103 research outputs found

    Fra forfald til forbedring. Ændrede opfattelser af ældres sundhed i Danmark i det 20. århundrede

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    Artiklen sætter gennem en analyse af københavnsk ældrepolitik fokus på, hvornår og hvorfor opfattelsen af ældres sundhed ændrede sig fra et upåvirkeligt forfald til den nutidige sundhedsopfattelse, hvor de ældres kroppe er en påvirkelig størrelse, der kan bedres og vedligeholdes ved hjælp af kost og motion. Artiklen søger gennem en analyse af ældrepolitiske diskussioner i Københavns Kommunes Borgerrepræsentation, i perioden 1892 til 1964, at datere ændringen i sundhedsopfattelsen med det formål at bidrage med ny viden om udviklingen af sundhedsopfattelser i Danmark, samt at klarlægge oprindelsen og rammerne for den nuværende ældrepolitiske kurs


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    In this issue of Academic Quarter, we focus on the network approach. Throughout the past 40 years the network perspective seem to have become the go-to analytical approach that emphasizes relation-making processes and descriptions of how phenomena come into being within the social sciences and the humanities. With this issue we want to engage in a discussion of the appropriateness and relevance of the network approach, and to ask; what do we (still) gain by applying a network perspective? The call for the issue invited contributions from the humanities and the social sciences. Resultantly the issue now, fortunately, contains nine articles from a range of scholarly fields. The different approaches to the concept, theories and methodologies of network(s) inherent in this issue show how thinking in networks, infrastructures, agents and actors still function as a productive scholarly perspective that enables new insights into the interplay between humans and technology, the individual and the collective and societal reproduction and change

    Aldringsidentitet i spændingsfeltet mellem fangersamfund og velfærdsstat

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    I Grønland er en dansk velfaerdsstatsmodel siden midten af det20. århundrede blevet udviklet og udbredt. Dette har haft konsekvenserfor befolkningen på mange forskellige niveauer. Idenne artikel undersøger vi, hvordan aeldre mennesker identificeresi politikker, og hvorledes disse identifikationer spillersammen med individuelle og communitybaserede opfattelser afvaerdier og identitet blandt aeldre mennesker i Grønland. Voresudgangspunkt er, at identitet er en proces under fortsat udviklingi samspil mellem individ og kollektiv. Analysen viser, at derbåde i nationale og kommunale politikker og i en undersøgelseaf aeldres vaerdier på individuelt og lokalt niveau er store sammenfald.Derudover spiller de vaerdier, som fremskrives af aeldreselv og i politikker også sammen med identitets- og sundhedsbegrebetpeqqineq. Generelt er der stor respekt for individetsautonomi og for traditioner og familiebånd

    Svin – kvalitet og kontrol

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    A. K. Gjerløff og T. V. Jensen Svin – kvalitet og kontrol. (Pigs – quality and control). This article describes control measures and standardization processes in Danish pork production around 1900. The aim of the production was to create The Good Meat by rationalizing and standardising the body of the pig. Concomitant with this, theories about hygiene and microorganisms influenced veterinarian science, and professional meat control was gradually introduced. A historical analysis of the health and quality control of the slaughterhouses shows how demands about the meat together with economic and political agendas determined the character of the pig's body. Focus was on the thickness and qualities of fat, but rather based on economic than nutritional incentives. So ideals about the good pork were developed with a standardized presence of fat and absence of disease. These ideals were continued and can be found again in later body ideals – animal as well as human

    Motion and Emotion: Understanding Urban Architecture through Diverse Multisensorial Engagements

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    Understanding how (dis)abled human bodies interact with the built environment is critical in Urban Design. We examine if somaesthetic theory combined with a neuro-architectural framework can help advance our understanding of human bodily interaction with the built environment. We do so first from a theoretical point of view, and second with an analysis of the situated context: Budolfi Square in Aalborg, Denmark. Our take-home-message is that architects and urban designers need to move beyond the established understanding of the multi-sensory soma, into an understanding of a situated mobile-emotional soma

    Daily protein and energy intake are not associated with muscle mass and physical function in healthy older individuals - A cross-sectional study

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    Dietary protein has a pivotal role in muscle mass maintenance with advancing age. However, an optimal dose and distribution of protein intake across the day as well as the interaction with energy intake for the maintenance of muscle mass and physical function in healthy older adults remain to be fully elucidated. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between muscle mass, strength, and physical function, and the total amount and distribution of protein and energy intake across the day in healthy older individuals. The research question was addressed in a cross-sectional study including 184 Danish men and woman (age: 70.2 ± 3.9 years, body mass: 74.9 ± 12.1 kg, Body Mass Index (BMI): 25.4 ± 3.7 kg/m2) where a 3-day dietary registration, muscle mass, strength, and functional measurements were collected. We found that neither daily total protein intake nor distribution throughout the day were associated with muscle mass, strength, or physical function. Consequently, we do not provide an incentive for healthy older Danish individuals who already adhere to the current internationally accepted recommended dietary protein intake (0.83 g/kg/day) to change dietary protein intake or its distribution pattern throughout the day

    Cross-border outbreak of listeriosis caused by cold-smoked salmon, revealed by integrated surveillance and whole genome sequencing (WGS), Denmark and France, 2015 to 2017

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    International audienceIn August 2017, an outbreak of six listeriosis cases in Denmark was traced to cold-smoked salmon, using epidemiological investigations and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analyses. Exchange of genome sequences allowed identification in France of a food isolate from a salmon-derived product and a human isolate from 2016 within the same cgMLST cluster as the Danish isolates (L2-SL8-ST8-CT771). The salmon product came from a third European Union country. WGS can rapidly link human cases and food isolates across Europe