16 research outputs found

    ¿Existe alguna relación entre la capacidad de movimiento funcional y el estado ponderal? Un estudio en escolares españoles

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background: to examine relations between functional movement patterns and weight status in Spanish primary school children and to determine the differences between sexes. Methods: three hundred and thirty-three, 6-13 years old children (164 boys and 169 girls), participated in this study. The main outcome measures were the body mass index (BMI) and the Functional Movement Screen™ (FMS). Children were classified as normal weight (NW), overweight (OV) or obese (OB) according to international cut-offs. Results: total FMS score was negatively correlated with BMI (p < 0.001). FMS score was different between children from NW, OV and OB groups (p = 0.001), lower with the increased BMI (p < 0.001 between all groups). Significant differences (p < 0.05) between NW, OV and OB were found in deep squat, hurdle step, in-line lunge, shoulder mobility, straight leg-raise and push-up tests. As for the sex differences, girls obtained higher scores (p < 0.05) in in-line lunge, shoulder mobility and straight leg-raise, whereas boys did it in push-up (p = 0.044) test. Conclusions: these results confirm that total FMS score significantly and inversely correlates with BMI in a group of 333 school-age children. As for the sex differences, girls outperform boys in movements requiring flexibility and balance, whilst boys outperform girls in tests where muscular strength is required. © 2018 SENPE and Arán Ediciones S.L.Introducción: examinar la relación entre los patrones de movimiento funcional y el estado ponderal en escolares españoles, determinando también la infl uencia de la variable sexo. Métodos: trescientos treinta y tres niños de 6-13 años de edad (164 niños y 169 niñas), participaron voluntariamente en este estudio. Las variables objeto de estudio fueron el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la batería de test Functional Movement ScreenTM (FMS). Los niños fueron clasifi cados como normopeso (NW), sobrepeso (OV) y obesos (OB) de acuerdo con los puntos de corte internacionales. Resultados: la puntuación total en el FMS correlacionó de forma negativa y signifi cativa con el IMC (p < 0,001). La puntuación en FMS fue diferente entre las categorías de peso (p = 0,001), hallando un peor rendimiento en FMS conforme aumenta el IMC (p < 0,001 entre todos los grupos). Se hallaron diferencias signifi cativas (p < 0,05) entre NW, OV y OB en los test de deep squat, hurdle step, in-line lunge, shoulder mobility, straight leg-raise and push-up. En cuanto a las diferencias por sexo, las chicas obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas en FMS (p < 0,05) en los test in-line lunge, shoulder mobility and straight leg-raise; mientras los chicos obtuvieron puntuaciones superiores en el test de push-up (p = 0,044). Conclusiones: los resultados confi rman que la puntuación total en el FMS correlaciona signifi cativa y negativamente con el IMC en este grupo de 333 escolares. En cuanto a la infl uencia del sexo, las chicas obtuvieron mayor puntuación que los chicos en los test que requerían fl exibilidad y equilibrio, mientras los chicos fueron superiores en los test en los que predominaba la fuerza muscular.https://www.nutricionhospitalaria.org/index.php/articles/01670/show#

    Comprehensive diagnosis in patients with morbid obesity; candidates for bariatric surgery and suggestions for preoperative treatment

