49 research outputs found


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    Nias District has under-five mortality rate of 66.3 per 1,000 live births in 2005 which is considered high. This study aimed to identify the health description of children aged 12–24 months in Lolofitu-moi sub district, North Sumatera Province. Cross sectional design was applied to measure children aged 12–24 months health status. This study is a cluster survey which was conducted from October 9 to 15, 2006. The survey sample included 97 mothers who have children aged 12–24 months in 5 villages by using LQAS method. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The results showed that 79 children sick, 19 children deaths before aged 12 months with 9 deaths occurred after aged 12 months. This study found that 9.3% children aged 12–24 months has low nutrition status.For immunization status, only 4 children out of 97 respondents has a complete immunization report. This study has recommended for Nias District Health Office to improve and strengthen children aged 12–24 months health care supported with regular health promotion for mothers

    Pola Pemeriksaan Kehamilan Pada Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Poned Kabupaten Karawang

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    Karawang district had maternal death cases increasing from 2010 to 2011 with total of 47 maternal deathsand 51 maternal deaths respectively. Bleeding, pre-eclampsia, infection, abortion and others are the maternal causes of death. Maternal mortality remains a strategic health care issue in Karawang districtbecause inaccurate data and information related with maternal health and also lack of antenatal care pattern in community health' centers. This study aimed to identify the antenatal care pattern in five communityhealth centers (CHC) with basic emergency obstetric neonatal services in Karawang district. This study used cross sectional design by using quantitative and qualitative approach. Fifty mother informants and sixmidwives in CHC and Karawang District Hospital were involved from April to October 2011. This studyfinds that the pattern of antenatal care visits increased for fourth trimester but first trimester was low, whilegeographical conditions as well as technical competence of midwives were lacking behind. Technicaltraining and counseling for the family became a priority recommendation from this study.The antenatalcare pattern in five community health centers with basic emergency obstetric neonatal services increasedfor fourth trimester with majority of delivery assisted by midwives

    Health inequity of early age mortality in Ende district, Indonesia

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    Mortality in early age provides a primary measure of health in a population. Despite falls in early age mortality rates (ie, age less than 5 years) in Indonesia in recent decades, high mortality rates exist in poorer provinces in Eastern Indonesia such as Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). The main challenge for NTT is to obtain valid and reliable early mortality data that can be used for developing appropriate health policy and monitoring. This research aims to provide more reliable and up-to-date measures of early age mortality to the local government in Ende and similar district in NTT. It plans to utilize data from an early age mortality survey conducted in 2010 in Ende, and match reported deaths to recent vital registration system. It also will use data from other similar district. Furthermore, qualitative research would identify more depth information or underlying opinions in the community on child survival program in NTT. The expected outcome of this research would be in the form of publish articles both international and national journals and plan of action for local governments to strengthen child survival program. This study also contributes knowledge and experience on measuring mortality in developing countries for international community.3 page(s

    The World Health Report 2000: A Case Study on The Indonesia National Health System

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    The World Health Report (WHR) 2000, which focused on improving health system performance, has been a lot of pro and cons. This article assesses critically the WHR 2000 for Indonesia health system. It discusses the elements of WHO evaluation model, weighting the indicators used, the variablesmeasure, and sources of data. Of 191 countries in the world,Indonesia has attained the total rank of 106, while the level of health and distribution of health was in the rank of 103 and 156, respectively. Furthermore, the rank of health financing responsiveness and fairness was in 63-64 and 73, respectively. Meanwhile, health expenditure indicator rankwas in 154 with the performance of Indonesia national health system for level of health was in 90. Overall, the rank of health system performance for Indonesia was in 92. Nevertheless, there are five critics to the WHR 2000 for Indonesia, namely, issues of obtaining the right data, method to assess responsiveness, fair financing calculation, limitation of scientific value, and further discussion on political agenda and method for assessing health system performance. Despite the limitations on methods and framework used,however, the WHR 2000 has influenced countries to prioritize the health system attainment and performance. This article recommends the necessity of comprehensive health system monitoring and evaluation with sustainable policy.Key words: Attainment, performance, national health systemAbstrakLaporan Kesehatan Dunia (LKD) tahun 2000, yang memfokuskan pada program peningkatan kinerja sistem kesehatan, mengundang banyak pro dan kontra. Artikel ini menilai secara kritis laporan tersebut terhadap sistemkesehatan nasional Indonesia. Artikel ini membahas unsur-unsur model evaluasi WHO, pembobotan indikator yang digunakan, ukuran variabel, dan sumber data. Sebanyak 191 negara di dunia, Indonesia telah mencapai total peringkat 106, dengan tingkat kesehatan dan distribusi kesehatan masing-masing pada posisi 103 dan 156. Lebih lanjut, ketanggapan dan keadilan pembiayaan kesehatan masing-masing berada pada peringkat 63-64 dan 73. Sementara itu, indikator pengeluaran kesehatan berada pada peringkat 154 dengan kinerja Sistem Kesehatan Nasional Indonesia untuk tingkat kesehatan menduduki peringkat 90. Ssecara keseluruhan, sistem kinerja kesehatan Indonesia berada pada peringkat 92. Namun, ada 5 kritik terhadap LKD tahun 2000 untuk Indonesia yang meliputi masalah cara memperoleh data yang benar, metode menilai ketanggapan, perhitungan pembiayaan yang wajar, keterbatasan nilai ilmiah dan diskusi lebih lanjut tentang agenda politik dan metode untuk menilai kinerja sistem kesehatan. Meskipun memiliki keterbatasan metode dan kerangka yang digunakan, LKD 2000 telah mempengaruhi banyak negara untuk memprioritaskan pencapaian dan kinerja sistem kesehatan mereka. Artikel ini menyarankan perlunya pemantauan dan evaluasi sistem kesehatan yang komprehensif dengan kebijakan yang berkelanjutan.Kata kunci: Pencapaian, kinerja, sistem kesehatan nasiona

