38 research outputs found

    Stakeholders’ environmental influence. An empirical analysis in the Spanish hotel industry

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    We draw on the insights of stakeholder theory to explore the extent to which environmental management practices are driven by (i) an attempt to enhance a firm’s legitimacy, and (ii) a response to pressures arising from powerful stakeholders. The material for this investigation has been gathered from a sample of 279 Spanish hotels. The hotel industry which is only marginally affected by environmental regulation and is thus a widely neglected setting in this context, could be a particularly interesting subject for investigation, able to throw some light on the extent to which firms produce different responses to the environmental concerns of their stakeholders. Our results reveal that corporate environmental management practices may be a response to genuine environmental concerns, and we then speak of explicit environmental management, or there may also be reasons different from the environmental, in which case we speak of tacit environmental management. Our findings suggest that explicit and tacit environmental management account for a variety of organizational responses to the environmental demands of stakeholders, depending on (i) the stakeholders’ power regarding environmental issues, (ii) the stakeholders’ use of power to protect the environment, and (iii) the perceived economic advantages of environmental management activities.Publicad

    Stakeholders’ environmental influence. An empirical analysis in the Spanish hotel industry.

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    We draw on the insights of stakeholder theory to explore the extent to which environmental management practices are driven by (i) an attempt to enhance a firm’s legitimacy, and (ii) a response to pressures arising from powerful stakeholders. The material for this investigation has been gathered from a sample of 279 Spanish hotels. The hotel industry which is only marginally affected by environmental regulation and is thus a widely neglected setting in this context, could be a particularly interesting subject for investigation, able to throw some light on the extent to which firms produce different responses to the environmental concerns of their stakeholders. Our results reveal that corporate environmental management practices may be a response to genuine environmental concerns, and we then speak of explicit environmental management, or there may also be reasons different from the environmental, in which case we speak of tacit environmental management. Our findings suggest that explicit and tacit environmental management account for a variety of organizational responses to the environmental demands of stakeholders, depending on (i) the stakeholders’ power regarding environmental issues, (ii) the stakeholders’ use of power to protect the environment, and (iii) the perceived economic advantages of environmental management activities.Environmental management; Stakeholder theory; Hotels; Service industry;

    ¿Hay hoteles verdes en España? Un análisis exploratorio

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio exploratorio para definir las estrategias medioambientales de operaciones entre los establecimientos hoteleros. Para ello, tras una breve revisión teórica, donde se expone la necesidad de integrar las cuestiones ambientales en la estrategia de operaciones, se proponen las principales dimensiones que ayudan a explicar la respuesta de la empresa a estas consideraciones: la presión del entorno hacia la protección ambiental, la gestión ambiental mínima, la gestión ambiental diferenciadora, los años de experiencia en implantar medidas de protección ambiental, la utilización de las técnicas de la Dirección de Operaciones y la formalización de los planes y programas ambientales. Asimismo, se diseñan escalas de medida para recoger estas dimensiones, las cuales se utilizan para detectar el patrón que siguen más de 240 establecimientos hoteleros españoles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas. Finalmente, se contrastan los resultados de aplicar la tipología propuesta con los obtenidos en otras investigaciones, se sintetizan las principales aportaciones y se plantean líneas futuras de investigación

    Estrategia medioambiental, contexto organizativo y rendimiento: los establecimientos hoteleros españoles

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio de las estrategias ambientales que adoptan los establecimientos hoteleros españoles y se discute si existen diferencias significativas en algunas características organizativas en función de la estrategia ambiental adoptada. Para ello, y en armonía con las principales tipologías de estrategias ambientales detectadas en la literatura, se clasifican los establecimientos hoteleros españoles en cuatro grupos: Proactivos, Defensivos, Acomodativos y Reactivos. Asimismo, se comprueba que estas diferentes estrategias ambientales se explican por distintas características de la organización, tales como la intensidad de la presión social que ejercen los grupos de interés sobre el establecimiento y la posesión de determinadas capacidades organizativas. Adicionalmente, se puede observar que las empresas de los grupos con una estrategia ambiental más desarrollada se asocian a un rendimiento económico superior. Finalmente, se comparan los resultados obtenidos en este estudio con otras investigaciones precedentes y se discuten las implicaciones que se desprenden de este trabajo, tanto en el ámbito académico, como en el profesional

    A comparison of total precipitable water measurements from radiosonde and sunphotometers

