21 research outputs found

    Dietary manipulation to inprove the nutritional value of lipids from lamb meat

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    A carne de borrego é caracterizada por altos teores em ácidos gordos (AG) saturados e baixos níveis de ácidos gordos polinsaturados (AGPI), propriedades que são consideradas prejudicais para a saúde humana. Para atender às recomendações nutricionais é necessário melhorar a sua composição em AG. A principal motivação desta tese foi explorar algumas estratégias nutricionais que permitam melhorar o valor nutricional da fracção lipídica da carne de borrego. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a suplementação das dietas com óleos vegetais ricos em AGPI é uma abordagem eficaz para reduzir a saturação da carne de borrego e aumentar o seu conteúdo em AGPI. Além disso, a suplementação com mistura de óleos de girassol e de linho permitiu aumentar simultaneamente o conteúdo em isómeros conjugados do ácido linoleico e em AGPI n-3 de cadeia longa. A inclusão de bentonite sódica e de Cistus ladanifer em dietas suplementadas com óleo também mostrou ser uma boa abordagem para melhorar a composição em AG da carne de borrego; ABSTRACT: Dietary manipulation to improve the nutritional value of lipids from lamb meat Lamb meat is characterized by high contents of saturated fatty acids and low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), properties that are regarded as being negative to human health. To meet the nutritional recommendations is necessary improving the fatty acid (FA) composition of lamb meat. The main motivation of this thesis was explored some nutritional strategies that allows improve the nutritional value of lipid fraction from lamb meat. Data presented here show that supplementation of diets with vegetable oils rich in PUFA is an effective approach to decrease the saturation of lamb meat and increase its content in PUFA. Moreover, supplementation with blend of sunflower and linseed oils allowed increase simultaneously meat content in conjugated isomers of linoleic acid and n-3 long chain PUFA. Inclusion of sodium bentonite and Cistus ladanifer in oil supplemented diets also showed to be a good approach to improve the FA composition of lamb meat

    Trabajadorxs de talleres clandestinos en Buenos Aires: Economía política de la trata de personas en un país periférico

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    En este artículo utilizamos los argumentos de Jamie Peck (1996) paraanalizar el origen y evolución del sistema de talleres clandestinos de costurade Buenos Aires en función de los cambios en el proceso de trabajo y en elmarco institucional del mercado local de trabajo. En el análisis del rol delestado en la regulación y combate a la trata de personas con fines deexplotación laboral durante los gobiernos kirchneristas, surgen signoscontradictorios. Por un lado se introdujeron la ley de migraciones, queconsidera a la migración como un derecho humano, y la de combate a la trata depersonas, sobre todo como respuesta a presiones por parte de organizaciones demigrantes y anti-trata. Por el otro, existe un muy alto nivel de toleranciaestatal hacia las prácticas de las empresas. En resumen, acá nos proponemosdemostrar que la legislación pro-migrantes debe ser apoyada por políticas másintegrales que contribuyan a evitar la explotación de mano de obra migrante, yque ello solo ocurrirá si las organizaciones y movimientos sociales desarrollanestrategias exitosas para presionar a los gobiernos a hacer cumplir los derechosde los y las migrantes.Fil: Montero, Jerónimo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Ferradás Abalo, Eliana Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Condensed tannins as antioxidants in ruminants : effectiveness and action mechanisms to improve animal antioxidant status and oxidative stability of products

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    Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences ; ZoologyCondensed tannins (CTs) are widely distributed in plants, and due to their recognized antioxidant activity are considered as possible natural antioxidants for application in ruminant diets. A wide range of CT-rich sources has been tested in ruminant diets, and their effects on animal antioxidant status and oxidative stability of their products are reviewed in the present work. Possible mechanisms underlying the CT antioxidant effects in ruminants are also discussed, and the CT chemical structure is briefly presented. Utilization of CT-rich sources in ruminant feeding can improve the animals’ antioxidant status and oxidative stability of their products. However, the results are still inconsistent. Although poorly understood, the evidence suggests that CTs can induce an antioxidant effect in living animals and in their products through direct and indirect mechanisms, which can occur by an integrated and synergic way involving: (i) absorption of CTs with low molecular weight or metabolites, despite CTs’ poor bioavailability; (ii) antioxidant action on the gastrointestinal tract; and (iii) interaction with other antioxidant agents. Condensed tannins are alternative dietary antioxidants for ruminants, but further studies should be carried out to elucidate the mechanism underlying the antioxidant activity of each CT source to design effective antioxidant strategies based on the use of CTs in ruminant diets.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mudança de paradigma na abordagem aos parasitas gastrointestinais em pequenos ruminantes – controlo integrado com tratamento seletivo

