14 research outputs found
Scientometric aspect of evaluating scientific performance in the field of natural sciences from 1991 to 2005
S pomoću scientometrijske analize 8436 znanstvenih radova s hrvatskim adresama, objavljenih u časopisima iz prirodnih znanosti koji su indeksirani u bazi WoS-SCI Expanded od 1991. do 2005., definirano je stanje znanstvene aktivnosti na području prirodnih znanosti u Hrvatskoj u navedenom razdoblju. Analizirana su i interpretirana obilježja znanstvene produktivnosti i znanstvenoga odjeka te trendovi u suautorstvu i međunarodnoj suradnji. Na temelju utvrđenih specifičnosti znanstvenoga publiciranja u pojedinim poljima prirodnih znanosti upućuje se na nužnost redefiniranja uporabe scientometrijskih pokazatelja u sustavu vrednovanja znanstvenoga rada na području prirodnih znanosti.The state of scientific activity in the field of natural sciences in Croatia from 1991 to 2005 was established using scientometric analysis of 8436 scientific papers published in natural sciences journals indexed in WoS-SCI Expanded database in the observed period. The characteristics of scientific productivity and scientific impact were analysed and interpreted, as well as the trends in co-authorship and international collaboration. Based on the specificities of scientific publishing in various natural sciences disciplines determined by this research, a need to redefine the use of scientometric indicators in the system of evaluating scientific performance in the field of natural sciences is pointed out
Croatian scientific productivity and visibility in the field of biology measured by journals indexed in WoS 1991–2005
Background and Purpose: The purpose of this research was to establish
the characteristics and the trends of scientific activity in the field of biology in Croatia, using scientometric analysis of scientific papers published in biology journals indexed in WoS-SCI Expanded database for the period of 1991 to 2005. The results could serve as useful tool in defining a more acceptable model for the evaluation and stimulation of scientific work, as well as in highlighting possible directions for the development of biological sciences in Croatia.
Materials and Methods: The research sample consisted of 2,099 scientific
papers which had a Croatian address, published in 342 biology journals
indexed in WoS-SCI Expanded database from 1991 to 2005. The characteristics of scientific productivity and scientific impact, measured using citation analysis, were analysed in the field of biology as a whole, as well as in the various biological disciplines. The journal’s status was determined using its IF from the JCR Science Edition database for 2005. As additional indicators, trends in co-authorship as well as international cooperation were determined.
Results and Conclusions: The evaluation of scientific work in the field
of biology should be adapted to the specificities of scientific publishing in
various biological disciplines. The number of papers in different disciplines varied considerably, as well as the average number of citation per paper and the average number of authors per paper. In the field of biology as a whole, on average 7.3 citations per paper and 4.1 authors per paper were observed. The majority of papers (90%) were co-authored publications. 32.2% of published papers were co-authored with a foreign institution. 7.7% of papers were published in the most prestigious journals by IF (the \u27\u27top 10%\u27\u27 journals). Those papers published in the \u27\u27top 10%\u27\u27 journals which were co-authored with a foreign institution obtained the highest impact (16.8 citations per paper)
Dok je uloga medicine, posebice humane medicine, u životu čovjeka neupitna, autori žele ispitati koje je značenje medicini posvećeno u hrvatskoj leksikografiji i enciklopedici. Prikazan je razvoj medicinske leksikografije i enciklopedike u Hrvatskoj od začetaka u 16. stoljeću do danas, s posebnim naglaskom na djelatnost Leksikografskoga zavoda Miroslav Krleža (LZMK), kao jedine hrvatske institucije koja se sustavno bavi leksikografijom i enciklopedikom već sedamdesetak godina. Položaj i važnost medicine utvrdili su se kronološkim prikazom zastupljenosti medicinskih naziva i tema u djelima hrvatske leksikografije i enciklopedike od 16. do 19. stoljeća, sistematiziranjem i analizom medicinskih izdanja iz 20. stoljeća, posebice onih LZMK-a, te pregledom zastupljenosti medicine u ostalim izdanjima LZMK-a, s naglaskom na Hrvatsku enciklopediju. Pokazalo se da je medicina u značajnoj mjeri bila zastupljena u hrvatskim leksikografskim i enciklopedijskim djelima koja su imala važnu ulogu u usustavljivanju hrvatske medicinske terminologije i spoznaja iz područja medicine. Autori zaključuju da su leksikografija i enciklopedika u Hrvatskoj zadovoljavajuće pratile zanimanje stručne, ali i šire zajednice za medicinu, odnosno medicinske teme.Due to the undeniable importance of medicine in human life, the authors explore the level of attentiveness given to medical topics since the beginnings of Croatian lexicography and encyclopaedistics in the 16th century until today. Specific emphasis is put on the activities of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, as the only Croatian institution which has been systematically involved in the field of lexicography and encyclopaedistics for almost 70 years. The representation and importance of medicine have