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Objetivo El propósito del estudio fue analizar y describir las características psicológicas, metabólicas, antropométricas y de condición física de obesos candidatos a cirugía bariátrica, para determinar la intervención preoperatoria. Material y Métodos La población está conformada por 24 obesos candidatos a cirugía bariátrica; cinco hombres y 19 mujeres entre 21 y 60 años. La muestra es de tipo no-probabilística, con sujetos elegidos de manera no aleatoria por conveniencia y voluntarios. Se evaluaron variables psicológicas, antropométricas, metabólicas y de condición física. Resultados La edad promedio de los participantes corresponde a 41,0 años. En el estudio se evidencian bajos niveles en alegría empática. Los síntomas ansiosos presentaron un nivel medio: El 62,5 % presentó depresión mínima, el 29,1 % depresión leve, y el 8,4 % depresión modera. El peso corporal tuvo un promedio de 99,1 kilogramos, la talla de 1,6 metros, el Índice de Masa Coporal (IMC) de 39,3, el porcentaje de masa grasa un promedio de 41,1 y el contorno cintura de 118,0 centímetros. Con respecto a los valores plasmáticos (mg/dl) se obtuvo: colesterol total 192,9, colesterol LDL 120,0, colesterol HDL 43,3, triglicéridos 182,3, Glicemia a 105,9; y la distancia recorrida en seis minutos fue de 511,9 metros. Conclusiones Los resultados aportan información para determinar mejores estrategias de intervención preoperatorias, cambiando así los estilos de vida de los pacientes; logrando que la pérdida de peso post operatoria se sostenga en el tiempo.Objective The purpose of the study was to analyze and describe the psychological, metabolic, anthropometric and physical condition of obese candidates for bariatric surgery. This is in order to determine the preoperative intervention. Material and Methods The population is made up of 24 obese candidates for bariatric surgery; five men and 19 women between 21 and 60 years old. The sample type is non-probabilistic, with non-randomised subjects chosen conveniently and volunteers. Psychological, anthropometric, metabolic and physical condition variables were evaluated. Results The average age of participants corresponds to 41.0 years old. Low levels of empathic joy were observed. Anxiety symptoms presented an intermediate level: 62,5 % presented minimal depression, 29,1 % presented slight depression, and 8,4 % presented considerable depression. Body weight averaged 99.1 kg, height 1.6 meters, Body Mass Index (BMI) 39.3, the percentage of fat mass and contour waist averaged 41.1 118.0 centimeters in that order. With regards to plasma levels (mg / dl), the following were obtained: total cholesterol 192.9, 120.0 LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, 43.3, 182.3 triglycerides, glycerin to 105.9; and distance covered in 6 minutes was 511.9 meters. Conclusions The results provide information to determine best Preoperative intervention strategies; changing the lifestyles of patients, keeping the postoperative weight.http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/rsap/v19n4/0124-0064-rsap-19-04-00527.pd

    Efectos del ejercicio excéntrico en la arquitectura muscular en adultos: una revisión sistemática

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    The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the effects of eccentric training on muscle architecture in the adult population. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statements were followed using keywords associated with architecture muscular and eccentric training. Four databases were used: PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science. Methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro scale. A total of 1260 articles were retrieved, 18 included in this review. The parameters most frequently evaluated in the studies consulted were pennation angle (PA), fascicle length (FL), and muscle thickness (MT). These were assessed mainly in lower limb muscles such as biceps femoris long head (BFlh), vastus lateralis (VL), medial gastrocnemius (MG) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG), respectively. Eccentric training for at least four weeks generates adaptations in these parameters, mainly by increasing MT with FL and decreasing PA, determining muscle function. These results provide evidence on the effects of eccentric training on muscle architecture, which could be helpful to prevent injuries and favor muscle recovery processesEl propósito de esta revisión sistemática fue determinar los efectos del entrenamiento excéntrico sobre la arquitectura muscular en la población adulta. Se siguieron las recomendaciones del Ìtems de referencia para publicar Revisiones Sistemáticas y Metaanálisis (PRISMA) utilizando palabras clave asociadas con la arquitectura muscular y el entrenamiento excéntrico en cuatro bases de datos: PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus y Web of Science. La calidad metodológica se evaluó mediante la escala PEDro. Se encontró un total de 1260 artículos, del los cuales, 18 fueron incluidos en esta revisión. Los parámetros más frecuentemente evaluados en los estudios fueron el ángulo de penación (AP), la longitud del fascículo (LF) y el grosor muscular (Gm). Estos fueron evaluados principalmente en músculos de los miembros inferiores como la cabeza larga del bíceps femoral (CLBf), el vasto lateral (VL), el gastrocnemio medial (GM) y el gastrocnemio lateral (GL), respectivamente. El entrenamiento excéntrico durante al menos cuatro semanas genera adaptaciones en estos parámetros, principalmente aumentando el GM con la LF y disminuyendo el AP, determinando de esta manera la función muscular. Estos resultados aportan evidencias sobre los efectos del entrenamiento excéntrico en la arquitectura muscular, que podrían ser útiles para prevenir lesiones y favorecer los procesos de recuperación muscula