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    O crescente desenvolvimento de resistências aos anti-helmínticos, com particular importância em pequenos ruminantes, tem ameaçado a sustentabilidade da produção no sector. Este desafio no controlo é exacerbado pela escassez de moléculas alternativas e pela crescente consciencialização da contaminação ambiental aquando da excreção dos compostos anti-helmínticos administrados. Neste trabalho, combinaram-se os dados preliminares recolhidos ao longo de dois projectos independentes (VegMedCabras e CistusRumen financiados pelo Fundo Europeu para o Desenvolvimento regional, Alentejo 2020), ainda em curso. Enquanto o primeiro visa promover o pastoreio da vegetação arbustiva mediterrânica de forma ecológica e sustentável por caprinos, o segundo tem por objectivo uma utilização sustentável da Esteva (Cistus ladanifer L.), em pequenos ruminantes, como ferramenta no aumento da competitividade e na redução do impacte ambiental. Em ambos, a infecção parasitária tem vindo a ser avaliada individualmente através da determinação do número de ovos eliminados por grama de fezes (OPG) e aplicada a técnica qualitativa de flutuação por Willis em todas as amostras, individualmente. Os ensaios experimentais realizados no âmbito do projecto CistusRumen incidiram sobre borregos (36 animais) e cabras adultas (18 animais), sujeitos a dietas suplementadas com diferentes concentrações de taninos ou esteva. Entre os resultados obtidos, os achados dos exames qualitativos foram os que revelaram o maior potencial dos taninos. Durante as análises coprológicas dos animais pertencentes a grupos com dietas suplementadas registou-se um fenómeno de rebentamento ou alteração da morfologia dos ovos de estrongilídeos. Os resultados preliminares recolhidos nos ensaios experimentais do CistusRumen complementam os objectivos do VegMedCabras, uma vez que a incorporação de vegetação arbustiva mediterrânica, como a Esteva, cujos taninos auxiliam a absorção proteica ao nível do intestino delgado, contribuem para uma maior capacidade de resposta do hospedeiro às infecções parasitárias. Um aumento na capacidade de resposta associada ao aparente efeito da suplementação da dieta sobre as formas exógenas diminui a necessidade do controlo pelo tratamento, reservando-o para casos específicos com tratamento selectivo do efectivo diminuindo assim a pressão de selecção sobre as resistências e diminuindo a contaminação ambiental

    Effects of increasing doses of condensed tannins extract from Cistus ladanifer L. on In Vitro ruminal fermentation and biohydrogenation

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences ; ZoologyCistus ladanifer (rockrose) is a perennial shrub quite abundant in the Mediterranean region, and it is a rich source in secondary compounds such as condensed tannins (CTs). Condensed tannins from C. ladanifer were able to change the ruminal biohydrogenation (BH), increasing the t11–18:1 and c9,t11–18:2 production. However, the adequate conditions of the C. ladanifer CTs used to optimize the production of t11–18:1 and c9,t11–18:2 is not yet known. Thus, we tested the effect of increasing the doses of C. ladanifer CT extract (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 g/kg dry matter (DM)) on in vitro rumen BH. Five in vitro batch incubations replicates were conducted using an oil supplemented high-concentrate substrate, incubated for 24 h with 6 mL of buffered ruminal fluid. Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and long chain fatty acids (FA) were analyzed at 0 h and 24 h, and BH of c9–18:1, c9, c12–18:2 and c9, c12, c15–18:3, and BH products yield were computed. Increasing doses of C. ladanifer CTs led to a moderate linear decrease (p < 0.001) of the VFA production (a reduction of 27% with the highest dose compared to control). The disappearance of c9–18:1 and c9,c12–18:2 as well as the production of t11–18:1 and c9, t11:18:2 was not affected by increasing doses of C. ladanifer CTs, and only the disappearance of c9, c12, c15–18:3 suffered a mild linear decrease (a reduction of 24% with the highest dose compared to control). Nevertheless, increasing the C. ladanifer CT dose led to a strong depression of microbial odd and branched fatty acids and of dimethyl acetals production (less than 65% with the highest dose compared to control), which indicates that microbial growth was more inhibited than fermentative and biohydrogenation activities, in a possible adaptative response of microbial population to stress induced to CTs and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The ability of C. ladanifer to modulate the ruminal BH was not verified in the current in vitro experimental conditions, emphasizing the inconsistent BH response to CTs and highlighting the need to continue seeking the optimal conditions for using CTs to improve the fatty acid profile of ruminant fat.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tannins in Ruminant Nutrition: Impact on Animal Performance and Quality of Edible Products

