10,433 research outputs found

    Synthesizing framework models for symbolic execution

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    Symbolic execution is a powerful program analysis technique, but it is difficult to apply to programs built using frameworks such as Swing and Android, because the framework code itself is hard to symbolically execute. The standard solution is to manually create a framework model that can be symbolically executed, but developing and maintaining a model is difficult and error-prone. In this paper, we present Pasket, a new system that takes a first step toward automatically generating Java framework models to support symbolic execution. Pasket's focus is on creating models by instantiating design patterns. Pasket takes as input class, method, and type information from the framework API, together with tutorial programs that exercise the framework. From these artifacts and Pasket's internal knowledge of design patterns, Pasket synthesizes a framework model whose behavior on the tutorial programs matches that of the original framework. We evaluated Pasket by synthesizing models for subsets of Swing and Android. Our results show that the models derived by Pasket are sufficient to allow us to use off-the-shelf symbolic execution tools to analyze Java programs that rely on frameworks.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1139021)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1139056)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1161775

    Quantum and frustration effects on fluctuations of the inverse compressibility in two-dimensional Coulomb glasses

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    We consider interacting electrons in a two-dimensional quantum Coulomb glass and investigate by means of the Hartree-Fock approximation the combined effects of the electron-electron interaction and the transverse magnetic field on fluctuations of the inverse compressibility. Preceding systematic study of the system in the absence of the magnetic field identifies the source of the fluctuations, interplay of disorder and interaction, and effects of hopping. Revealed in sufficiently clean samples with strong interactions is an unusual right-biased distribution of the inverse compressibility, which is neither of the Gaussian nor of the Wigner-Dyson type. While in most cases weak magnetic fields tend to suppress fluctuations, in relatively clean samples with weak interactions fluctuations are found to grow with the magnetic field. This is attributed to the localization properties of the electron states, which may be measured by the participation ratio and the inverse participation number. It is also observed that at the frustration where the Fermi level is degenerate, localization or modulation of electrons is enhanced, raising fluctuations. Strong frustration in general suppresses effects of the interaction on the inverse compressibility and on the configuration of electrons.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Nucleus-Nucleus Bremsstrahlung from Ultrarelativistic Collisions

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    The bremsstrahlung produced when heavy nuclei collide is estimated for central collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Soft photons can be used to infer the rapidity distribution of the outgoing charge. An experimental design is outlined.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, uses revte

    Radiative and Collisional Energy Loss, and Photon-Tagged Jets at RHIC

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    The suppression of single jets at high transverse momenta in a quark-gluon plasma is studied at RHIC energies, and the additional information provided by a photon tag is included. The energy loss of hard jets traversing through the medium is evaluated in the AMY formalism, by consistently taking into account the contributions from radiative events and from elastic collisions at leading order in the coupling. The strongly-interacting medium in these collisions is modelled with (3+1)-dimensional ideal relativistic hydrodynamics. Putting these ingredients together with a complete set of photon-production processes, we present a calculation of the nuclear modification of single jets and photon-tagged jets at RHIC.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, contributed to the 3rd International Conference on Hard and Electro-Magnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (Hard Probes 2008), typos corrected, published versio

    Performance of a prototype active veto system using liquid scintillator for a dark matter search experiment

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    We report the performance of an active veto system using a liquid scintillator with NaI(Tl) crystals for use in a dark matter search experiment. When a NaI(Tl) crystal is immersed in the prototype detector, the detector tags 48% of the internal K-40 background in the 0-10 keV energy region. We also determined the tagging efficiency for events at 6-20 keV as 26.5 +/- 1.7% of the total events, which corresponds to 0.76 +/- 0.04 events/keV/kg/day. According to a simulation, approximately 60% of the background events from U, Th, and K radioisotopes in photomultiplier tubes are tagged at energies of 0-10 keV. Full shielding with a 40-cm-thick liquid scintillator can increase the tagging efficiency for both the internal K-40 and external background to approximately 80%.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Bilateral asymmetrical multiple renal arteries associated with the left testicular artery

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    We found 3 right and 2 left renal arteries with asymmetrical origins in a 61-year-old Korean male cadaver, whose cause of death was ‘laryngeal carcinoma’. According to a previous classification, the first and second right renal arteries correspond to the early division and other renal arteries — to the extra renal arteries, except the first left renal artery as a typical renal artery. The third right renal artery ran anterior to the inferior vena cava to the inferior pole of the kidney. The first and second left renal arteries were associated with the inferior suprarenal artery and the testicular artery, respectively. The bilateral asymmetry in the number of renal arteries can be explained by the embryological development, degeneration and persistence of the renal artery in the process of ascending of kidneys.