    Reliability of a standing isokinetic shoulder rotators strength test using a functional electromechanical dynamometer: Effects of velocity

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background. The evaluation of the force in internal rotation (IR) and external rotation (ER) of the shoulder is commonly used to diagnose possible pathologies or disorders in the glenohumeral joint and to assess patient's status and progression over time. Currently, there is new technology of multiple joint isokinetic dynamometry that allows to evaluate the strength in the human being. The main purpose of this study was to determine the absolute and relative reliability of concentric and eccentric internal and external shoulder rotators with a functional electromechanical dynamometer (FEMD). Methods. Thirty-two male individuals (21.46±2.1 years) were examined of concentric and eccentric strength of shoulder internal and external rotation with a FEMD at velocities of 0.3 m s-1and 0.6 m s-1. Relative reliability was determined by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Absolute reliability was quantified by standard error of measurement (SEM) and coefficient of variation (CV). Systematic differences across velocities testing circumstances, were analyzed with dependent t tests or repeatedmeasures analysis of variance in case of two or more than two conditions, respectively. Results. Reliability was high to excellent for IR and ER on concentric and eccentric strength measurements, regardless of velocity used (ICC: 0.81-0.98, CV: 5.12-8.27% SEM: 4.06-15.04N). Concentric outcomes were more reliable than eccentric due to the possible familiarization of the population with the different stimuli. Conclusion. All procedures examined showed high to excellent reliability for clinical use. However, a velocity of 0.60 m s-1should be recommended for asymptomatic male patients because it demands less time for evaluation and patients find it more comfortable. © 2020 PeerJ Inc.. All rights reserved.https://peerj.com/articles/9951

    Positive and negative changes in food habits, physical activity patterns, and weight status during covid-19 confinement: Associated factors in the chilean population

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    Indexación: Scopus.The association between the changes in lifestyle during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) confinement and body weight have not been studied deeply. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine lifestyle changes, such as eating habits and physical activity (PA) patterns, caused by confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic and to analyze its association with changes in body weight. Seven hundred participants (women, n = 528 and men, n = 172) aged between 18–62 years old of the Chilean national territory participated in the study. Food habits, PA, body weight, and sociodemographic variables were measured through a survey in May and June 2020. The body weight increase presented positive association with the consumption of fried foods ≥ 3 times per week (OR; 3.36, p < 0.001), low water consumption (OR; 1.58, p = 0.03), and sedentary time ≥6 h/day (OR; 1.85, p = 0.01). Conversely, fish consumed (OR; 0.67, p = 0.03), active breaks (OR; 0.72, p = 0.04), and PA ≥ 4 times per week (OR; 0.51, p = 0.001) presented an inverse association with body weight increase. Daily alcohol consumption (OR; 4.77, p = 0.003) was associated with PA decrease. food habits, PA, and active breaks may be protective factors for weight increase during COVID-19 confinement. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/15/543

    Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Body Composition, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Blood Pressure, and Substrate Utilization During Exercise Among Prehypertensive and Hypertensive Patients With Excessive Adiposity