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    Tannins are widespread throughout the plant kingdom, occurring as hydrolysable and condensed tannins and at different levels in several animal feeding sources. Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the use of tannin-rich plants and plant extracts in ruminant diets for improving the quality of their edible products. Some results show that this strategy is effective in improving the fatty acid profile of meat and milk, increasing the level of health-beneficial fatty acids as well as enhancing the oxidative stability of the products. However, the use of tannin-rich feed in animal diets requires great care, due to its possible detrimental effects on animal performance and induction of metabolic disorders. Although promising, the results of studies on the effects of tannins on animal performance and quality of their products are still controversial, probably depending on type and chemical structure of tannins, amount ingested, composition of diet, and species of animal. In this chapter, the current knowledge regarding the effect of dietary tannins on animal performance and the quality of their products (meat and milk), particularly on the fatty acid profile, oxidative stability, and organoleptic properties, is reviewed. The tannin chemistry diversity and its occurrence in ruminant diets, as well as its beneficial and adverse effects on ruminants, will be briefly reviewed, and aspects related to oral cavity physiology, saliva production/composition, and postingestive effects will also be discussed

    Ampliación de la distribución del Orthohantavirus genotipo Pergamino: Primer registro en la Provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina

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    Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is an emerging infectious disease of the Americas. Eight native rodent species have been identified as HPS virus reservoirs in Argentina. The aim of this work was to detect the orthohantavirus genotypes present in a rodent community that inhabits a zone where a fatal HPS case occurred within an endemic locality of Central Argentina. We captured 27 rodents with a trapping effort of 723 trap nights. We detected 14.3% of infected Akodon azarae with the Pergamino genotype. This result expands the known distribution of this orthohantavirus. Although the Pergamino genotype has not been associated with human cases, the information about its distribution is relevant for risk assessment against potential changes in the virus infectivity.El síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus (SPH) es una enfermedad infecciosa emergente en América. Ocho especies de roedores nativos han sido identificadas como reservorios del virus causante del SPH en la Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue detectar los genotipos de orthohantavirus presentes en una comunidad de roedores que habita en una zona donde ocurrió un caso fatal de SPH, en una localidad endémica de Argentina central. Se capturaron 27 individuos con un esfuerzo de 723 trampas-noche. Se detectó un 14,3% de Akodon azarae infectados con el genotipo pergamino. Este resultado amplía el conocido rango de distribución de este orthohantavirus. A pesar de que el genotipo pergamino no ha sido asociado con casos humanos hasta el momento, la información sobre su distribución es relevante para analizar el riesgo ante un potencial cambio en la infectividad del virus.Fil: Gomez Villafañe, Isabel Elisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución; ArgentinaFil: Burgos, Eliana Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán". Instituto Nacional de Medicina Tropical; ArgentinaFil: Coelho, Rocío María. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas; ArgentinaFil: Bellomo, Carla María. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas; ArgentinaFil: Garcilazo Amatti, Jerónimo. Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Dirección de Epidemiología; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Valeria Paula. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas; Argentin

    Effect of dietary neutral detergent fibre source on lambs growth, meat quality and biohydrogenation intermediates

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyABSTRACT - With this trial we have tested the effects of structural and chemical composition of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of the diet on lamb fatty acid composition of meat and subcutaneous fat. Twenty lambs, were fed complete diets with low starch and similar NDF content of different origin (ground alfalfa or soybean hulls). Animal performance and product quality were not affected by treatments. Rumen pH increased and parakeratosis intensity decreased with the level of alfalfa in the diet. Increasing the alfalfa proportion in the diet decreased t10–18:1 (P = .023), increased t11–18:1 (P = .003) and decreased the t10/t11 ratio according to a quadratic pattern (P = .020). Chemical composition and structure of the diet's fibrous fraction influenced the BI pattern of the final product. Forty percent of alfalfa in diet reduced the severity of t10-shift, but for its full resolution, other factors should be considered including forage particle size and buffering capacity of the diet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of Cistus ladanifer L. effect on gastrointestinal parasites in lambs

