17 research outputs found

    The Importance of Apple attributes: A Comparison of Self-explicated and Conjoint Analysis Results

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    the goal of this article was to determine the importance of apple attributes using two research techniques – self-explicated procedure and conjoint analysis. Research was conducted on a sample of 426 consumers of apples in Zagreb, Croatia. The results of self-explicated and conjoint analysis procedures revealed differences in ranking of apple attributes regarding their importance. It is demonstrated that conjoint analysis gives more detailed results and that it is not influenced by respondents’ tendency to give socially acceptable answers. The results of conjoint analysis also give more information for the producers of apples who can use them to create a product that matches consumers’ wishes.apple, conjoint analysis, self-explicated method, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Innovation in commercialization of pelagic fish: the example of "Srdela Snack" Franchise

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    The consumption of fish in Croatia is relatively low for a Mediterranean country. One of the main reasons for this is the inadequate supply of fish. The supply of fish is usually limited to expensive species of whitefish, while the supply of pelagic fish is very scarce. Pelagic fish can rarely be found in restaurants, and in the fish- markets it reaches very high prices. The basic goal of the project "Srdela Snack" (srdela - Croatian word for sardine) was to set up and test a new model of commercialization of pelagic fish through franchise "fast - food" outlets. In the paper we will describe the concept of this new model which includes the whole distribution channel, from fishermen, through processors, restaurants to consumers. In this model fishermen supply fresh pelagic fish to approved restaurant s (members of the franchise) which prepare the fish according to traditional recipes. In this way a completely new product is introduced in the Croatian market. The main idea was to offer a high- quality, simple and convenient meals made of pelagic fish from the Croatian Adriatic. This model of commercialization of pelagic fish was tested through a pilot project. In the pilot project the standards of food quality were determined, the traditional recipes for preparing the food were selected, and the menu, consisting entirely of pelagic fish dishes was made. Finally, the logo of the franchise restaurant was designed. The test restaurant was opened in the summer 2004. The visitors of the restaurant participated in a survey which was used to determine the degree of their satisfaction with the new product and the new model of pelagic fish commercialization. The results of the survey showed that there is a strong demand for pelagic fish in the Croatian market. Most of the interviewed consumers liked the new product; they consider it very healthy, affordable, tasty, and typical for Mediterranean and Croatia. Fishermen and restaurant - owners also showed a great interest for this new model of commercialization because it could provide them with a bigger income. Since the results of the pilot project showed that this kind of innovation in the distribution channel is very successful, this model of franchise restaurants offering pelagic fish "fast - food" can be implemented on the national level.Innovation, Commercialization, Pelagic fish, Franchise, Agribusiness,

    Trust the Health Safety of Fruit - The Importance of Guarantees

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    Today there are many agricultural products in the market with different designations and certificates which are as a proof of product quality and adherence to health standards. However, consumers sometimes find it difficult to differentiate these certificates and they have variable degrees of trust for them. In this article we tried to determine the consumers' general degree of trust in food safety and in the health safety of the fruit offered in Croatia. A comparison is made between the trust degrees for domestic and imported fruit. Consumers also expressed their opinion about the need for various certificates that guarantee the health safety of food products. In this respect, we also tried to determine the various degrees of trust for different certificates. Finally, we tried to determine the degree of trust for different sale channels (city markets, supermarkets, specialized shops and direct marketing).health, safety, trust, fruit, guarantee, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je sastaviti instrument za mjerenje konstrukta potrošačke uključenosti pri donošenju kupovnih odluka te provjeriti njegove mjerne karakteristike. Skala uključenosti testirana je na uzorku od 283 potrošača vina, sira i meda. Statističkom analizom rezultata utvrđeno je da skala uključenosti ima zadovoljavajuću valjanost i pouzdanost. Potrošači su iskazali visoku uključenost za vino i sir, dok su za med dobijene nešto niže razine potrošačke uključenosti. Ovakvi rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu da potrošači pri kupnji navedenih prehrambenih proizvoda svoje odluke ne donose impulzivno, nego prije odluke o kupnji traže dodatne informacije o proizvodu. Skala korištena u ovom radu može se koristiti za mjerenje stupnja uključenosti za različite prehrambene i ostale proizvode na hrvatskom tržištu.The goal of this research was to create an instrument suitable for the measurement of consumer involvement construct and to verify its metric characteristics. The involvement scale was tested on a sample of 283 consumers of wine, cheese and honey. The statistical analysis of results showed satisfactory validity and reliability of the instrument. High level of consumer involvement was found for wine and cheese, whereas consumer involvement for honey was somewhat lower. These results show that consumers, when buying wine, cheese and honey, do not make their buying decisions impulsively, but they search for the additional information about the products. The scale used in this article can also be used to measure involvement levels for different food and other products in the Croatian market

