72 research outputs found

    Maiêutica - Ensino de Física e Matemática

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    A Revista Maiêutica: Ensino de Física e Matemática do Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci – UNIASSELVI abrange um conjunto de artigos específicos da área de Educação em Física e Matemática. Os artigos são oriundos de trabalhos acadêmicos, pesquisas de iniciação científica, projetos de ensino ou de notório valor acadêmico, elaborados tanto de forma individual ou grupos de trabalho. Esta publicação evidencia a importância de pesquisar, analisar, refletir, aprofundar, socializar os resultados e trocar ideias e assim enriquecer o mundo acadêmico com saberes diferentes. Afinal, o nome Maiêutica relembra o conceito socrático de que é preciso trazer as ideias à luz, fazer nascer o conhecimento, confirmando a dialética necessária da construção da sabedoria humana. Para nós, a revista é um espaço privilegiado para publicação e tem como missão intensificar e divulgar a produção didático-científica de acadêmicos, tutores e professores do curso, que apresentam interesse em publicar artigos na área, cumprindo também o importante papel de tornar acessível à comunidade o que se produz de conhecimento nos cursos de Licenciatura em Física e Matemática do Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - UNIASSELVI. Desta forma, convidamos você a realizar a leitura dessa edição e desejamos que os artigos aqui disponibilizados possibilitem reflexões sobre temas relacionados à atuação profissional do professor de física e de matemática e possam contribuir de forma significativa em sua caminhada acadêmica e profissional

    Maiêutica - Ensino de Física e Matemática

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    A Revista Maiêutica - Ensino de Física e Matemática do Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci – UNIASSELVI, que apresentamos a você com grande satisfação, abrange um conjunto de artigos específicos da área de Educação em Matemática e Física. Os artigos são oriundos de trabalhos acadêmicos, pesquisas de iniciação científica, projetos de ensino ou de notório valor acadêmico, elaborados tanto de forma individual ou grupos de trabalho. Essa publicação evidencia a importância de pesquisar, analisar, refletir, aprofundar, socializar os resultados e trocar ideias e assim enriquecer o mundo acadêmico com saberes diferentes. Afinal, o nome Maiêutica relembra o conceito socrático de que é preciso trazer as ideias à luz, fazer nascer o conhecimento, confirmando a dialética necessária da construção da sabedoria humana. Para nós, a revista é um espaço privilegiado para publicação e tem como missão intensificar e divulgar a produção didático-científica de acadêmicos, tutores e professores do curso, que apresentam interesse em publicar artigos na área, cumprindo também o importante papel de tornar acessível à comunidade o que se produz de conhecimento no curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - UNIASSELVI. Desta forma, convidamos você a realizar a leitura dessa edição e desejamos que os artigos aqui disponibilizados possibilitem reflexões sobre temas relacionados à atuação profissional do professor de matemática e possam contribuir de forma significativa em sua caminhada acadêmica e profissional. Boa leitura

    Biological activity of macrofungi in South Africa against respiratory and lung disease

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    Macrofungi represent an untapped source of natural bioactive compounds for various diseases, which have been targeted as potential therapeutic agents. The medicinal uses of macrofungi discovered to date include anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory properties. The knowledge regarding the medicinal uses of macrofungi in Africa is limited; however, it is believed that Africa may contain a large number of unidentified species of macrofungi. The objectives of this study were to: (i) screen the macrofungal extracts for antimicrobial activity against microorganisms responsible for respiratory diseases (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HIV-1), (ii) determine the effect of macrofungal extracts on bacterial morphology, (iii) investigate the cytotoxicity of macrofungal extracts against human lung carcinoma cells, and to elucidate the mechanism/s of action of cytotoxicity/anticancer activity. In vitro bioassays for antimicrobial activity included: ρ-iodonitrotetrazolium chloride assays and microplate alamar blue assay (MABA), while the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase colorimetric ELISA and HIV-1 protease fluorometric assay kits were used for anti-HIV activity. Cytotoxicity of the macrofungal species against A549 lung cancer cell line was measured using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, and the IC50 values determined for the most cytotoxic macrofungal spp. The mechanism of cytotoxicity was investigated by cell cycle analysis and fluorescent staining to observe morphological and biochemical changes (i.e. acridine orange, caspase activation). Ethanol extracts of Amanita foetidissima, Gymnopilus junonius, Pisolithus tinctorius, Fomitopsis lilacinogilva, Stereum hirsutum and Pycnoporus sanguineus showed higher antimicrobial activity against the Gram-positive bacteria than aqueous extracts, with S. pneumoniae being the most susceptible. The ethanol extracts of Agaricus campestris, Chlorophyllum molybdites, Gymnopilus penetrans, Pseudophaeolus baudonii and Laetiporus sulphureus exhibited anti-TB (tuberculosis) activity with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging between 500-1,000 μg/mL. C. molybdites ethanol extract inhibited HIV-1 protease activity (IC50: 49.7 μg/mL). The macrofungal extracts did not inhibit HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity. Ethanol extracts of F. lilacinogilva, G. junonius, P. sanguineus and the aqueous extract iv of P. baudonii were cytotoxic against A549 lung cancer cells at IC50 values of 69.2±3.6, 57±5, 7.4±1.1 and 53.6±1.1 μg/mL, respectively. Cell cycle arrest was observed in the G2 phase for both P. sanguineus and P. baudonii, and G2/M and early M phases for G. junonius and F. lilacinogilva, respectively. Apoptosis induced by macrofungal extracts was confirmed by fluorescent staining. Morphological and biochemical changes included chromatin condensation, membrane blebbing, loss of cytoskeletal structure, caspase activation and phosphatidylserine translocation. This study demonstrates the biological activities of selected macrofungal extracts and their potential mechanisms of action. Isolation and identification of active compounds require further analysis

