearing in her right ear due to pneumococcal sepsis and meningitis 10 years earlier. More recently, urinary tract infection resulting in Escherichia coli urosepsis, completed the profound hearing disability by means of a total left ear hearing loss. After receiving a cochlear implant on her left ear and uneventful recuperation period, the implant was activated four weeks after the surgery with immediate speech reception and patient satisfaction. First postoperative audiometry two months after the surgery yielded an 84% speech reception

    Patient satisfaction in the long-term effects of Eustachian tube balloon dilation is encouraging

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    Object: To investigate the long-term effects of balloon Eustachian tuboplasty (BET) from patient’s perspective and to discover which symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) benefit the most from BET.Method: We designed a retrospective postal questionnaire based on the seven-item ETD questionnaire (ETDQ-7). Our questionnaire covered the severity of present ETD symptoms in comparison with the preoperative situation, the severity of current overall ear symptoms, and possible surgical interventions after BET. Forty-six patients treated in our institution between 2011 and 2013 fulfilled the inclusion criteria and 74% (34 patients; total 52 ears treated with BET) returned the questionnaire with a mean follow-up time of 3.1 years (range 1.8-4.6 years).Results: Pain in the ears, feeling of pressure in the ears, and feeling that ears are clogged had reduced in 75% of the ears that suffered from these symptoms preoperatively. Seventy-seven percent of all the responders felt that their overall ear symptoms were reduced. Altogether, 82% of all the patients stated that they would undergo BET again if their ear symptoms returned to the preoperative level.Conclusion: Patient satisfaction in the long-term effects of BET is encouraging. These results may help clinicians in preoperative patient selection and counselling.</p

    Detection of Coalescent Acute Mastoiditis on MRI in Comparison with CT

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    Purpose Current imaging standard for acute mastoiditis (AM) is contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), revealing inflammation-induced bone destruction, whereas magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) outperforms CT in detecting intracranial infection. Our aim was to compare the diagnostic performance of MRI with CT in detecting coalescent AM and see to which extent MRI alone would suffice to diagnose or rule out this condition. Methods The MR images of 32 patients with AM were retrospectively analyzed. Bone destruction was evaluated from T2 turbo spin echo (TSE) and T1 Gd magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo (MPRAGE) images. Intramastoid enhancement and diffusion restriction were evaluated subjectively and intramastoid apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were measured. The MRI findings were compared with contrast-enhanced CT findings of the same patients within 48 & x202f;h of the MR scan. Results Depending on the anatomical subsite, MRI detected definite bone defects with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 54-82%. Exception was the inner cortical table where sensitivity was only 14% and specificity was 76%. Sensitivity for general coalescent mastoiditis remained 100% due to multiple coexisting lesions. The absence of intense enhancement and non-restricted diffusion had a high negative predictive value for coalescent mastoiditis: an intramastoid ADC above 1.2 & x202f;x 10(-3)& x202f;mm(2)/s excluded coalescent mastoiditis with a negative predictive value of 92%. Conclusion The MRI did not miss coalescent mastoiditis but was inferior to CT in direct estimation of bone defects. When enhancement and diffusion characteristics are also considered, MRI enables dividing patients into low, intermediate and high-risk categories with respect to coalescent mastoiditis, where only the intermediate risk group is likely to benefit from additional CT
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