    Export Marketing of Croatian Baby Beef

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    Croatia has traditionally been the exporter of livestock and beef. In 1988 Croatia exported a record of 35,7 thousand tons of livestock, worth almost 60 million US .Duringtheperiodbetween1981and1991,theexportofbeefandprocessedmeatwassomewhatsmaller,about12,8thousandtons,40millionUS. During the period between 1981 and 1991, the export of beef and processed meat was somewhat smaller, about 12,8 thousand tons, 40 million US worth. The most important export destinations were Italy, with almost 90% of all volume and monetary value of export, and Greece. In March 1993 EU has banned the import of livestock and beef from Croatia, due to a scandal with infected cattle. In spite of the subsequent abolition of this ban, Croatian export never really recovered, so today the export of beef amounts to less than a thousand tons. Even though the conditions on the export markets and in the domestic cattle breeding industry have changed, we think that it is possible to achieve the export expansion of Croatian baby beef in the foreign market. This article describes the results of the research conducted on the Italian and Greek market. According to expert opinions and the results of our survey it is evident that, with a certain quality of the product, it would be possible to renew the export of Croatian baby beef to the target markets

    Correlates of food choice in unemployed young people: The role of demographic factors, self-efficacy, food involvement, food poverty and physical activity.

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    yesAssociations between socio-demographic and psychological factors and food choice patterns were explored in unemployed young people who constitute a vulnerable group at risk of poor dietary health. Volunteers (N = 168), male (n = 97) and female (n = 71), aged 15–25 years were recruited through United Kingdom (UK) community-based organisations serving young people not in education training or employment (NEET). Survey questionnaire enquired on food poverty, physical activity and measured responses to the Food Involvement Scale (FIS), Food Self-Efficacy Scale (FSS) and a 19-item Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). A path analysis was undertaken to explore associations between age, gender, food poverty, age at leaving school, food self-efficacy (FS-E), food involvement (FI) (kitchen; uninvolved; enjoyment), physical activity and the four food choice patterns (junk food; healthy; fast food; high fat). FS-E was strong in the model and increased with age. FS-E was positively associated with more frequent choice of healthy food and less frequent junk or high fat food (having controlled for age, gender and age at leaving school). FI (kitchen and enjoyment) increased with age. Higher FI (kitchen) was associated with less frequent junk food and fast food choice. Being uninvolved with food was associated with more frequent fast food choice. Those who left school after the age of 16 years reported more frequent physical activity. Of the indirect effects, younger individuals had lower FI (kitchen) which led to frequent junk and fast food choice. Females who were older had higher FI (enjoyment) which led to less frequent fast food choice. Those who had left school before the age of 16 had low food involvement (uninvolved) which led to frequent junk food choice. Multiple indices implied that data were a good fit to the model which indicated a need to enhance food self-efficacy and encourage food involvement in order to improve dietary health among these disadvantaged young people

    Die Wahrnehmung der Lebensqualität und Pläne zur Abwanderungaus ländlichen Gegenden

