2,620 research outputs found

    Electroluminescence and the measurement of temperature during Stage III of flash sintering experiments

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    The optical glow of ceramics that becomes established during the constant state of flash, known as Stage III in flash sintering experiments, is investigated. The specimen temperature in this state is obtained from in situ experiments at the Pohang Light Source II. The measurements of the specimen temperature agree very well with the predictions from the black body radiation model. The optical emission spectrum from the specimen is measured from the visible into the deep infrared, and compared with black body radiation that would have been expected from Joule heating. It is concluded that the specimens radiate by electroluminescence, which is ascribed to electron hole recombination of excitons. The phenomenon is likely the same as discovered by Nernst at the turn of the twentieth century. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.114636Ysciescopu

    Superconformal Yang-Mills quantum mechanics and Calogero model with OSp(N|2,R) symmetry

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    In spacetime dimension two, pure Yang-Mills possesses no physical degrees of freedom, and consequently it admits a supersymmetric extension to couple to an arbitrary number, N say, of Majorana-Weyl gauginos. This results in (N,0) super Yang-Mills. Further, its dimensional reduction to mechanics doubles the number of supersymmetries, from N to N+N, to include conformal supercharges, and leads to a superconformal Yang-Mills quantum mechanics with symmetry group OSp(N|2,R). We comment on its connection to AdS_2 \times S^{N-1} and reduction to a supersymmetric Calogero model.Comment: 1+28 pages, no figure; Refs added. To appear in JHE

    Solid-phase epitaxy of amorphous Si using single-crystalline Si nanowire seed templates

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    We report solid-phase epitaxy of amorphous Si (a-Si) shells using crystalline Si (c-Si) nanowire cores as seed templates. The c-Si core/a-Si shell nanowire heterostructures were in situ synthesized via a two-step chemical vapor deposition: the Au-catalytic decomposition of SiH4 for the core c-Si nanowires and the subsequent homogeneous decomposition of SiH4 at higher temperatures for the a-Si shells. Upon thermal annealing above 600 degrees C, the a-Si shells crystallize into c-Si shells from c-Si core nanowires in an epitaxial fashion. We discuss the crystallization kinetics of a-Si shells within the frame of Gibbs-Thomson effects arising from the finite size of nanowire seeds.open111111sciescopu

    Anisotropic Terahertz Emission from Bi2Se3 Thin Films with Inclined Crystal Planes

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    We investigate the surface states of topological insulator (TI) Bi2Se3 thin films grown on Si nanocrystals and Al2O3 substrates by using terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy. Compared to bulk crystalline Bi2Te2Se, film TIs exhibit distinct behaviors in the phase and amplitude of emitted THz radiation. In particular, Bi2Se3 grown on Al2O3 shows an anisotropic response with a strong modulation of the THz signal in its phase. From x-ray diffraction, we find that the crystal plane of the Bi2Se3 films is inclined with respect to the plane of the Al2O3 substrate by about 0.27 degrees. This structural anisotropy affects the dynamics of photocarriers and hence leads to the observed anisotropic response in the THz emission. Such relevance demonstrates that THz emission spectroscopy can be a sensitive tool to investigate the fine details of the surface crystallography and electrostatics of thin film TIs.1112Ysciescopu

    Antimicrobial Nodule-Specific Cysteine-Rich Peptides Induce Membrane Depolarization-Associated Changes in the Transcriptome of Sinorhizobium meliloti.

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    Leguminous plants establish symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing alpha- and betaproteobacteria, collectively called rhizobia, which provide combined nitrogen to support plant growth. Members of the inverted repeat-lacking clade of legumes impose terminal differentiation on their endosymbiotic bacterium partners with the help of the nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptide family composed of close to 600 members. Among the few tested NCR peptides, cationic ones had antirhizobial activity measured by reduction or elimination of the CFU and uptake of the membrane-impermeable dye propidium iodide. Here, the antimicrobial spectrum of two of these peptides, NCR247 and NCR335, was investigated, and their effect on the transcriptome of the natural target Sinorhizobium meliloti was characterized. Both peptides were able to kill quickly a wide range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria; however, their spectra were only partially overlapping, and differences were found also in their efficacy on given strains, indicating that the actions of NCR247 and NCR335 might be similar though not identical. Treatment of S. meliloti cultures with either peptide resulted in a quick downregulation of genes involved in basic cellular functions, such as transcription-translation and energy production, as well as upregulation of genes involved in stress and oxidative stress responses and membrane transport. Similar changes provoked mainly in Gram-positive bacteria by antimicrobial agents were coupled with the destruction of membrane potential, indicating that it might also be a common step in the bactericidal actions of NCR247 and NCR335

    Forming a three-dimensional porous organic network via solid-state explosion of organic single crystals

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    Solid-state reaction of organic molecules holds a considerable advantage over liquid-phase processes in the manufacturing industry. However, the research progress in exploring this benefit is largely staggering, which leaves few liquid-phase systems to work with. Here, we show a synthetic protocol for the formation of a three-dimensional porous organic network via solid-state explosion of organic single crystals. The explosive reaction is realized by the Bergman reaction (cycloaromatization) of three enediyne groups on 2,3,6,7,14,15-hexaethynyl-9,10-dihydro-9,10-[1,2]benzenoanthracene. The origin of the explosion is systematically studied using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry, along with high-speed camera and density functional theory calculations. The results suggest that the solid-state explosion is triggered by an abrupt change in lattice energy induced by release of primer molecules in the 2,3,6,7,14,15-hexaethynyl-9,10-dihydro-9,10-[1,2]benzenoanthracene crystal lattice

    Quark Number Susceptibility with Finite Chemical Potential in Holographic QCD

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    We study the quark number susceptibility in holographic QCD with a finite chemical potential or under an external magnetic field at finite temperature. We first consider the quark number susceptibility with the chemical potential. We observe that approaching the critical temperature from high temperature regime, the quark number susceptibility divided by temperature square develops a peak as we increase the chemical potential, which confirms recent lattice QCD results. We discuss this behavior in connection with the existence of the critical end point in the QCD phase diagram. We also consider the quark number susceptibility under the external magnetic field. We predict that the quark number susceptibility exhibits a blow-up behavior at low temperature as we raise the value of the magnetic field. We finally spell out some limitations of our study.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Spatio-temporal Models of Lymphangiogenesis in Wound Healing

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    Several studies suggest that one possible cause of impaired wound healing is failed or insufficient lymphangiogenesis, that is the formation of new lymphatic capillaries. Although many mathematical models have been developed to describe the formation of blood capillaries (angiogenesis), very few have been proposed for the regeneration of the lymphatic network. Lymphangiogenesis is a markedly different process from angiogenesis, occurring at different times and in response to different chemical stimuli. Two main hypotheses have been proposed: 1) lymphatic capillaries sprout from existing interrupted ones at the edge of the wound in analogy to the blood angiogenesis case; 2) lymphatic endothelial cells first pool in the wound region following the lymph flow and then, once sufficiently populated, start to form a network. Here we present two PDE models describing lymphangiogenesis according to these two different hypotheses. Further, we include the effect of advection due to interstitial flow and lymph flow coming from open capillaries. The variables represent different cell densities and growth factor concentrations, and where possible the parameters are estimated from biological data. The models are then solved numerically and the results are compared with the available biological literature.Comment: 29 pages, 9 Figures, 6 Tables (39 figure files in total