    Maiêutica - Matemática

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    A Revista Maiêutica do Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci – UNIASSELVI, que apresentamos a você com grande satisfação, abrange um conjunto de artigos específicos da área de Educação em Matemática. Os artigos são oriundosde trabalhos acadêmicos, pesquisas de iniciação científica, projetos de ensino ou de notório valor acadêmico, elaborados tanto de forma individual ou grupos de trabalho. Essa publicação evidencia a importância de pesquisar, analisar, refletir, aprofundar, socializar os resultados e trocar ideias e assim enriquecer o mundo acadêmico com saberes diferentes. Afinal, o nome Maiêutica relembra o conceito socrático de que é preciso trazer as ideias à luz, fazer nascer o conhecimento, confirmando a dialética necessária da construção da sabedoria humana. Para nós, a revista é um espaço privilegiado para publicação e tem como missão intensificar e divulgar a produção didático-científica de acadêmicos, tutores e professores do curso, que apresentam interesse em publicar artigos na área, cumprindo também o importante papel de tornar acessível à comunidade o que se produz de conhecimento no curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - UNIASSELVI. Desta forma, convidamos você a realizar a leitura dessa edição e desejamos que os artigos aqui disponibilizados possibilitem reflexões sobre temas relacionados à atuação profissional do professor de matemática e possam contribuir de forma significativa em sua caminhada acadêmica e profissional.Boa leitura

    Carotid artery vasoreactivity correlates with abdominal aortic vasoreactivity in young healthy individuals but not in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    BACKGROUND: Sympathetic stimulation of central arteries, such as coronary and carotid arteries, cause vasodilation in healthy subjects, but vasoconstriction in those with increased cardiovascular risk. This study compared vasoreactivity to sympathetic stimulation between abdominal aorta and carotid artery in healthy young individuals (young group, n = 20), in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA group, n = 20) and in a healthy older group, age- and gender matched with AAA group (matched group, n = 18). METHOD: All subjects underwent cold pressor test, while performing concomitantly duplex ultrasound of abdominal aorta and carotid artery vasoreactivity. Observer-independent software was used to analyze and calculate magnitude and timing of maximum vasodilation or vasoconstriction. Pearson's correlation coefficient was calculated to investigate vasoreactivity between arteries. RESULTS: Carotid artery reactivity [Interquartile range 25%, Interquartile range 75%] did not significantly differ between the young, matched and AAA group (3.5% [1.4, 4.7], 2.6% [2.0, 4.1] and 2.2% [-1.9, 3.7], respectively, p = 0.301). Abdominal aortic responsiveness demonstrated larger differences between young (4.9% [-0.2, 8.4]), matched (3.3% [-2.5, 4.4]) and individuals with AAA (0.5% [-3.9, 4.1], p = 0.059). Pooled analysis showed a significant correlation between carotid and abdominal aortic vasoreactivity (r = 0.444, p = 0.001). Subgroup analyses demonstrated significant correlation between both arteries in young (r = 0.636, p = 0.003), but not matched (r = −0.040, p = 0.866) or AAA group (r = 0.410, p = 0.129). CONCLUSIONS: Sympathetic stimulation induces powerful vasodilation of the carotid artery and abdominal aorta, which is significantly correlated in healthy individuals. No such correlation is present in abdominal aortic aneurysm patients. This suggests the aneurysm alters local abdominal aorta vasoreactivity, but not the carotid artery