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    U radu se iznose rezultati anketnog istraživanja, koje je provedeno u prosincu 2006. i siječnju 2007. godine na uzorku od 941 stanovnika sela u dobi od 25 do 45 godina. U središtu analize jesu njihove percepcije kvalitete životnih uvjeta u naseljima gdje žive i namjere glede ostanka ili napuštanja sela. Cilj je istraživanja bio ustanoviti koji su glavni razlozi napuštanja ruralnih područja i koje su osnovne demografske odrednice možebitnih iseljenika. Istraživanje je pokazalo da svaki peti ispitanik kani u doglednoj budućnosti napustiti svoje selo. Najčešći razlog za migriranje jest nezaposlenost kao glavni potisni čimbenik i želja za poboljšanjem životne egzistencije obitelji, ostvarenje koje se vidi u gradu. Napuštanju ruralnih zajednica sklonije su mlađe, obrazovanije i nezaposlene osobe te osobe koje nisu zasnovale obitelji i koje nemaju vlastiti stambeni prostor. Ustanovljena je statistički značajna povezanost između namjera o ostanku/napuštanju sela i ocjena kvalitete institucionalne i infrastrukture opremljenosti naselja, uvjeta za zapošljavanje u lokalnom okružju i međususjedskih odnosa. Ove uvjete znatno lošije ocjenjuju stanovnici sela koji razmišljaju o preseljenju.This study reports the results of the survey conducted in December 2006 and January 2007, on a sample of 941 rural inhabitants, aged from 25 to 45. The focus of attention was the perception of the quality of living standard in their communities and intentions of staying or leaving the rural area. The goal of the research was to determine the main reasons for leaving rural areas and basic demographic characteristics of potential migrants. Results show that 20% of respondents intend to leave the rural area in the near future. The most common reason for migration and the main push factor is unemployment as well as the desire to improve living conditions for the family and the solution to these problems is often perceived as something that can be attained in the cities. Younger respondents with higher level of education and respondents with no family and no suitable living space are more likely to leave rural areas. There is a statistically significant correlation between intention to stay or leave the rural area and the ratings of the quality of institutional and infrastructural conditions in the communities, conditions for employment and interpersonal relations in the area. All these conditions receive significantly lower ratings by rural inhabitants who consider migrating.Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die im Dezember 2006 und Januar 2007 unter 941 Bewohnern verschiedener kroatischer Dörfer im Alter von 25 bis 45 Jahren durchgeführt wurde. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse stehen die Wahrnehmung der Lebensqualität im eigenen Wohnort und die eventuelle Absicht, aus der ländlichen Heimat abzuwandern. Die Verfasser wollten ermitteln, welche Hauptgründe die Menschen dazu bewegen, ihre ländlichen Heimatorte zu verlassen, und welche grundlegenden demografischen Merkmale die potenziellen Abwanderer aufweisen. Laut Ergebnissen hegt jeder fünfte Untersuchungsteilnehmer die Absicht, in absehbarer Zeit seinen ländlichen Heimatort zu verlassen. Als häufigster Abwanderungsgrund wird Arbeitslosigkeit angegeben sowie der Wunsch, sich und der Familie eine bessere Existenzgrundlage in der Stadt zu verschaffen. Jüngere Menschen mit einer besseren Ausbildung, Arbeitslose sowie unverheiratete Personen ohne eine eigene Immobilie neigen eher dazu, ihr Dorf zu verlassen. Ermittelt wurde ein statistisch relevanter Bezug zwischen Abwanderungsabsichten und der institutionellen und technischen Infrastruktur des Heimatortes, den Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten im unmittelbaren Umfeld sowie den zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen. Die genannten Faktoren werden von abwanderungswilligen Menschen deutlich schlechter bewertet als von Menschen, die ihren Heimatort nicht verlassen wollen

    Export Marketing of Slavonian Kulen: the Results of Market Research

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    The goal of this research is to estimate the possibility of export of Slavonian kulen to foreign target markets: German, Austrian, Italian and Swiss. This research determined the administrative conditions for the export of kulen to EU, and the acceptance of the product from consumer target groups. In this research we used methods of group interview, concept test and organoleptic product test. The results of the research showed that there are no administrative obstacles for the export of kulen to EU. Consumer testing showed that German, Austrian and Swiss consumers like kulen, so these markets are suitable for export. Italian market already has a large offer of dried-meat products and therefore it is less suitable for the export of kulen. The results of this research are a scientifically based estimate of the export possibilities for Slavonian kulen, and they provide an information basis for the creation of an export marketing program