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    Evaluation of Cistus ladanifer L. effect on gastrointestinal parasites in lambs Inês Delgadoa, Sara Tudela Zúquete, David Soldado, Olinda Guerreiro, Eliana Jerónimo, Ludovina Neto Padre Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae) is a bountiful available shrub at the western Mediterranean region, including the south of France, Spain, Portugal and the north of Morocco. It is commonly observed in uncultivated fields. This perennial shrub contains low protein levels and high levels of phenolic compounds, such as condensed tannins (CT). It has a low organic matter digestibility, which, enhanced by its anti-nutritional components results in a poor nutritional value. However, either by natural grazing or by encouraged consumption, the incorporation of Cistus ladanifer L. in small ruminants’ diet may simultaneously act as an important feeding complement as it can transform this shrub into a high-level end-use product. With this objective, our group wanted to determine if its composition could have an influence on gastrointestinal parasites. Gastrointestinal nematode and coccidia pose as a highly significant economic burden for small ruminant production systems. Phenolic compounds, such as tannins are associated with a decrease in gastrointestinal parasites, namely, nematodes. In this study, we evaluated the effect of three levels of Cistus ladanifer CT (0, 1.25 and 2.5%) and two ways of CT supply (C. ladanifer aerial parts and C. ladanifer CT extract) on on gastrointestinal parasites in lambs. Thirty-six crossbred Merino Branco x Romane ram lambs of approximately 60 days of age were randomly assigned to individual pens (6 per dietary treatment). A total of 4 stool collections were sampled from each animal – before dietary treatment application (day 0), at the end of the adaptation period of diets (day 7), and at days 24 and 42 of the trial. Coprological techniques included nematode egg (Epg) and coccidian count by the concentration technique McMaster and all samples were also evaluated by direct microscopic observation by the Willis fluctuation method. Data was analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model procedure that identified a significant interaction of treatment groups over time regarding the strongylid Epg count (Chi2 = 85.9, p ≤ 0.001), through the Penalized Quasi-Likelihood parameter estimation method. Pairwise contrast tests, with the Holm adjustment method, showed that both ways of C. ladanifer CT supply at level of 1.25% of CT (C. ladanifer aerial parts - Chi2 = 21.7, p = 0.0006; and C. ladanifer CT extract - Chi2 = 21.4, p = 0.0006) resulted in significantly lower Epg counts of strongylids over time when compared to treatments without CT supply. This work is funded by Alentejo2020 program through the FEDER under the project CistusRumen (ALT20-030145-FEDER-000023) and by National Funds through FCT under the Project UID/AGR/00115/2019

    Evaluating natural alternatives as hypothetical nutraceuticals against gastrointestinal parasites in lactating Goats

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    Evaluating natural alternatives as hypothetical nutraceuticals against gastrointestinal parasites in lactating Goats Sara Tudela Zúquetea, Inês Delgado, David Soldado, Liliana Cachucho, Letícia Fialho, Olinda Guerreiro, Eliana Jerónimo, Ludovina Neto Padre E-mail: [email protected] Gastrointestinal parasite burden on goats translates into high production losses due to inadequate growth and poor milk production. These parasites are also responsible for higher mortality rates when facing high infestations levels or, more frequently, in kids. During the last decades, effective anti-helminthic compounds controlled such situations. However, the approach to such problem shifted and marked animal production systems from the eighties onwards. Drugs used for treatment of severe situations started to be administered as prophylaxis at frequent time intervals. Initially, such switch had an enormous success as it allowed an unforeseen growth and intensification of animal production at a relative low cost. Later, the onset of the first anti-helminthic resistance was bypassed by new molecule research and synthesis. Notwithstanding, presently, resistance to the most recent anti-helminthics, macrocyclic lactones and monepantel, are reported at distinct regions of the globe, even though some countries have not yet approved the latter, as the US. Clinicians are now facing a new threat as we are on the verge to lose the molecules we use to treat. Furthermore, resistance also poses as a public health threat not only for the risks implied specially for soiltransmitted helminthes subjected to the pharmaceutical compounds excreted by animal feces, but also by the environmental contamination only recently being consciously addressed. In order to surpass such threats, new natural alternatives must be further investigated. At the present work, we evaluated the effect of two distinct condensed tannin (CT) plant extracts – Cistus ladanifer L. (Rockrose, Esteva in Portuguese) and Schinopsis lorentzii (Quebracho) on gastrointestinal parasites in lactating goats. Eighteen Serpentina goats were individually housed and randomly assigned to one of three diets (control – without CT; Ci – with C. ladanifer extract; Sc – with S. lorentzii extract). In both diets with CT extracts, 20 g/head of CT were supplied daily. Individual stool collections were sampled before dietary treatment application (day 0), at the end of the adaptation period of diets (day 14), and at days 21, 28 and 35 of the trial. Coprological analysis included concentration McMaster technique for egg count (Epg) and Willis fluctuation assay for microscopic observation. Data was analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model procedure that identified a significant interaction of treatment groups over time regarding the strongylid Epg count (Chi2 = 1355.6, p ≤ 0.001), through the Gauss-Hermite quadrature parameter estimation method. Pairwise contrast tests, with the Holm adjustment method, showed that both Ci (Chi2 = 148.1, p < 0.0001) and Sc (Chi2 = 962.3, p < 0.0001) treatments resulted in significantly lower Epg counts of strongylids over time when compared to the control group. The Sc group also presented a significantly lower Epg counts of strongylids over time when compared to the Ci group (Chi2 = 1054.8, p < 0.0001). This work is funded by Alentejo2020 program through the FEDER under the project CistusRumen (ALT20-03-0145FEDER-000023) and by National Funds through FCT under the Project UID/AGR/00115/2019