14 research outputs found

    Interactions between Type III receptor tyrosine phosphatases and growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases regulate tracheal tube formation in Drosophila

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    The respiratory (tracheal) system of the Drosophila melanogaster larva is an intricate branched network of air-filled tubes. Its developmental logic is similar in some ways to that of the vertebrate vascular system. We previously described a unique embryonic tracheal tubulogenesis phenotype caused by loss of both of the Type III receptor tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs), Ptp4E and Ptp10D. In Ptp4E Ptp10D double mutants, the linear tubes in unicellular and terminal tracheal branches are converted into bubble-like cysts that incorporate apical cell surface markers. This tube geometry phenotype is modulated by changes in the activity or expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) tyrosine kinase (TK). Ptp10D physically interacts with Egfr. Here we demonstrate that the Ptp4E Ptp10D phenotype is the consequence of the loss of negative regulation by the RPTPs of three growth factor receptor TKs: Egfr, Breathless and Pvr. Reducing the activity of any of the three kinases by tracheal expression of dominant-negative mutants suppresses cyst formation. By competing dominant-negative and constitutively active kinase mutants against each other, we show that the three RTKs have partially interchangeable activities, so that increasing the activity of one kinase can compensate for the effects of reducing the activity of another. This implies that SH2-domain downstream effectors that are required for the phenotype are likely to be able to interact with phosphotyrosine sites on all three receptor TKs. We also show that the phenotype involves increases in signaling through the MAP kinase and Rho GTPase pathways

    Redundancy and compensation in axon guidance: genetic analysis of the Drosophila Ptp10D/Ptp4E receptor tyrosine phosphatase subfamily

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    Background: Drosophila has six receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs), five of which are expressed primarily in neurons. Mutations in all five affect axon guidance, either alone or in combination. Highly penetrant CNS and motor axon guidance alterations are usually observed only when specific combinations of two or more RPTPs are removed. Here, we examine the sixth RPTP, Ptp4E, which is broadly expressed. Results: Ptp4E and Ptp10D are closely related Type III RPTPs. Non-drosophilid insect species have only one Type III RPTP, which is closest to Ptp10D. We found that Ptp4E mutants are viable and fertile. We then examined Ptp4E Ptp10D double mutants. These die before the larval stage, and have a mild CNS phenotype in which the outer longitudinal 1D4 bundle is frayed. Ptp10D Ptp69D double mutants have a strong CNS phenotype in which 1D4 axons abnormally cross the midline and the outer and middle longitudinal bundles are fused to the inner bundle. To examine if Ptp4E also exhibits synthetic phenotypes in combination with Ptp69D, we made Ptp4E Ptp69D double mutants and Ptp4E Ptp10D Ptp69D triple mutants. No phenotype was observed in the double mutant. The triple mutant phenotype differs from the Ptp10D Ptp69D phenotype in two ways. First, the longitudinal tracts appear more normal than in the double mutant; two or three bundles are observed, although they are disorganized and fused. Second, axons labelled by the SemaIIB-tMyc marker often cross in the wrong commissure. We also examined motor axon guidance, and found that no phenotypes are observed in any Ptp4E double mutant combination. However, triple mutants in which Ptp4E Ptp10D was combined with Ptp69D or Ptp52F exhibited stronger phenotypes than the corresponding Ptp10D double mutants. Conclusions: Type III RPTPs are required for viability in Drosophila, since Ptp4E Ptp10D double mutants die before the larval stage. Unlike Ptp10D, Ptp4E appears to be a relatively minor player in the control of axon guidance. Strong phenotypes are only observed in triple mutants in which both Type III RPTPs are eliminated together with Ptp69D or Ptp52F. Our results allow us to construct a complete genetic interaction matrix for all six of the RPTPs

    R3 receptor tyrosine phosphatases: Conserved regulators of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling and tubular organ development

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    R3 receptor tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are characterized by extracellular domains composed solely of long chains of fibronectin type III repeats, and by the presence of a single phosphatase domain. There are five proteins in mammals with this structure, two in Drosophila and one in Caenorhabditis elegans. R3 RPTPs are selective regulators of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, and a number of different RTKs have been shown to be direct targets for their phosphatase activities. Genetic studies in both invertebrate model systems and in mammals have shown that R3 RPTPs are essential for tubular organ development. They also have important functions during nervous system development. R3 RPTPs are likely to be tumor suppressors in a number of types of cancer

    Family of neural wiring receptors in bilaterians defined by phylogenetic, biochemical, and structural evidence