    Die Einstellung von Studenten zu sexueller Belästigung

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti postojanje razlika u percepciji seksualnoga uznemiravanja između spolova, ovisno o spolu i reakciji žrtve. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku 159 studenata i studentica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Nađene su razlike u percepciji seksualnoga uznemiravanja između muških i ženskih ispitanika, kao i razlike u percepciji s obzirom na spol žrtve. Te razlike dobivene su procjenama hipotetskih priča koje opisuju seksualno uznemiravanje. Muški i ženski ispitanici su se razlikovali i po kaznama koje bi odredili za napadača te po onome što bi osjećali i učinili u takvoj situaciji.The goal of this study was to explore differences between male and female perceptions of sexual harassment, depending on the sex and the reaction of the victim. The participants in the study were 159 male and female students from the University of Zagreb. They assessed a hypothetical sexual harassment story on five 4-point Likert scales. The significant differences between men and women were found in their perception of the incident as well as differences concerning the sex of the victim. Women generally assessed the stories more negatively. The assessment was generally more negative if the victim was female. Male and female participants also differed in the kind of punishment they would see as just for the perpetrator, and in the way they would feel and act in such a situation.Ziel dieser Untersuchung war festzustellen, ob das Phänomen der sexuellen Belästigung von Männern und Frauen unterschiedlich wahrgenommen wird, d.h. je nach Geschlechtszugehörigkeit und Reaktion des Opfers. Grundlage dieser Studie ist eine Meinungsumfrage, die unter 159 StudentInnen der Universität Zagreb durchgeführt wurde. Es konnten Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung sexueller Belästigung festgestellt werden, und zwar hinsichtlich der Geschlechtszugehörigkeit des Opfers. Die Angaben wurden mittels hypothetischer Beschreibungen ermittelt, die Fälle sexueller Belästigung zum Gegenstand hatten. Die Unter-schiede in den Sichtweisen männlicher und weiblicher Um-frageteilnehmer beziehen sich sowohl auf die suggerierten Strafen für den Angreifer als auch auf die Art und Weise, wie die Befragten, wenn sie selbst betroffen gewesen wären, empfunden und reagiert hätten

    Die Einstellung von Studenten zu sexueller Belästigung

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti postojanje razlika u percepciji seksualnoga uznemiravanja između spolova, ovisno o spolu i reakciji žrtve. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku 159 studenata i studentica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Nađene su razlike u percepciji seksualnoga uznemiravanja između muških i ženskih ispitanika, kao i razlike u percepciji s obzirom na spol žrtve. Te razlike dobivene su procjenama hipotetskih priča koje opisuju seksualno uznemiravanje. Muški i ženski ispitanici su se razlikovali i po kaznama koje bi odredili za napadača te po onome što bi osjećali i učinili u takvoj situaciji.The goal of this study was to explore differences between male and female perceptions of sexual harassment, depending on the sex and the reaction of the victim. The participants in the study were 159 male and female students from the University of Zagreb. They assessed a hypothetical sexual harassment story on five 4-point Likert scales. The significant differences between men and women were found in their perception of the incident as well as differences concerning the sex of the victim. Women generally assessed the stories more negatively. The assessment was generally more negative if the victim was female. Male and female participants also differed in the kind of punishment they would see as just for the perpetrator, and in the way they would feel and act in such a situation.Ziel dieser Untersuchung war festzustellen, ob das Phänomen der sexuellen Belästigung von Männern und Frauen unterschiedlich wahrgenommen wird, d.h. je nach Geschlechtszugehörigkeit und Reaktion des Opfers. Grundlage dieser Studie ist eine Meinungsumfrage, die unter 159 StudentInnen der Universität Zagreb durchgeführt wurde. Es konnten Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung sexueller Belästigung festgestellt werden, und zwar hinsichtlich der Geschlechtszugehörigkeit des Opfers. Die Angaben wurden mittels hypothetischer Beschreibungen ermittelt, die Fälle sexueller Belästigung zum Gegenstand hatten. Die Unter-schiede in den Sichtweisen männlicher und weiblicher Um-frageteilnehmer beziehen sich sowohl auf die suggerierten Strafen für den Angreifer als auch auf die Art und Weise, wie die Befragten, wenn sie selbst betroffen gewesen wären, empfunden und reagiert hätten