1,299 research outputs found


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    Processing-bioprocessing of oilseed rape in bioenergy production and value added utilization of remaining seed components

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    Cruciferous oilseed crops accumulate relatively high concentrations of oil, proteins and dietary fibres (DF) in their seeds, in addition to bioactive components as glucosinolates and myrosinase isoenzymes (thioglucohydrolase; EC When mixed in the presence of moisture, myrosinase isoenzymes and associated components transform glucosinolates into various types of products, which reduces the value of the extracted oil and the remaining seed components, as well as producing unwanted environmental effects due to smell and toxicity. This gives a need for special care concerning myrosinase inactivation as the initial step during processing of oilseed rape, including technologies applied for biodiesel/bioenergy production. The myrosinase inactivation is thus a critical processing step, which needs to be performed at conditions with limited negative effects on other seed components, including proteins and glucosinolates. New bioprocessing technologies are now developed at levels that allow technology transfer from laboratory scale through pilot plant to industrial scale. The extraction of glucosinolates from the seed components remaining after oil separation-pressing and/or extraction is technically possible and has proven successful with the use of bioprocessing technologies. This is also the case concerning isolation of active myrosinases. The possibilities therefore exist for extraction and formulation of glucosinolates as “natural product derived” food and plant protection agents. With the great amounts of partly de-oiled rapeseed meal resulting from bioenergy/biodiesel production, the new bioprocessing technologies call thus for attention in relation to environmental friendly production of food (vegetable oil, protein and DF products), feed and other non food products

    Projekt Basiskost- Sunde og økologiske fødevarer i storkøkkener. Slutrapport

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    Interessen fra udenlandske aktører har vist, at Danmark, pü trods af den store kompleksitet, der er forbundet med økologis omlÌgning, har skabt en enestüende case, der har medvirket til at for-ny den offentlige mad pü en rÌkke omrüder. Projektets undersøgelser har vist, at der kan vÌre en lang rÌkke afledte effekter af økologisk om-lÌgning. Det er vigtigt, at disse effekter i højere grad bliver undersøgt og dokumenteret hvis den økologisk omlÌgning og det økologisk forbrug fortsat skal have fremdrift. SÌrlig er det vigtigt, at de afsmittende ernÌringsmÌssige fordele, der tilsyneladende er forbundet med økologiske for-brug bliver undersøgt nÌrmere. Projektets informationsaktiviteter viser, at der har vÌret et stort behov for at deltage i informati-ons udveksling. Projektet har ikke kunne dokumentere, at der er blivende og stor interesse for en bredt anlagt hjemmeside men, at konkrete oplysninger om produkter samt konkrete driftstips og links til leverandører, er efterspurgte. Den store interesse for projektet leverandør database viser, at det er de praktiske forsyningstekniske aspekter, der har sÌrlig bevügenhed. Det konkluderes at, projektets bidrag til hjemmeside udvikling nu er hündteret af Økologisk Landforening initiativ pü omrüdet, der gør brug af relevante oplysninger fra Basiskost Projektet viser, at det økologiske storkøkkenforbrug er pü vej ind som en del af andre ernÌrings-relaterede dagsordner i kommunerne og at økologien har füet en stabil plads i en rÌkke kommu-ner, der med selvstÌndige projekter har skabt betydelige resultater og tiltrukket betydelig interesse ikke mindst fra udlandet. Projektet har i betydelig grad bidraget til at skabe denne interesse gen-nem sine internationale netvÌrksaktiviteter Projektet viser ogsü, at for at kunne forny den økologiske omlÌgningsdagsorden i Danmark, mü økologi i højere grad indtÌnkes i andre forandringsdagsordner, der eksisterer eller er er pü vej. Her kan peges pü skolemad og skolefrugt ordninger

    Synthetic Aperture Sequential Beamformation applied to medical imaging.

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    Map Matching Algorithm for the ”Spar p ̊a farten” Intelligent Speed Adaptation Project

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    The availability of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) enables sophisticated vehicle guidance and advisory systems such as Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) systems. In ISA systems, it is essential to be able to position vehicles within a road network. Because digital road networks as well as GNSS positioning are often inaccurate, a technique known as map matching is needed that aims to use this inaccurate data for determining a vehicle’s real road-network position. Then, knowing this position, an ISA system can compare speed with the speed limit in effect and take measures against speeding. This paper presents an on-line map matching algorithm with an extensive number of weighting parameters that allow better determination of a vehicle’s road network position. The algorithm uses certainty value to express its belief in the correctness of its results. The algorithm was designed and implemented to be used in the large scale ISA project ”Spar p ̊a farten” . Using test data and data collected from project participants, the algorithm’s performance is evaluated. It is shown that algorithm performs correctly 95 % of the time and is capable of handling GNSS positioning errors in a conservative manner

    Governance Struggles and Policy Processes in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study from Nepal

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    In the neo-liberal climate of reduced responsibility for the state, alongside global platforms established to implement the Hyogo Framework for Action, a new arena opens for a multitude of stakeholders to engage in disaster risk reduction (DRR). The key role that the state can play in instituting effective DRR tends to receive little attention, yet in situations where the state apparatus is weak, such as in Nepal, it becomes evident that integrating DRR into development is a particularly challenging task. Due to the political situation in Nepal, progress has been stalled in providing a legislative context conducive to effective DRR. This paper traces the evolution of key DRR initiatives that have been developed in spite of the challenging governance context, such as the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management and the Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium. Informed by in-depth interviews with key informants, the argument is made that the dedicated efforts of national and international non-governmental organisations, multilateral agencies and donors in mainstreaming DRR demonstrate that considerable progress can be made even where government departments are protective of their own interests and are slow to enact policies to support DRR. The paper suggests however, that without stronger engagement of key political actors the prospects for further progress in DRR may be limited. The findings have implications for other post-conflict countries or weak states engaging in DRR
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