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    Indexación: Scopus.Regular exercise training is a recognized lifestyle strategy to lower resting blood pressure (BP), but little is known about substrate metabolism in population with high BP. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 16-weeks of HIIT on body composition, BP, cardiorespiratory fitness by (Formula presented.) O2max, and substrate utilization during exercise among prehypertensive and hypertensive patients with excessive adiposity. We also aimed to test the potential association between changes in cardiorespiratory fitness, substrate utilization during exercise and BP. Forty-two physically inactive overweight/obese participants participated in 16-weeks of HIIT intervention. The HIIT frequency was three times a week (work ratio 1:2:10, for interval cycling: rest period: repeated times; 80–100% of the maximum heart rate). Groups were distributed based on their baseline BP: HIIT-hypertensive (H-HTN: age 47.7 ± 12.0 years; body mass index [BMI] 30.3 ± 5.5 kg/m2; systolic [SBP]/diastolic BP [DBP] 151.6 ± 10/81.9 ± 4.2 mmHg), HIIT-pre-hypertensive (H-PreHTN: age 37.6 ± 12.0 years; BMI 31.9 ± 5.3 kg/m2; SBP/DBP 134.4 ± 3.2/74.9 ± 7.0 mmHg), and a normotensive control group (H-CG: age 40.7 ± 11.0 years; BMI 29.5 ± 4.2 kg/m2; SBP/DBP 117.0 ± 6.2/72.4 ± 4.1 mmHg). Anthropometry/body composition, BP, and metabolic substrate utilization during exercise (fat [FATox], carbohydrate [CHOox] oxidation, respiratory exchange ratio [RER], and (Formula presented.) O2max), were measured before and after the 16-week HIIT intervention. Adjusted mixed linear models revealed a significant improved in (Formula presented.) O2max were + 3.34 in the H-CG, + 3.63 in the H-PreHTN, and + 5.92 mL⋅kg–1⋅min–1, in the H-HTN group, however, the Time × Group interaction were not significant (p = 0.083). All the exercise types induced similar decreases on SBP (−8.70) in the H-HTN, (−7.14) in the H-CG, and (−5.11) mmHg in the H-PreHTN, as well as DBP levels (−5.43) mmHg in H-CG group (p = 0.032 vs. H-HTN group). At 16-week, no significant correlations were noted for the changes of blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness or exercise metabolism substrates outcomes. In conclusion, our results suggest that a 16-week HIIT-intervention improved (Formula presented.) O2max and blood pressure BP, but these changes are independent of substrate utilization during exercise in normotensive and hypertensive participants with excessive adiposity. © Copyright © 2020 Delgado-Floody, Izquierdo, Ramírez-Vélez, Caamaño-Navarrete, Moris, Jerez-Mayorga, Andrade and Álvarez.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.558910/ful

    Reliability of low-cost near-infrared spectroscopy in the determination of muscular oxygen saturation and hemoglobin concentration during rest, isometric and dynamic strength activity

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    Indexación ScopusBackground: The objective of this study was to establish the reliability of the Humon Hex near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) in determining muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) and hemoglobin concentration (Hgb) at rest and during isometric and dynamic strength exercises using a functional electromechanical dynamometer (FEMD). Methods: The SmO2 and Hgb values of sixteen healthy adults (mean ± standard deviation (SD): Age = 36.1 ± 6.4 years) were recorded at rest and during isometry (8 s), dynamic strength I (initial load of 40% of the average isometric load, with 2 kg increments until muscle failure) and dynamic strength II (same as I, but with an initial load of 40% of the maximum isometric load) activity. To evaluate the reliability in the determination of SmO2 and Hgb of this device, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM) and coefficient of variation (CV) were obtained. Results: The main results obtained are SmO2 at rest (CV = 5.76%, SEM = 3.81, ICC = 0.90), isometric strength (CV = 3.03%, SEM = 2.08, ICC = 0.92), dynamic strength I (CV = 10.6, SEM = 7.17, ICC = 0.22) and dynamic strength II (CV = 9.69, SEM = 6.75, ICC = 0.32); Hgb at rest (CV = 1.97%, SEM = 0.24, ICC = 0.65), isometric strength (CV = 0.98%, SEM = 0.12, ICC = 0.96), dynamic strength I (CV = 3.25, SEM = 0.40, ICC = 0.54) and dynamic strength II (CV = 2.74, SEM = 0.34, ICC = 0.65). Conclusions: The study shows that Humon Hex is a reliable device to obtain SmO2 and Hgb data in healthy adult subjects at rest and during isometric strength, providing precision for measurements made with this device. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/23/882