    Mediating scarcity in pandemic times: an ethnographic study on the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infections during the emergence of the corona crisis in the Netherlands.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: In this paper we explore how staff involved with infection prevention managed the emerging COVID-19 crisis in the context of scarcity of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), focussing specifically on the (re)writing of guidelines. We conceptualize guidelines as 'mediating devices' as they translate between evidence and clinical practice, between management and the workplace, as well as the different values embedded in these domains. It is this mediation, we argue, that adds to the resilience of healthcare organizations. The setting for this research is an elite academic hospital in the Netherlands during the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: We conducted non-participative observations, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis during the emerging pandemic (March-July 2020). We observed meetings from the crisis team and the unit for infection prevention (210 hours), interviewed members of these teams (21 interviews) and analysed guidelines and flowcharts concerning infection prevention, as such collecting a unique and rich qualitative dataset. Analysis was done through thematic coding. RESULTS: Our results show the writing and rewriting of guidelines as a fundamental characteristic of dealing with scarcity and adding to resilience. We found three main practices our research participants engage in while trying to manage the uncertain situations emerging from the scarcity of personal protection equipment. The first practice we observe is defining safety; dealing with different perspectives and experiences of what 'working safely' means. The second entails the anticipation of scarcity by which our participants aim to control the situation through monitoring, research and creating scenarios. The third practice we observe is finding new ways to use PPE that is available, by experimenting and tinkering with the material. CONCLUSION: Infection prevention guidelines are crucial in managing the emerging crisis. We discuss how the writing of guidelines mediates between different settings, timeframes, and different worlds of quality. Through (re)writing there is a constant negotiation and discussion with the various actors about what works, and there is a continuous adaptive attitude. At the cost of a lot of work and struggle, this creates a resilient and inclusive work environment useful in a long-lasting crisis

    A methodology to systematically analyze the hospital discharge of terminally ill patients

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    To provide an appropriate method to systematically analyze the hospital discharge of terminally ill patients especially the cooperation between hospital and community nurses and the quality of the discharge handovers. To evaluate the hospital discharge process of terminally ill patients in an academic hospital in the Netherlands using the proposed method. Data were collected from a prospective cohort of all terminally ill patients discharged from the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands, between June and November 2014. The hospital discharges were assessed using 2 questionnaires: an inventory questionnaire, to determine the required care, and an evaluation questionnaire, to evaluate the care actually organized and the discharge handovers. The inventory questionnaire was completed prior to discharge and the evaluation questionnaire between 3 to 7 days after discharge. Around 130 consecutive patients were included. The discharge took place on the desired date in 86% of cases and the average overall discharge grade on a 10-point scale was 7.4 (range: 3-9.5). In 23% of cases discrepancies between required and provided care were identified and medication queries existed in 29%. This study provides a methodology to analyze the hospital discharge procedure of terminally ill patients that can be utlized in any hospital. Structured analysis of the discharge process is valuable and identifies where improvements can be made. Within the study cohort the home care could be arranged at short notice and was considered sufficient. However, in a significant proportion of patients a discrepancy between required and arranged care and queries about medication were identified

    Sustainability of Individual EndoAnchor Implants in Therapeutic Use to Treat Type Ia Endoleak After Endovascular Aneurysm Repair

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    Purpose: To investigate changes in penetration depths and angles of EndoAnchor implants with initially good penetration after therapeutic use in endovascular aneurysm repair. Materials and Methods: Patients were selected from the Aneurysm Treatment Using the Heli-FX Aortic Securement System Global Registry (ANCHOR; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01534819). Inclusion criteria were (1) EndoAnchor implantation to treat intraoperative or late type Ia endoleak and (2) at least 2 postoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA) scans. Exclusion criteria were the use of adjunct procedures. Based on these criteria, 54 patients (44 men) with 360 EndoAnchor implants were eligible for this analysis. Penetration depth of each EndoAnchor implant into the aortic wall was judged as (1) good (2-mm penetration), (2) borderline (</p

    Randomized controlled study of pain education in patients receiving radiotherapy for painful bone metastases

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    BACKGROUND: Although short-course radiotherapy is an effective treatment for patients with painful bone metastases, pain is not always sufficiently controlled. We therefore investigated the additional effect of a nurse-led pain education program on pain control and quality of life (QoL).PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this multicenter study, patients with solid tumor bone metastases and a worst pain intensity of ≥5 on a 0-10 numeric rating scale (NRS) were randomized between care as usual (control-group) and care as usual plus the Pain Education Program (PEP-group). PEP consisted of a structured interview and personalized education with follow-up phone calls. Patients completed the Brief Pain Inventory, EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL and BM22 at week 0, 1, 4, 8 and 12. The primary outcome was pain control, defined as the number of patients whose worst pain intensity was &lt;5 on a 0-10 NRS after 12 weeks. Secondary outcomes were time to reach control of pain (NRS &lt; 5), mean worst pain and average pain, and QoL at weeks 1, 4, 8 and 12.RESULTS: Of 308 included patients, 182 (92 PEP-group) completed 12 weeks follow-up. At 12 weeks, more patients in the PEP-group (71%) compared to the control-group (52%) reported pain control (P =.008). In the PEP-group, pain control was reached earlier than in the control-group (median 29 days versus 56 days; P =.003). Mean worst and average pain decreased in both groups but decreased more in the PEP-group. QoL did not differ between the groups.CONCLUSION: The addition of PEP to care as usual for patients treated with radiotherapy for painful bone metastases resulted in less pain and faster pain control.</p