8 research outputs found

    Technical and Security Aspects of the CoreTrustSeal Application

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    Past work through the CESSDA Trust Working Group has identified that technical and security infrastructure elements are a challenge for repositories undertaking self-assessments against the CoreTrustSeal. This is perhaps because staff undertaking self-assessments are usually from the curation rather than the technical side of the organisation. The CoreTrustSeal addresses the issues of technical and security infrastructure mainly through Requirements 15 and 16, however, technology and security aspects come into the picture throughout all of the Requirements. Repositories, doing their self-assessments against the CoreTrustSeal should be aware of the issues they need to take into consideration when conducting self-assessments. The poster will present an overview of all of the Requirements from the technical and security point of view, focusing in more detail on Requirements 15 and 16, and identify possible questions, issues, and activities repositories should take into consideration when preparing the application for the CoreTrustSeal. It will show what activities and supporting evidence could be provided for in order to meet the requirements

    Projektrapport till Kungl. biblioteket, Programmet för OpenAccess.se

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    Var och hur forskningsdata ska lagras, vilka delar kan publiceras som open access, hur bör koppling ske mellan öppna arkiv och Svensk Nationell DatatjĂ€nst och slutligen hur koppling bör ske mellan publikation och tillhörande forskningsdata, Ă€r frĂ„gor projektet har stĂ€llt sig. Ett 20-tal intervjuer med forskare har utförts inom ramen för projektet. NĂ„gra kĂ€rnfrĂ„gor Ă„terkommer: NĂ€r i forskningsprocessen aktualiseras datafrĂ„gorna, vem Ă€ger rĂ€tten till forskningsdata, vad Ă€r det faktiska vĂ€rdet av att tillhandahĂ„lla data? Generellt finns bland forskarna en i huvudsak positiv attityd till att lagra och tillgĂ€ngliggöra forskningsdata open access. Idag lagras data ofta pĂ„ en mĂ€ngd olika sĂ€tt, i mĂ„nga fall Ă€ven inom ett och samma forskningsprojekt. Som exempel nĂ€mns egna hemsidor, olika former av portabla lagringsmedia, institutionens servrar, externa portaler och nĂ€tverk, sociala nĂ€tverk som YouTube. HĂ€r efterlyser man befintliga, enhetliga system, liksom stöd – bĂ„de tekniskt och policymĂ€ssigt, vad betrĂ€ffar upphovsrĂ€tt och tillgĂ„ng.Kungl. biblioteket, Programmet för OpenAccess.s

    DASISH Reference Model for SSH Data Infrastructures

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    The current ”rising tide of scientific data” accelerates the need for e-infrastructures to support the lifecycle of data in research, from creation to reuse [RTW]. Different types of e-infrastructures address this need. Consortia like GÉANT and EGI build technical infrastructures for networking and grid computing whereas social sciences & humanities (SSH) consortia like ESS, SHARE, CESSDA, CLARIN and DARIAH build SSH research infrastructures upon such technical infrastructures, providing services to support digital research within the social sciences and the humanities. These services vary from online survey tools and repositories for creating and preserving data to resolvers and authentication services for enabling seamless access to different services or data.Together these services form a data infrastructure. Apart from building and maintaining such data infrastructure, important functions of research infrastructures include e.g. standardisation and engagement

    Projektet Forskningsdata inom humaniora och konstn\ue4rliga vetenskaper – open access? : slutrapport

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    Projektet syftar till att \uf6ka tillg\ue4ngligheten av forskningsdata inom humaniora och konstn\ue4rliga vetenskaper. Efter en inledande kartl\ue4ggning av vilka forskningsdata som finns vid v\ue5ra respektive l\ue4ros\ue4ten kommer vi att f\uf6rs\uf6ka besvara nedanst\ue5ende fr\ue5gest\ue4llningar:Var och hur ska forskningsdata lagras?Vilka delar kan publiceras som open access?Hur b\uf6r koppling ske mellan \uf6ppna arkiv och Svensk Nationell datatj\ue4nst?Hur b\uf6r koppling ske mellan publikation och tillh\uf6rande forskningsdata

    SSHOC D8.2 Certification plan for SSHOC repositories

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    This report is the first deliverable of Task 8.2 “Trust & Quality Assurance” within WP8 of the SSHOC project. The distributed character of data infrastructures within the SSHOC communities requires developing an agreed approach to assessing the trustworthiness and quality of data repositories. This deliverable provides an overview of Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) standards offering a certification framework for communities represented in the SSHOC project (CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, E-RIHS). Moreover, the deliverable lays the ground for the SSHOC trust work that is needed in order to facilitate the adoption of TDR standards and the FAIR principles in SSH data repositories across the board. In this report, ‘trust’ refers to the landscape of issues, standards and processes related to trustworthy digital repositories. Trust between all parties in the quality of data and services is critical for research infrastructure in terms of people, processes and technologies. The level of trustworthiness can be assessed through evaluation against agreed requirements

    List of Recommended Deposit Services for SSH: Deliverable 4.3 of the DASISH project

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    This report was produced in the context of the project Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities (DASISH) work package 4.3 Convergence of Data Services. The goal has been to allow the selection and promotion of high-quality deposit services for researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and to make suggestions for service improvements