3,290 research outputs found


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    As trade agreements lower tariff rates throughout the world, other barriers to trade emerge. These non-tariff barriers can be just as troublesome for exporting companies. Non-tariff barriers include technical measures, customs rules and procedures, transport regulations or costs, lack of knowledge of regional markets, and import policies. The objective of this study is to identify non-tariff barriers faced by U.S., and more specifically North Dakota, exporting businesses, especially those involved in agriculture, and to identify difficulties involved in exporting products. A survey of North Dakota businesses is conducted to identify important trade barriers. Phytosanitary regulations and railroad problems are two frustrating issues that create barriers to export for North Dakota agribusinesses. Other non-tariff barriers mentioned in the survey include labeling, paperwork, registration, and language differences. When entering new markets, the biggest problems exporters have are making contacts, resolving credit issues, and competing with low-cost competitors from foreign countries.non-tariff barriers, trade, survey, North Dakota exporters, International Relations/Trade,


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    The 147 members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) reached an agreement July 31, 2004, on the framework for the final phase of the Doha Development Agenda of global trade talks. After failing to reach such an agreement at the Cancun ministerial meeting in September, 2003, this framework agreement puts the Doha Round back on-track. Negotiations on the details will begin in September 2004. The original deadline to complete talks by January 1, 2005, has been postponed, and the next WTO Ministerial Conference will be held in Hong Kong in December 2005, at which point the talks could near their conclusion. The objective of this report is to analyze the potential impact of the framework agreement on U.S. agriculture. Most of the details of the agreement have not yet been determined, so an in-depth empirical analysis of the Doha Round is not possible. The agreement does, however, provide a number of objectives and a framework for the final agreement which can be analyzed.International Relations/Trade,


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    This report evaluates the U.S. corn sector, especially changes in ethanol production. This analysis is based on a series of assumptions about general economic conditions, agricultural polices, weather conditions, and technological change. Changes in ethanol production will impact the production, feed use, and exports of corn, as well as the general price level. Federally mandated ethanol usage dictates the growth of ethanol production in the United States. Other factors have limited impact on corn price.ethanol, government subsidies, feed use, corn, exports, Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    The practices of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) are an important issue in U.S. - Canada trade disputes and WTO negotiations. This study analyzes the CWB?s effect on U.S. producers by reviewing findings from previous research and developing models to analyze CWB wheat exports to the United States and the competitive structure of Canadian wheat exports in the world market. U.S. grain producers could benefit from the removal of the CWB as the United States could become more competitive in export markets. However, elimination of the CWB could also result in an increase in Canadian wheat exports to the United States as Canadian producers near the border could sell directly to the United States to take advantage of market opportunities. The net effect is difficult to quantify. The net benefits may be significant in the short run, but reduced significantly in the long run. Similarly, if Canada reforms its wheat board by eliminating trade-distorting subsidies, the United States may increase its exports and Canadian exports to the United States may increase. The net benefits from reforming the CWB could be greater than those from eliminating it. However, the United States could benefit the most from complete elimination of state trading enterprises (STEs), since they have elements distorting trade flows and the United States competes with several STEs in the world wheat market.Canadian Wheat Board, state trading enterprises, price discrimination, wheat exports, Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade,

    Assessment of DNA extracted from FTA® cards for use on the Illumina iSelect BeadChip

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As FTA<sup>® </sup>cards provide an ideal medium for the field collection of DNA we sought to assess the quality of genomic DNA extracted from this source for use on the Illumina BovineSNP50 iSelect BeadChip which requires unbound, relatively intact (fragment sizes ≥ 2 kb), and high-quality DNA. Bovine blood and nasal swab samples collected on FTA cards were extracted using the commercially available GenSolve kit with a minor modification. The call rate and concordance of genotypes from each sample were compared to those obtained from whole blood samples extracted by standard PCI extraction.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>An ANOVA analysis indicated no significant difference (P > 0.72) in BovineSNP50 genotype call rate between DNA extracted from FTA cards by the GenSolve kit or extracted from whole blood by PCI. Two sample t-tests demonstrated that the DNA extracted from the FTA cards produced genotype call and concordance rates that were not different to those produced by assaying DNA samples extracted by PCI from whole blood.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that DNA extracted from FTA cards by the GenSolve kit is of sufficiently high quality to produce results comparable to those obtained from DNA extracted from whole blood when assayed by the Illumina iSelect technology. Additionally, we validate the use of nasal swabs as an alternative to venous blood or buccal samples from animal subjects for reliably producing high quality genotypes on this platform.</p

    Media Portrayal of GM Science and Citrus Greening in State and National Newspapers

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    Huanglongbing (HLB), commonly known as citrus greening, is a bacterial disease severely affecting the profitability and continuation of the citrus industry in Florida and is threatening the citrus industry in other states as well. Currently, the disease only can be managed, not cured. Gene-based therapies, such as GM science, have been identified as a viable long-term solution. However, consumer acceptance of genetically modified food is low and their understanding and acceptance of new technologies is largely dependent on what they receive through mass media. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand news coverage of both citrus greening and gene modification science. This content analysis studied news articles of either citrus greening or gene modification science in national and state-specific newspapers and identified that while citrus greening is not highly covered by newspapers, it is accurately described via appropriate terminology. Genetic modification science is more commonly a topic of news coverage and is somewhat neutral and balanced in coverage. This research shows that source use in media coverage of gene modification science is balanced, but sources are most commonly chosen from organizations with a directed opinion or position on the topic