    Poor sleep quality decreases concurrent training benefits in markers of metabolic syndrome and quality of life of morbidly obese patients

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background: Sleep quality (SQ) plays a role in multiple activities of daily living, but little is known about its role in concurrent training [CT, high-intensity interval (HIIT) plus resistance training (RT)] adaptations for metabolic syndrome (MetS) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) markers. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of a 20-week CT programme on MetS and HRQoL markers according to the SQ of morbidly obese patients. Methods: Twenty-nine morbidly obese patients were allocated to one of two groups: good sleep quality (GSQ, n = 15, 38.07 ± 12.26 years) and poor sleep quality (PSQ, n = 14, 40.79 ± 11.62 years). HRQoL, body mass index, waist circumference (WC), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP, respectively), and plasma outcomes were measured. Results: The GSQ group reported significant changes (pre-vs. post-intervention) in WC (114.0 ± 3.1 vs. 110.4 ± 3.4 cm, p = 0.012), SBP (137.0 ± 4.3 vs. 125.6 ± 1.8 mmHg, p = 0.006), and HRQoL general health (51.33 ± 21.08 vs. 64.33 ± 16.24, p = 0.020). By contrast, the PSQ group showed significant changes only in SQ (9.00 ± 2.42 vs. 5.36 ± 2.84, p = 0.004). Conclusions: Morbidly obese PSQ patients showed a lower response for improving MetS and HRQoL markers after a 20-week CT programme than GSQ peers. However, there was a greater effect size for decreasing WC and SBP in favour of the GSQ compared with the PSQ group, suggesting that there are limitations to CT benefits on these outcomes in the PSQ group. These results call for more complex future studies. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/18/680

    patrimonio intelectual

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    Actas de congresoLas VI Jornadas se realizaron con la exposición de ponencias que se incluyeron en cuatro ejes temáticos, que se desarrollaron de modo sucesivo para facilitar la asistencia, el intercambio y el debate, distribuidos en tres jornadas. Los ejes temáticos abordados fueron: 1. La enseñanza como proyecto de investigación. Recursos de enseñanza-aprendizaje como mejoras de la calidad educativa. 2. La experimentación como proyecto de investigación. Del ensayo a la aplicabilidad territorial, urbana, arquitectónica y de diseño industrial. 3. Tiempo y espacio como proyecto de investigación. Sentido, destino y usos del patrimonio construido y simbólico. 4. Idea constructiva, formulación y ejecución como proyecto de investigación. Búsqueda y elaboración de resultados que conforman los proyectos de la arquitectura y el diseño


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    The hamstring injuries are recurrent in the sports disciplines of teams such as football, with rehabilitation being a key point to prevent future alterations. Within this process, the strengthening paradigms are rather empirical, therefore, criteria based on the exercises used are required. In this context, the objective of the present investigation is to classify the strengthening exercises of the posterior lower limb chain, based on the amplitude of muscular activation, in amateur soccer players of the Andres Bello University (UNAB), for which a non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional design. The study population was 30 university students, who were studying from first to fifth year, during the academic period 2017. The participants were summoned to the Laboratory of Rehabilitation Sciences, where after signing the informed consent they had to perform a phase of heating on a cycle ergometer, then the MCIV (maximum voluntary isometric contraction) of the semimembranous, semitendinous, biceps femoral and gluteus maximus muscles was calculated, finally applying a battery of strengthening exercises, which were classified according to the intensity of muscle activation. In relation to this, it was obtained that 8 of the 13 exercises implemented were classified as low intensity (p <0.05), 3 of medium intensity (p <0.05) and 2 of high intensity (p <0.05), while the peak of amplitude of the semimembranous, semitendinous and biceps femoral muscles moved to the right in temporal terms, to the extent that the exercises classified as low, medium and high intensity are compared