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    The evolution of complex nervous systems was accompanied by the expansion of numerous protein families, including cell-adhesion molecules, surface receptors, and their ligands. These proteins mediate axonal guidance, synapse targeting, and other neuronal wiring-related functions. Recently, 32 interacting cell surface proteins belonging to two newly defined families of the Ig superfamily (IgSF) in fruit flies were discovered to label different subsets of neurons in the brain and ventral nerve cord. They have been shown to be involved in synaptic targeting and morphogenesis, retrograde signaling, and neuronal survival. Here, we show that these proteins, Dprs and DIPs, are members of a widely distributed family of two- and three-Ig domain molecules with neuronal wiring functions, which we refer to as Wirins. Beginning from a single ancestral Wirin gene in the last common ancestor of Bilateria, numerous gene duplications produced the heterophilic Dprs and DIPs in protostomes, along with two other subfamilies that diversified independently across protostome phyla. In deuterostomes, the ancestral Wirin evolved into the IgLON subfamily of neuronal receptors. We show that IgLONs interact with each other and that their complexes can be broken by mutations designed using homology models based on Dpr and DIP structures. The nematode orthologs ZIG-8 and RIG-5 also form heterophilic and homophilic complexes, and crystal structures reveal numerous apparently ancestral features shared with Dpr-DIP complexes. The evolutionary, biochemical, and structural relationships we demonstrate here provide insights into neural development and the rise of the metazoan nervous system

    Family of neural wiring receptors in bilaterians defined by phylogenetic, biochemical, and structural evidence

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    The evolution of complex nervous systems was accompanied by the expansion of numerous protein families, including cell-adhesion molecules, surface receptors, and their ligands. These proteins mediate axonal guidance, synapse targeting, and other neuronal wiring-related functions. Recently, 32 interacting cell surface proteins belonging to two newly defined families of the Ig superfamily (IgSF) in fruit flies were discovered to label different subsets of neurons in the brain and ventral nerve cord. They have been shown to be involved in synaptic targeting and morphogenesis, retrograde signaling, and neuronal survival. Here, we show that these proteins, Dprs and DIPs, are members of a widely distributed family of two- and three-Ig domain molecules with neuronal wiring functions, which we refer to as Wirins. Beginning from a single ancestral Wirin gene in the last common ancestor of Bilateria, numerous gene duplications produced the heterophilic Dprs and DIPs in protostomes, along with two other subfamilies that diversified independently across protostome phyla. In deuterostomes, the ancestral Wirin evolved into the IgLON subfamily of neuronal receptors. We show that IgLONs interact with each other and that their complexes can be broken by mutations designed using homology models based on Dpr and DIP structures. The nematode orthologs ZIG-8 and RIG-5 also form heterophilic and homophilic complexes, and crystal structures reveal numerous apparently ancestral features shared with Dpr-DIP complexes. The evolutionary, biochemical, and structural relationships we demonstrate here provide insights into neural development and the rise of the metazoan nervous system

    Receptor tyrosine phosphatases control tracheal tube geometries through negative regulation of Egfr signaling

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    The formation of epithelial tubes with defined shapes and sizes is essential for organ development. We describe a unique tracheal tubulogenesis phenotype caused by loss of both Drosophila type III receptor tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs), Ptp4E and Ptp10D. Ptp4E is the only widely expressed Drosophila RPTP, and is the last of the six fly RPTPs to be genetically characterized. We recently isolated mutations in Ptp4E, and discovered that, although Ptp4E null mutants have no detectable phenotypes, double mutants lacking both Ptp4E and Ptp10D display synthetic lethality at hatching owing to respiratory failure. In these double mutants, unicellular and terminal tracheal branches develop large bubble-like cysts that selectively incorporate apical cell surface markers. Cysts in unicellular branches are enlargements of the lumen that are sealed by adherens junctions, whereas cysts in terminal branches are cytoplasmic vacuoles. Cyst size and number are increased by tracheal expression of activated Egfr tyrosine kinase, and decreased by reducing Egfr levels. Ptp10D forms a complex with Egfr in transfected cells. Downregulation of Egfr signaling by the RPTPs is required for the construction of tubular lumens, whether extracellular or intracellular, by cells that undergo remodeling during branch morphogenesis. The Ptp4E Ptp10D phenotype represents the first evidence of an essential role for RPTPs in epithelial organ development. These findings might be relevant to organ development and disease in mammals, because PTPRJ (DEP-1), an ortholog of Ptp4E/Ptp10D, interacts with the hepatocyte growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase. PTPRJ corresponds to the murine Scc1 (suppressor of colon cancer) gene