been established in three ways. Firstly, by chronologically presenting medical terms and topics in the works of Croatian lexicography and encyclopaedistics from the 16th to the 19th century. Subsequently, by systemizing and analysing medical publications published in the 20th century, especially the ones created by the Institute. Lastly, by reviewing the presence of medical terms and topics in other Institute’s publications, especially in the Croatian Encyclopaedia. The study shows that medicine has been well represented in Croatian lexicographic and encyclopaedic works, which have played a significant role in establishing Croatian medical terminology and adding to systematization of knowledge in the field of medicine. The authors conclude that lexicography and encyclopaedistics in Croatia have paid adequate attention to medical topics, as well as mirrored the interest of professional and broader community towards medicine
Genomische Bearbeitung und Auswahl auf der Grundlage von Genen, die mit sportlichen Leistungen in Verbindung stehen – einige bioethische Fragen
Projekt ljudskoga genoma završen je 2003. godine, a njegovi su rezultati otkrili dotada nepoznate detalje o našem genomu: skupinu informacija o tome kako ljudska bića izgledaju, kako djeluju, osjećaju, misle i razvijaju se. Uskoro su ostvarene i druge međunarodne suradnje poput projekta HapMap i Projekta 1000 genoma. Unatoč tomu što su primarno bili usmjereni na istraživanje varijabilnosti u ljudskoj populaciji, kao i moguće povezanosti različitih varijacija s različitim stanjima i bolestima, ti su projekti također znatno utjecali na razumijevanje utjecaja gena na sportski uspjeh. Usporedno su razvijene poboljšane metode genske analize i genskoga preinačavanja na temelju kojih je postalo moguće utvrditi kandidatske gene odgovorne za različite fenotipe uspješnosti u sportu te razviti protokole slične genskim terapijama za poboljšanje sportskih natjecateljskih performansi sportaša. Ovaj rad daje pregled razvoja u genetici, pregled kandidatskih gena povezanih sa sportskim natjecateljskim performansama te etičke dvojbe vezane uz preinačavanje genoma radi poboljšavanja sportskih natjecateljskih performansi.In 2003 the final results of the Human Genome Project revealed the details of our genome: a set of information about how human beings look, how we act, feel, think and develop. Soon after, other global collaborations such as the HapMap project and 1000 Genomes Project were conducted. Although the main focus was to investigate the variability in human populations and the possible connections of certain variations to different conditions and diseases, these projects also had a great impact on the understanding of the genetic influence on sports performance. In parallel, improved methods for gene analysis and gene editing were developed. Based on those methods, it became possible to detect candidate genes responsible for different performance phenotypes and develop protocols similar to gene therapies for performance enhancement in athletes. This review covers developments in genetics, the overview of candidate genes associated with athletic performance, and ethical dilemmas related to the modification of genome for sport performance enhancement.En 2003, les résultats finaux du Projet génome humain ont révélé les détails sur la structure de notre génome : un ensemble d’informations sur l’apparence physique de l’être humain, sur sa manière d’agir, de sentir, de penser, et de se développer. Peu de temps après, d’autres collaborations mondiales telles que le projet HapMap et le projet 1000 Genomes ont été menées à terme. Axés essentiellement sur la variabilité de la population humaine et sur les possibles liens de certaines variations avec différents états et maladies, ces projets ont toutefois eu un important impact sur notre manière de comprendre l’influence que les gènes exercent sur la performance sportive. En parallèle, des méthodes améliorées pour l’analyse du gène et la modification du gène ont été développées. Il est devenu possible sur la base de ces méthodes de détecter les gènes candidats responsables des différents phénotypes associés à la performance et de développer des protocoles similaires aux thérapies géniques afin d’améliorer les performances chez les athlètes. Cet article passe en revue les développements en génétique, donne un aperçu général des gènes candidats associés à la performance athlétique et des dilemmes éthiques liés à la modification du génome dans le but d’améliorer la performance sportive.Im Jahr 2003 enthüllten die endgültigen Ergebnisse des Humangenomprojekts die Details unseres Genoms: Eine Reihe von Informationen darüber, wie Menschen aussehen, wie wir handeln, fühlen, denken und uns entwickeln. Bald darauf wurden weitere weltweite Kooperationen wie das HapMap-Projekt und das 1000-Genome-Projekt in die Tat umgesetzt. Obgleich das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Variabilität der menschlichen Population und den möglichen Verquickungen bestimmter Variationen mit verschiedenen Zuständen und Krankheiten lag, übten diese Projekte auch eine große Wirkung auf das Verständnis des genetischen Einflusses auf die sportliche Leistung aus. Parallel dazu wurden verbesserte Methoden zur Genanalyse und Genbearbeitung entwickelt. Basierend auf diesen Methoden wurde es machbar, Kandidatengene zu detektieren, die für verschiedene Leistungsphänotypen verantwortlich sind, und Protokolle zu entwickeln, die Gentherapien zur Leistungssteigerung bei Sportlern ähneln. Dieser Aufsatz behandelt Entwicklungen in der Genetik, den Überblick über Kandidatengene im Zusammenhang mit sportlicher Leistung und ethische Dilemmata bezüglich der Modifizierung des Genoms zur Steigerung der sportlichen Leistung