    Coherence Time in High Energy Proton-Nucleus Collisions

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    Precisely measured Drell-Yan cross sections for 800 GeV protons incident on a variety of nuclear targets exhibit a deviation from linear scaling in the atomic number A. We show that this deviation can be accounted for by energy degradation of the proton as it passes through the nucleus if account is taken of the time delay of particle production due to quantum coherence. We infer an average proper coherence time of 0.4 +- 0.1 fm/c, corresponding to a coherence path length of 8 +- 2 fm in the rest frame of the nucleus.Comment: 11 pages in LaTeX. Includes 6 eps figures. Uses epsf.st

    Relativistic diffusion and heavy-ion collisions

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    We study first and second order theories of relativistic diffusion coupled to hydrodynamics under the approximation, valid at mid-rapidity in the RHIC and LHC, that conserved number densities are much smaller than the entropy density. We identify experimentally accessible quantities of interest, and show that the first and second order theories may lead to radically different evolutions of these quantities. In the first order theory the memory of the initial state is almost completely washed out, whereas in the second order theory it is possible that freezeout occurs at a time when transient dynamics is still on, and the memory of the initial state remains. There are observational consequences which we touch upon. In the first order theory, and for initial conditions when the second order theory mimics the first order, one may be able to put a bound on the diffusion constant.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Shear viscosity in ϕ4\phi^4 theory from an extended ladder resummation

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    We study shear viscosity in weakly coupled hot ϕ4\phi^4 theory using the CTP formalism . We show that the viscosity can be obtained as the integral of a three-point function. Non-perturbative corrections to the bare one-loop result can be obtained by solving a decoupled Schwinger-Dyson type integral equation for this vertex. This integral equation represents the resummation of an infinite series of ladder diagrams which contribute to the leading order result. It can be shown that this integral equation has exactly the same form as the Boltzmann equation. We show that the integral equation for the viscosity can be reexpressed by writing the vertex as a combination of polarization tensors. An expression for this polarization tensor can be obtained by solving another Schwinger-Dyson type integral equation. This procedure results in an expression for the viscosity that represents a non-perturbative resummation of contributions to the viscosity which includes certain non-ladder graphs, as well as the usual ladders. We discuss the motivation for this resummation. We show that these resummations can also be obtained by writing the viscosity as an integral equation involving a single four-point function. Finally, we show that when the viscosity is expressed in terms of a four-point function, it is possible to further extend the set of graphs included in the resummation by treating vertex and propagator corrections self-consistently. We discuss the significance of such a self-consistent resummation and show that the integral equation contains cancellations between vertex and propagator corrections.Comment: Revtex 40 pages with 29 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Ramond-Ramond Cohomology and O(D,D) T-duality

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    In the name of supersymmetric double field theory, superstring effective actions can be reformulated into simple forms. They feature a pair of vielbeins corresponding to the same spacetime metric, and hence enjoy double local Lorentz symmetries. In a manifestly covariant manner --with regard to O(D,D) T-duality, diffeomorphism, B-field gauge symmetry and the pair of local Lorentz symmetries-- we incorporate R-R potentials into double field theory. We take them as a single object which is in a bi-fundamental spinorial representation of the double Lorentz groups. We identify cohomological structure relevant to the field strength. A priori, the R-R sector as well as all the fermions are O(D,D) singlet. Yet, gauge fixing the two vielbeins equal to each other modifies the O(D,D) transformation rule to call for a compensating local Lorentz rotation, such that the R-R potential may turn into an O(D,D) spinor and T-duality can flip the chirality exchanging type IIA and IIB supergravities.Comment: 1+37 pages, no figure; Structure reorganized, References added, To appear in JHEP. cf. Gong Show of Strings 2012 (http://wwwth.mpp.mpg.de/members/strings/strings2012/strings_files/program/Talks/Thursday/Gongshow/Lee.pdf