    Accuracy of direct genomic breeding values for nationally evaluated traits in US Limousin and Simmental beef cattle

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    BACKGROUND: In national evaluations, direct genomic breeding values can be considered as correlated traits to those for which phenotypes are available for traditional estimation of breeding values. For this purpose, estimates of the accuracy of direct genomic breeding values expressed as genetic correlations between traits and their respective direct genomic breeding values are required. METHODS: We derived direct genomic breeding values for 2239 registered Limousin and 2703 registered Simmental beef cattle genotyped with either the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip or the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip. For the 264 Simmental animals that were genotyped with the BovineHD BeadChip, genotypes for markers present on the BovineSNP50 BeadChip were extracted. Deregressed estimated breeding values were used as observations in weighted analyses that estimated marker effects to derive direct genomic breeding values for each breed. For each breed, genotyped individuals were clustered into five groups using K-means clustering, with the aim of increasing within-group and decreasing between-group pedigree relationships. Cross-validation was performed five times for each breed, using four groups for training and the fifth group for validation. For each trait, we then applied a weighted bivariate analysis of the direct genomic breeding values of genotyped animals from all five validation sets and their corresponding deregressed estimated breeding values to estimate variance and covariance components. RESULTS: After minimizing relationships between training and validation groups, estimated genetic correlations between each trait and its direct genomic breeding values ranged from 0.39 to 0.76 in Limousin and from 0.29 to 0.65 in Simmental. The efficiency of selection based on direct genomic breeding values relative to selection based on parent average information ranged from 0.68 to 1.28 in genotyped Limousin and from 0.51 to 1.44 in genotyped Simmental animals. The efficiencies were higher for 323 non-genotyped young Simmental animals, born after January 2012, and ranged from 0.60 to 2.04. CONCLUSIONS: Direct genomic breeding values show promise for routine use by Limousin and Simmental breeders to improve the accuracy of predicted genetic merit of their animals at a young age and increase response to selection. Benefits from selecting on direct genomic breeding values are greater for breeders who use natural mating sires in their herds than for those who use artificial insemination sires. Producers with unregistered commercial Limousin and Simmental cattle could also benefit from being able to identify genetically superior animals in their herds, an opportunity that has in the past been limited to seed stock animals

    What's in your next-generation sequence data? An exploration of unmapped DNA and RNA sequence reads from the bovine reference individual.

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    BackgroundNext-generation sequencing projects commonly commence by aligning reads to a reference genome assembly. While improvements in alignment algorithms and computational hardware have greatly enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of alignments, a significant percentage of reads often remain unmapped.ResultsWe generated de novo assemblies of unmapped reads from the DNA and RNA sequencing of the Bos taurus reference individual and identified the closest matching sequence to each contig by alignment to the NCBI non-redundant nucleotide database using BLAST. As expected, many of these contigs represent vertebrate sequence that is absent, incomplete, or misassembled in the UMD3.1 reference assembly. However, numerous additional contigs represent invertebrate species. Most prominent were several species of Spirurid nematodes and a blood-borne parasite, Babesia bigemina. These species are either not present in the US or are not known to infect taurine cattle and the reference animal appears to have been host to unsequenced sister species.ConclusionsWe demonstrate the importance of exploring unmapped reads to ascertain sequences that are either absent or misassembled in the reference assembly and for detecting sequences indicative of parasitic or commensal organisms

    HTLV-1 Integration into Transcriptionally Active Genomic Regions Is Associated with Proviral Expression and with HAM/TSP

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    Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) causes leukaemia or chronic inflammatory disease in ∼5% of infected hosts. The level of proviral expression of HTLV-1 differs significantly among infected people, even at the same proviral load (proportion of infected mononuclear cells in the circulation). A high level of expression of the HTLV-1 provirus is associated with a high proviral load and a high risk of the inflammatory disease of the central nervous system known as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). But the factors that control the rate of HTLV-1 proviral expression remain unknown. Here we show that proviral integration sites of HTLV-1 in vivo are not randomly distributed within the human genome but are associated with transcriptionally active regions. Comparison of proviral integration sites between individuals with high and low levels of proviral expression, and between provirus-expressing and provirus non-expressing cells from within an individual, demonstrated that frequent integration into transcription units was associated with an increased rate of proviral expression. An increased frequency of integration sites in transcription units in individuals with high proviral expression was also associated with the inflammatory disease HAM/TSP. By comparing the distribution of integration sites in human lymphocytes infected in short-term cell culture with those from persistent infection in vivo, we infer the action of two selective forces that shape the distribution of integration sites in vivo: positive selection for cells containing proviral integration sites in transcriptionally active regions of the genome, and negative selection against cells with proviral integration sites within transcription units