Towards a New Concept of Open Access Online Encyclopaedia : A Case Study from Croatia The Role of Encyclopaedias Today 1
Professionally edited open access online encyclopaedias enable a systemic and reliableorientation within the ever-increasing amount of data and information on the Internet.Providing access to scientifically verified information, they represent an important part of theresearch and didactic infrastructure.This paper demonstrates the activities of Croatia’s Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicographyaimed at exploring the new encyclopaedic concept in the digital age. The Institute’s digitaltransformation is shown, which involves the digitisation and online publishing of archivaleditions, publishing of the permanently updated online general encyclopaedia, and thetransformation of specialised encyclopedias to the encyclopaedic portals. Encyclopaedic portalscould represent a new concept of encyclopaedias in the digital realm by serving as platforms fordata networking and sharing, a sort of ‘junction points’ that connect diverse digital content on aspecific topic.Institute’s publicly available repository of encyclopaedic knowledge enables the linking to thedigital data and collections of other research and cultural institutions; therefore thecollaborative projects aimed at reinforcing digital research and cultural infrastructure will bedescribed.Thanks to the properties of the digital media and increasing connectivity, a closer collaborationTowards a New Concept of Open Access Online Encyclopaedia : A Case Study from...between professionally edited online encyclopaedias across Europe (and beyond) is enabled. Thispaper elaborates a range of initiatives seeking to build connections across individual Europeanand North American national encyclopaedias, focusing on the role that Croatianencyclopaedistics plays in this endeavour
Analysis of encyclopaedic relevance on the example of croatian technical heritage
U radu se propituje enciklopedička relevantnost pojedinih tema, odnosno analiziraju razlozi koji utječu na odluku je li i u kojem opsegu određena tema relevantna za obradu u nekom enciklopedičkom djelu. Pretpostavka je da određivanje enciklopedičke relevantnosti nužno ne proizlazi iz historiografskih i znanstveno utemeljenih činjenica, nego je djelomično utemeljeno na subjektivnoj procjeni autora ili urednika. Takva je procjena najčešće odraz percepcije pojedine teme u javnosti, pa je neizbježno podložna nacionalnim, ideološkim, svjetonazorskim i drugim pristranostima, ali je uvjetovana i potencijalnim interesom čitatelja za određenu temu. U radu se razrađuje metodologija analize enciklopedičke relevantnosti tema iz hrvatske tehničke baštine. Analize su provedene na većem broju općih i strukovnih, svjetskih i nacionalnih, tiskanih i elektroničkih enciklopedija. Zaključuje se da analiza enciklopedičke relevantnosti može biti dobar pokazatelj percepcije neke teme u pojedinim sredinama i razdobljima.The paper questions the encyclopaedic relevance of certain topics, that is, it analyses the reasons that influence the decision whether and to what scope a certain topic is relevant to be included in an encyclopaedic work. The hyphothesis is that determining encyclopaedic relevance does not necessarily come from historiographic and scientifically determined facts, but is partly based on the subjective estimate of the author or the editor. Such estimate is most commonly the reflection of perception of a certain topic in the public, so it is unavoidably subject to national, ideological and other biases, but is also conditioned with the potential interest of readers for a certain topic. The paper elaborates the methodology of analysing encyclopaedic relevance of topics from Croatian technical heritage. Those analyses were carried out on a large number of general and specialised, world and national, printed and electronic encyclopaedias. The conclusion is that the analysis of encyclopaedic relevance can be a good indicator of the perception of a certain topic in specific areas and periods
Towards proper evaluation of book publishing in the social sciences
Books are important in the social sciences. Monographs and edited books allow for presenting original research based on methodologies or forms of collaboration that the format of the journal article does not serve as appropriately. Books are also used to engage directly with society. This chapter first introduces book publishing in the social sciences as a diversity of genres, purposes, and audiences. We then limit the scope to peer-reviewed scholarly book publishing and describe how publication patterns differ among the disciplines of the social sciences in the dimensions of books versus journal articles and national versus international publishing.
Then we focus on the structure of the scholarly book publishing market with particular attention to
developments towards open access publishing. The chapter ends with our suggestions for principles that can guide proper evaluation of book publishing in the social sciences.Peer reviewe