413 research outputs found

    A new paradigm for known metabolite identification in metabonomics/metabolomics: Metabolite identification efficiency

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    A new paradigm is proposed for assessing confidence in the identification of known metabolites in metabonomics studies using NMR spectroscopy approaches. This new paradigm is based upon the analysis of the amount of metabolite identification information retrieved from NMR spectra relative to the molecular size of the metabolite. Several new indices are proposed: metabolite identification efficiency (MIE) and metabolite identification carbon efficiency (MICE), both of which can be easily calculated. These indices, together with some guidelines, can be used to provide a better indication of known metabolite identification confidence in metabonomics studies than existing methods. Since known metabolite identification in untargeted metabonomics studies is one of the key bottlenecks facing the science currently, it is hoped that these concepts based on molecular spectroscopic informatics, will find utility in the field

    Academic drug discovery: Current status and prospects

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    Introduction. The contraction in pharmaceutical drug discovery operations in the past decade has been counter-balanced by a significant rise in the number of academic drug discovery groups. In addition, pharmaceutical companies that used to operate in completely independent, vertically-integrated operations for drug discovery are now collaborating more with each other, and with academic groups. We are in a new era of drug discovery. Areas Covered. This review provides an overview of the current status of academic drug discovery groups, their achievements and the challenges they face,, together with perspectives on ways to achieve improved outcomes. Expert Opinion. Academic groups have made important contributions to drug discovery, from its earliest days and continue to do so today. However, modern drug discovery and development is exceedingly complex, and has high failure rates, principally because human biology is complex and poorly understood. Academic drug discovery groups need to play to their strengths and not just copy what has gone before. However, there are lessons to be learnt from the experiences of the industrial drug discoverers and four areas are highlighted for attention: (i) increased validation of targets, (ii) elimination of false hits from HTS, (iii) increasing the quality of molecular probes and (iv) investing in a high quality informatics infrastructure

    The role of pharmacometabonomics in predicting drug pharmacokinetics

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    Individual variability in drug response is a key challenge in current clinical practice and in drug discovery and development. Pharmacological response is closely associated with drug concentration at the site of action and therefore knowledge of drug pharmacokinetics is vital to delivering effective therapy. In addition to genetic polymorphisms, environmental factors also play an important role in determining drug efficacy, safety, metabolism and pharmacokinetics. The newly emerging field of pharmacometabonomics uses information from pre-dose metabolite profiles to predict individual drug responses, can be sensitive to both genetic and environmental factors and thus has great promise to help the future delivery of personalized medicine. This article introduces pharmacometabonomics and covers its application to the prediction of pharmacokinetics

    Pharmacometabonomics in humans: a new tool for personalized medicine

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    Pharmacogenomics is now over 50 years old and has had some impact in clinical practice, through its use to select patient subgroups who will enjoy efficacy without side effects when treated with certain drugs. However, pharmacogenomics, has had less impact than initially predicted. One reason for this is that many diseases, and the way in which the patients respond to drug treatments, have both genetic and environmental elements. Pure genomics is almost blind to the environmental elements. A new methodology has emerged, termed pharmacometabonomics that is concerned with the prediction of drug effects through the analysis of predose, biofluid metabolite profiles, which reflect both genetic and environmental influences on human physiology. In this review we will cover what pharmacometabonomics is, how it works, what applications exist and what the future might hold in this exciting new area

    Advancing Childhood Food Security through Organizing Strategies

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    This paper focuses on a project developed in Texas that utilizes community organizing strategies to advance childhood food security. With a dual focus on organizing policymakers and local communities, The Texas Hunger Initiative provides an example of an organizing project with the goal of ending childhood food insecurity in Texas

    Assessing the Effectiveness of a Bedtime Behavioral Intervention for Military Children with a Deployed Parent

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    While there are advantages and disadvantages to the lifestyle of a military family, challenges often include frequent moves, stressful military work environments, and deployments of the active duty member to dangerous war zones. Military children often display an array of internalizing and externalizing problems, with one common problem being disrupted sleep. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the use of current technology to minimize problematic sleep behaviors affecting young children with a recently deployed parent. The intervention required parents to show their child a previously recorded DVD of the deployed parent reading a children’s book prior to the child’s bedtime. Sleep diary data were collected for two children who had been previously identified as having significant bedtime resistant behavior. A nonconcurrent, multiple-baselines across participants research design was used to evaluate data with two data collection phases for both participants. Analyses revealed considerable reductions in the number of bedtime resistant behaviors post-intervention and large effect sizes were yielded for the intervention phases for both participants. Implications for clinical practice are discussed

    Analyzing Math-to-Mastery through Brief Experimental Analysis

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    The current study evaluated the effectiveness of individualized math-to-mastery (MTM) interventions, selected though brief experimental analysis (BEA), at increasing math fluency skills for 3 elementary-aged females. As MTM has only been investigated as a multicomponent intervention, the present study utilized BEA to identify those specific components which led to math skills gains in the most efficient manner possible. BEA results indicated that for 2 of 3 participants only a partial MTM intervention was necessary to prompt fluency gains, while the entire intervention was the most effective for the third. During extended analysis all 3 participants displayed math skills gains above those seen during repeated baseline assessments. Results are discussed in terms of further refining MTM through BEA procedures so as to individually target math skill deficits by considering both intervention effectiveness and efficiency

    Doubly isogenous genus-2 curves with Dâ‚„-action

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    We study the extent to which curves over finite fields are characterized by their zeta functions and the zeta functions of certain of their covers. Suppose C and C are curves over a finite field K, with K-rational base points P and P , and let D and D be the pullbacks (via the Abel–Jacobi map) of the multiplication-by-2 maps on their Jacobians. We say that (C, P) and (C , P ) are doubly isogenous if Jac(C) and Jac(C ) are isogenous over K and Jac(D) and Jac(D ) are isogenous over K. For curves of genus 2 whose automorphism groups contain the dihedral group of order eight, we show that the number of pairs of doubly isogenous curves is larger than na¨ıve heuristics predict, and we provide an explanation for this phenomenon
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