    Early-age health, survival and inequity issues in a rural eastern district of Indonesia

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    "A thesis submitted for the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Demography, Department fo Marketing and Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University, 2016".Thesis by publication.Bibliography: pages 136-161.Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Inequity issues and mothers' pregnancy, delivery and early-age survival experiences in Ende District, Indonesia -- Chapter 3. Fathers and infant health and survival in a rural district of Indonesia -- Chapter 4. Local governement and community leaders' perspectives on child health and mortality and inequity issues in rural eastern Indonesia -- Chapter 5 Conclusion.Little is known about early-age health, survival and inequity issues at the sub-national level in the Eastern part of Indonesia. This study aims to explore these issues among families, local government officials and community leaders in the underdeveloped Ende district. Thirty-two mothers, fifteen fathers and five grandmothers participated in the in-depth interviews, and thirteen participants in the focus group discussions.Results show that most of the mothers were unable to identify basic childhood illness signs. A lack of midwives in the rural and remote areas was evident. Most of the fathers and all of the grandmothers had only very limited knowledge of the danger signs of childhood illness, and none had received child health-related information from local health staff. Male-dominated forms of decision-making in relation to infant health care were the norm found in this study. The unavailability of midwives and other health staff unavailability, discomfort during delivery and long distances to the closest community health centre remained as a challenge for mothers and fathers in this study. The government officials and local community leaders identified weak leadership, inefficient health management, and inadequate child health budgets as important issues. Midwifery graduates and village midwives were perceived as lacking motivation to work in rural areas. Local traditions were considered to be detrimental to child health.This thesis identifies a pressing need for improving child health education to be provided by midwives or related health staff to mothers, fathers and grandmothers, particularly basic information relating to childhood illness and its danger signs. This thesis suggests changes to policy relating to early-age health, survival and inequity issues in rural districts of Eastern Indonesia.Mode of access: World wide web1 online resource (xiii, 180 pages) illustrations, ma

    Maternal health: Past, present and moving forward

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    Maternal health is commonly referred to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. These are the most important stages during the parenthood experience. It is not surprising that many programs related with maternal health have been widely implemented in many countries. Although important progress has been made in the last two decades, some concerns such high maternal mortality rates remain which include in Indonesia with special attention in the least developed regions.This paper attempts to understand how the changes of maternal health in Indonesia over time and its potential trends in the next future. It focuses on three main concerns: (a) the trends of maternal mortality and its determinants; (b) the utilization of maternal health service and its quality, and (c) the health coverage on maternal health. The analysis considers regional variation and the link to the broader socioeconomic development patterns. A case study on three delay issues: (i) the decision to seek care, (ii) arrival at a health facility; and (iii) the provision of adequate care; will be presented based on our latest empirical studies in the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)

    International Migration of Nurses from South to North Amidst The COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: A Gain or A Drain

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    The complexity of health, social and economic problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic demands rapid, adequate and effective responses. This includes the urgent response from the existing health system to provide high quality of care for infected persons. Unfortunately, the performance of health system in low-resource settings has been weakened prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current pandemic has posed more pressure to the health system including the health workforce security and availability with the isolation periods and lock-down scenarios for many low- and middle-income countries. Nursing has been recognized as a profession with high global mobility. Nurses from the South (developing countries) would often migrate to the North (developed countries) due to security, better pay, and professional development, including working conditions. Nevertheless, aggressive recruitment of nurses from South amid the COVID-19 pandemic is considered unethical. Nurses as part of the essential health workforce are critically needed in their home countries. This editorial argues the benefits and disadvantages of nurses’ migration from South to North. Several key sources from both scientific and grey literature were used in this editorial

    Time to overhaul RI's public health system

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    In their campaigns, our three presidential candidates have largely concentrated on economic issues, including macro and micro economics, but we need to remember that the nation is also facing other no less urgent issues such as the health of the population. It is disappointing that so far the three candidates have only focused a little on their health platforms. Many cases have emerged recently relating to issues of public health. For example, the report on food and drinking water poisoning at some schools resulting from hygiene and sanitation issues. Based on the Yogyakarta-based Gadjah Mada University (UGM) research in 2009, catering services were involved in 65 percent of reported cases of food poisoning, followed by small scale food industries (19 percent) and household foods (16 percent)..