116 research outputs found

    Magneto-Electric Nano-Particles for Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation

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    This paper for the first time discusses a computational study of using magneto-electric (ME) nanoparticles to artificially stimulate the neural activity deep in the brain. The new technology provides a unique way to couple electric signals in the neural network to the magnetic dipoles in the nanoparticles with the purpose to enable a non-invasive approach. Simulations of the effect of ME nanoparticles for non-invasively stimulating the brain of a patient with Parkinson’s Disease to bring the pulsed sequences of the electric field to the levels comparable to those of healthy people show that the optimized values for the concentration of the 20-nm nanoparticles (with the magneto-electric (ME) coefficient of 100 V cm21 Oe21 in the aqueous solution) is 36106 particles/cc, and the frequency of the externally applied 300-Oe magnetic field is 80 Hz

    Externally controlled on-demand release of anti-HIV drug using magneto-electric nanoparticles as carriers

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    Although highly active anti-retroviral therapy has resulted in remarkable decline in the morbidity and mortality in AIDS patients, inadequately low delivery of anti-retroviral drugs across the blood–brain barrier results in virus persistence. The capability of high-efficacy-targeted drug delivery and on-demand release remains a formidable task. Here we report an in vitro study to demonstrate the on-demand release of azidothymidine 5â€Č-triphosphate, an anti-human immunodeficiency virus drug, from 30 nm CoFe2O4@BaTiO3 magneto-electric nanoparticles by applying a low alternating current magnetic field. Magneto-electric nanoparticles as field-controlled drug carriers offer a unique capability of field-triggered release after crossing the blood–brain barrier. Owing to the intrinsic magnetoelectricity, these nanoparticles can couple external magnetic fields with the electric forces in drug–carrier bonds to enable remotely controlled delivery without exploiting heat. Functional and structural integrity of the drug after the release was confirmed in in vitro experiments with human immunodeficiency virus-infected cells and through atomic force microscopy, spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared and mass spectrometry studies

    Switching of Perpendicularly Polarized Nanomagnets with Spin Orbit Torque without an External Magnetic Field by Engineering a Tilted Anisotropy

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    Spin orbit torque (SOT) provides an efficient way of generating spin current that promises to significantly reduce the current required for switching nanomagnets. However, an in-plane current generated SOT cannot deterministically switch a perpendicularly polarized magnet due to symmetry reasons. On the other hand, perpendicularly polarized magnets are preferred over in-plane magnets for high-density data storage applications due to their significantly larger thermal stability in ultra-scaled dimensions. Here we show that it is possible switch a perpendicularly polarized magnet by SOT without needing an external magnetic field. This is accomplished by engineering an anisotropy in the magnets such that the magnetic easy axis slightly tilts away from the film-normal. Such a tilted anisotropy breaks the symmetry of the problem and makes it possible to switch the magnet deterministically. Using a simple Ta/CoFeB/MgO/Ta heterostructure, we demonstrate reversible switching of the magnetization by reversing the polarity of the applied current. This demonstration presents a new approach for controlling nanomagnets with spin orbit torque

    Room-temperature Magnetic Ordering in Functionalized Graphene

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    Despite theoretical predictions, the question of room-temperature magnetic order in graphene must be conclusively resolved before graphene can fully achieve its potential as a spintronic medium. Through scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and point I-V measurements, the current study reveals that unlike pristine samples, graphene nanostructures, when functionalized with aryl radicals, can sustain magnetic order. STM images show 1-D and 2-D periodic super-lattices originating from the functionalization of a single sub-lattice of the bipartite graphene structure. Field-dependent super-lattices in 3-nm wide “zigzag” nanoribbons indicate local moments with parallel and anti-parallel ordering along and across the edges, respectively. Anti-parallel ordering is observed in 2-D segments with sizes of over 20 nm. The field dependence of STM images and point I-V curves indicates a spin polarized local density of states (LDOS), an out-of-plane anisotropy field of less than 10 Oe, and an exchange coupling field of 100 Oe at room temperature

    Multifunctional TPP-PEG-biotin self-assembled nanoparticle drug delivery-based combination therapeutic approach for co-targeting of GRP78 and lysosome

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    Abstract Background In this study, a multifunctional tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) conjugated polyethylene glycol with biotin (TPP-PEG-biotin) as a photo-dynamic therapy (PDT) material encapsulating a ruthenium complex 1 (Ru-1) was fabricated as self-assembled nanoparticle (Ru-1@TPP-PEG-biotin SAN) to co-target glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) and the lysosome as a new anti-cancer therapeutic strategy. Results The MTT assay results reveals the enhanced anticancer activity of the Ru-1@TPP-PEG-biotin SANs due to the co-targeting of the GRP78 and lysosome. The Ru-1@TPP-PEG-biotin reduced level of GRP78 and lysosomal ceramide that contributed to the stability of the lysosomal membrane. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress concomitant with the inhibition of GRP78 was clearly monitored by the phosphorylation of protein kinase R (PKR)-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK), and inositol-requiring enzyme 1 α (IRE1α) kinases to indicate the activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling using immunofluorescence assay. On the other hand, the degradation of the lysosome was observed through PDT action by the Ru-1@TPP-PEG-biotin SAN treatment. This was confirmed by the co-localization assay showing the disappearance of cathepsin D and lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP1) in the lysosome. Conclusions Considering lysosome-mediated autophagy is an effective cancer cell survival mechanism, the degradation of the lysosome along with GRP78 inhibition by the Ru-1@TPP-PEG-biotin SAN combination therapy is suggested as a new co-targeting cancer treatment

    Interrupted aortic arch diagnosed with loss of femoral pulse in a patient undergoing patent ductus arteriosus ligation -A case report-

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    A 12-year-old boy with ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus was presented to the operating room. Upon clamping the patent ductus arteriosus, the femoral arterial pressure curve was lost; however, it returned upon unclamping. Upon further dissection, an interrupted aortic arch was found between the left subclavian artery and patent ductus arteriosus. The surgery was discontinued for further evaluation

    Sub-nanosecond signal propagation in anisotropy engineered nanomagnetic logic chains

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    Energy efficient nanomagnetic logic (NML) computing architectures propagate and process binary information by relying on dipolar field coupling to reorient closely-spaced nanoscale magnets. Signal propagation in nanomagnet chains of various sizes, shapes, and magnetic orientations has been previously characterized by static magnetic imaging experiments with low-speed adiabatic operation; however the mechanisms which determine the final state and their reproducibility over millions of cycles in high-speed operation (sub-ns time scale) have yet to be experimentally investigated. Monitoring NML operation at its ultimate intrinsic speed reveals features undetectable by conventional static imaging including individual nanomagnetic switching events and systematic error nucleation during signal propagation. Here, we present a new study of NML operation in a high speed regime at fast repetition rates. We perform direct imaging of digital signal propagation in permalloy nanomagnet chains with varying degrees of shape-engineered biaxial anisotropy using full-field magnetic soft x-ray transmission microscopy after applying single nanosecond magnetic field pulses. Further, we use time-resolved magnetic photo-emission electron microscopy to evaluate the sub-nanosecond dipolar coupling signal propagation dynamics in optimized chains with 100 ps time resolution as they are cycled with nanosecond field pulses at a rate of 3 MHz. An intrinsic switching time of 100 ps per magnet is observed. These experiments, and accompanying macro-spin and micromagnetic simulations, reveal the underlying physics of NML architectures repetitively operated on nanosecond timescales and identify relevant engineering parameters to optimize performance and reliability.Comment: Main article (22 pages, 4 figures), Supplementary info (11 pages, 5 sections
