19 research outputs found

    Outsourcing av officersutbildning : vem kan vara huvudman för utbildningen av officerare i Sverige?

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    Uppsatsen beskriver en undersökning av Försvarsmaktens och Försvarshögskolans attityder till outsourcing av officersutbildning. Huvudmannaskapets betydelse för  officersutbildningen belyses genom att jag har djupintervjuat personer med strategiskt inflytande inom Försvarsmakten och Försvarshögskolan. Undersökningen utgår från den institutionella teorin som menar att organisationer strävar efter att vara effektiva och rationella, men hindras av olika sociala och kulturella mekanismer. Detta skulle innebära att även om outsourcing av officersutbildning vore det mest effektiva för Försvarsmakten, så kan detta förhindras av sådana sociala och kulturella mekanismer.Underlag för frågeställningar inför intervjuerna har hämtats från utredningen ”Försvarsmaktsgemensam utbildning för framtida krav” samt ”Riksdagens revisorers förslag angående Försvarshögskolan i det nya försvaret”. Intervjuade befattningshavare är: C GRO, stf C GRO, C FHS, C MHS K, stf C ÖS och C FHS Chp.Several changes of the Swedish system for officers training has taken place during the nineties and at the same time has the use of so called outsourcing increased within the administration of governments and local governments, mainly within the healthcare sector, real-estate administration and maintenance of different computer systems.During the same time, the Armed Forces has shown an increased interest  for outsourcing. The reason for this is the aim to buy better or equal quality in services and products for less money. Those reasons has been the motive for me to do this research.As several researches has been done of the subject outsourcing from an economical view, this work uses the institutional theory as a take-off. This theory means, very briefly described, that organisations strive for effectiveness and rationality but find themselves held back by different social and cultural mechanisms.In consequence of the above, the author has chosen to examine the attitude to outsourcing with in selected, placed in strategic seats, persons in the Armed Forces and the National Defence College. To be able to examine if the theory is relevant in this case, the subject for the research is what might be described as “a sacred cow” namely outsourcing of officers training and to find out who can be the responsible authority for officers training.The research has been implemented through the use of qualitative interviews with the chosen respondents and the questions has its foundations in two governmental reports: “Joint officers training for future demands” and “ The accounts of the Swedish Parliament proposal about the National Defence College with-in the new National Defence”.The conclusions in this research support the standpoints of the institutional theory and also raise some suggestions for future research in this area.Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-0

    Reducing Delays for Unplanned Maintenance of Service Parts in MRO Workshops : A case study at an aerospace and defence company

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    Service parts sometimes break down unexpectedly and require maintenance. The irregular nature of the need for this type of maintenance makes forecasting difficult and unreliable. Saab currently experiences problems with long delays when performing unplanned maintenance of service parts used in the two models of Gripen aircraft, Gripen C and Gripen D. These delays are source of monetary waste, as late delivery of maintained service parts results in Saab having to pay penalty fines to the customers. The purpose of this master thesis was to analyze data collected during a case study at Saab in Linköping, and suggest improvements for how to reduce these delays. This study focused on analyzing what caused the delays, and how the information provided by the customers can be used by the operative planners at the Maintenance, Repair \& Overhaul (MRO) workshops in order to be more efficient. The data was collected during the case study using semi-structured interviews of 16 people working with the current system, as well as by collecting historical data from an internal database at Saab. This data was analyzed in parallel with a literature study of relevant research related to service parts supply chains, MRO workshops, and unplanned maintenance operations. The analysis showed that there were four types of interruptions of maintenance; Internal stock-out of spare parts, internal stock-out of sub-units, external delays at the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), and internal equipment breakdowns. A root cause analysis found that the four root causes of delays were: Saab does not have any contracts that incentivizes their OEM's to deliver on time. The  data from the technical report is not used to provide the operative planners with information about incoming orders. The MRO workshops do not have a standardized system for prioritizing maintenance of service parts. The MRO workshops currently lacks a method for predicting certain types of machine breakdowns

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    A Framework For Web-Based Dissemination Of Models And Lessons Learned From Emergency-Response Exercises And Operations

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    Emerging web-based technologies enable information sharing within and among rescue agencies and organisations. This development can facilitate education, training and development through effective distribution of documentation, models and lessons learned from training exercises and rescue operations. We discuss central aspects of this enterprise such as the need for domain-specific data models, methodologies for detailed exercise documentation, and the design of presentation and visualisation tools. Based on this investigation we present a framework that supports modelling, documentation and visualisation of rescue operations for web-based distribution. We briefly describe the implementation of the components of the framework. Finally, we discuss how to apply the methodology and framework to training of first responders and university-level education of emergency managers and officials

    Exploring non-technical miscommunication in vessel traffic service operation

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    Vessel traffic services (VTS) are maritime traffic monitoring systems used in port approaches, confined or congested waters. VTS operators (VTSOs) monitor a specific geographical area and support and direct ships that sail through the area, primarily making the navigating officer or pilot of each ship aware of the current traffic situation, local weather and geographical conditions. We used an interactive mid-fidelity simulation as a knowledge eliciting tool to explore the work situation of VTSOs. During the simulation, VTSOs from a VTS centre in Sweden ran a scenario based on a normal traffic situation in their local fairway. Results indicate that the VTSOs, even though they are well aware of crucial events in the fairway, at times choose not to inform navigating officers or pilots of these safety aspects apart from when subject to protocol. The present paper put forward elements behind this form of miscommunication and presents results indicating that the major contributing factor is the VTSOs’ anticipation of negative attitudes between working groups participating in the VTS system and the lack of sufficient regulation with regard to the role and responsibilities of VTSOs

    System Simulations for Safety

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    Changes in the working environment can affect safety, especially in time-critical situations where wrong decisions can have decisive impact on man, environment and property. Organizational changes, the introduction of new technology and new legislation are example of various factors that affect the working environment. In this paper we present an approach to explore safety issues in maritime working environments by using complex simulation to create realistic scenarios and data collection to build the basis for exploration. In this paper we focus on the validity of the method and compare findings with actual accidents known risks. We also give some examples of found safety aspects that can be of interest for further analysis in the maritime domain

    Applied Cognitive Task Analysis as a tool for analyzing work demands in a C4I environment: a case study using a mid-fidelity simulation

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    The majority of worldwide goods transportation is carried out by ships at sea. In order to promote safety in narrow waters and around major ports, several countries have installed Vessel Traffic Services (VTS). VTS operators monitor a specific geographical area and support and direct ships that sail through the area, primarily making the navigating officer of each ship aware of the current traffic situation, local weather and geographical conditions. In this, the VTS domain represents a civilian Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence (C4I) environment. Identifying user needs and analysing user behaviour in these environments require appropriate methods that are comprehensive and valid. This paper presents an adapted use of the Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA) in a case study where an interactive mid-fidelity scenario for the phase of the Simulation Interview has been used. The use of the interactive simulation as a knowledge eliciting tool within the context of ACTA is discussed and assessed using Hoffman’s method evaluation criteria

    Improving learning from emergency management training: Sweden and the Netherlands are teaming up

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    Het combineren van trainingsmethoden en tools van TNO-TM en het zweedse FOI, zoals Team dimensional training, Dubbel denk, CrisisKit, mobiele ondersteuning voor waarnemenrs, en MIND, biedt nieuwe mogelijkheden voor de training van cridismanagement teams