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    Atmospheric water vapour is an essential component of the terrestrial atmosphere and must be known precisely in a wide range of applications such as radiative transfer modelling or weather forecasting to mention just a few examples. Vertically integrated measurements, or total precipitable water (TPW) equivalent amounts traditionally derived from radiosonde measurements, are needed in many of these applications and can also be obtained from other methodologies such as sunphotometers or GPS-based techniques. This paper presents a study comparing different measurements of TPW from radiosonde and sunphotometer data recorded from 2001 to 2004 in Barcelona, Spain. Three collocated instruments were employed in this study: RS-80A Vaisala sondes and two types of commonly used sunphotometers (Cimel 318N-VBS7 and Microtops II). A cloud screening filter was applied to photometer data based on the quality control procedure of the AERONET database. A systematic comparison among the measurements indicates that bivariate correlations between different instruments were high, with correlation factors (r2) above 0.8 in all cases. Measurements covered all seasons allowing examining intra-annual variability, which generally did not exhibit statistically significant differences. Examination of 57 concurrent measurements of the three instruments indicated that radiosonde TPW measurements were the highest (15 mm on average) and Cimel and Microtops presented similar values (12 mm and 11 mm respectively).This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under the project DAMOCLES ‘Aerosols characterization by columnar (lidar and extinction) and “in situ” measurements’ (REF: CGL2005-03428-C04-04)

    El efecto de la atmósfera en la atenuación del poder eritemático de la radiación solar ultravioleta

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    En el presente articulo se cuantifica uno de los principales efectos biológicos de la radiación solar, como es el efecto de eritema. Se determina la irradiancia solar eritemática en la cima de la atmósfera, que es del orden de 5 W/m2 y después se compara con la correspondiente atenuada por los gases y aerosoles atmosféricos. Los resultados para el área mediterránea de la Península dan valores de la irradiancia eritemática del orden de 0.25 W/m2 en días de verano al mediodía para cielos despejados y muy claros, siendo del orden de O. 15 W/m2 para los días turbios. Mediante la aplicación de un modelo numérico de irradiancia solar espectral se cuantifica el impacto de la turbiedad atmosférica y de la columna total de ozono en el efecto eritemático de la radiación solar

    Aerosol optical characteristics from a summer campaign in an urban coastal Mediterranean area

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    The authors present a preliminary study of some optical properties of atmospheric aerosols over the area of Valencia, Spain, a coastal Mediterranean city. Measurements of spectral direct irradiance in the 300-1100 nm range were taken simultaneously at three sites: rural-continental, rural-coastal, and urban-coastal, all located within a 50 km radius of the city of Valencia. The irradiance measurements were obtained using three Li-cor 1800 spectroradiometers provided with radiance limiting tubes with field of views (FOVs) of 4.7/spl deg/. The measurements were made under clear sky conditions during a field campaign carried out in the summer of 1998. In order to avoid the uncertainties associated with the determination of the water vapor content and the other atmospheric constituents, the analysis of the spectral aerosol optical thickness (AOT) values was limited to the 400-670 mm spectral band. From the values of the spectral AOT, both the Angstrom coefficients and the aerosol size distributions were obtained. The results show the great dependence of the optical aerosol characteristic on the direction of the prevailing winds (maritime or continental) in this area

    La integración de los stakeholders en la empresa: identificación de sus principales dimensiones

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    La importancia de los Stakeholders en el mundo empresarial actual hace que las empresas estén obligadas a tenerlos en cuenta, y les provoca la necesidad de realizar esfuerzos en integrar las demandas de sus grupos de interés (GI) en las políticas y prioridades de la firma para conseguir su satisfacción. Tras analizar los distintos aspectos que se han tenido en cuenta para analizar las relaciones con los Stakeholders, y utilizando tanto el enfoque descriptivo como normativo de la teoría, identificamos tres dimensiones en el proceso de integración de los GI: el conocimiento de los GI, su implicación en la empresa a través de la consulta y la participación y la modificación de políticas y objetivos para adaptarse a sus demandas. Estas dimensiones se identifican especialmente relevantes para conseguir la satisfacción de los grupos de interés.The importance of Stakeholders in the current managerial world is forcing companies to keep them continually in mind. In addition, it causes the necessity of carrying out efforts aimed at integrating stakeholders’ demands into their politics and priorities in order to achieve their satisfaction. After analyzing the different aspects considered in the study of relationships with Stakeholders, and using both a descriptive and normative theory scope, we identify three dimensions in the process of stakeholders´ integration: the knowledge about them, their implication in the company through consulting and participation, and finally, the modification of enterprises’ politics and objectives in order to adapt to their demands. These dimensions are considered to be of special importance in ensuring Stakeholders’ satisfaction