114 research outputs found
PROTEIN og MILJØ fra GRÆS. Kan vi fodre kvæg, svin og høns med græs?
Resultater fra fodringsforsøg med græspulp til kvæg og græsproteinkoncentrat til svin og kyllinger
Quality and Vitamins in Forage Herb and Legume Species
Grasslands provide an important part of the feed used by domestic and wild ruminants. Fresh herbage is an important natural source of vitamins in ruminant diets. Concentrations of vitamins in plants depend on factors such as regrowth stage, temperature and day length, N fertilisation and leaf proportion in the harvested herbage. Most studies on vitamin concentrations in forages have been carried out with agronomical important grass species such as perennial ryegrass and legume species such as white clover, but hardly with other grassland forage species. As data of dicotyledonous species grown in a sward are scarce, yield, quality and vitamin contents in a number of herb (hereafter referred to as forb) and legume species were compared to a grass-clover mixture to get an insight into species differences
α-Tocopherol and β-Carotene Concentrations in Legume-Grass Mixtures as Affected by Wilting and Ensiling
Fresh or preserved forage is the largest source of natural α-tocopherol and β-carotene for dairy cows. Plant species, wilting and method of preservation can affect the vitamin content of forage and, consequently, have a large impact on the concentrations of these vitamins in plasma of dairy cows (Agabriel et al.2007).
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of species mixture, wilting, ensiling and additive on the contents of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in legume-grass forages
PhytoMilk - Open seminar
Programme for open seminar for the PhytoMilk project held at Studentersamfundet, UMB, Ås, Norway, 23 June 201
Evaluering af Bycyklen i København.
Her i august 1997 står Bycyklen i København midt i projektets tredje sæson, og Bycyklen er ved at bide sig fast som en permanent del af det københavnske trafikbillede.
Der har ikke i projektets første to leveår været midler til at foretage en systematisk undersøgelse af, hvordan Bycyklerne bruges, men der findes registreringer af cyklerne i stativerne samt en del mere journalistiske beskrivelser.
Det er derfor meget vigtigt for erfaringsopsamlingen omkring Bycyklen, at Transportrådet har bevilliget støtte til en evaluering af projektet i 1997. Det er Danmarks Tekniske Universitet ved Jan Grubb Laursen, der står for undersøgelsen, og der afrapporteres i slutningen af året. Jeg har dog fået lov til at se lidt på det foreløbige materiale og kan vise nogle eksempler fra undersøgelsen.
Også ZEUS-Projektet (“Zero and low Emission vehicles in Urban Societies”) under EU har givet midler til evaluering af Bycyklen i de næste par år.
Det følgende er altså min vurdering af Bycyklen 1995 - 97, og jeg vil indlede med en meget kort beskrivelse af bycykelsystemet.
Bycyklen må kun bruges i Københavns Indre By afgrænset af Søerne, Havnen og Christianshavns Vold, et område der svarer til P-betalingszonen. Bycyklerne frigives fra et stativ mod en pant på 20 kr., som det kendes fra supermarkeder. Pengene fås tilbage, når cyklen stilles igen i et af de 120 stativer.
Og hvordan er så de første 3 år af projektets levetid er gået
Variations an α-Tocopherol and β-Carotene Concentrations in Forage Legumes and Grasses Harvested at Different Sites and Maturity Stages
Forage is a major source of natural α-tocopherol and β-carotene for dairy cows. This study examined vitamin concentrations of birdsfoot trefoil (Bft), red clover (Rc), timothy (Ti) and meadow fescue (Mf) at different sites, years and cutting dates. Mixtures of Bft+Ti, Rc+Ti and Rc+Mf were established at Skara (58°21’N; 13°08’E) and Umeå (63°45’N; 20°17’E) in Sweden. First-year leys were cut on three occasions in spring (Umeå 2005, Skara 2005 and 2007); one week before heading of timothy, at heading and one week after heading. Birdsfoot trefoil had higher α-tocopherol concentration at Skara than at Umeå in the first two cuts in 2005 (66 vs. 27 and 50 vs. 36 mg/kg DM, respectively) and had generally higher concentration than Rc. α-Tocopherol concentrations of Bft and Rc were 32 vs. 17 and 50 vs. 25 mg/kg DM at Umeå and Skara 2005, respectively, averaged over cuts. At Skara, α-tocopherol concentration decreased with later cutting date of Bft and grasses (P \u3c 0.01). Birdsfoot trefoil had higher β-carotene concentration at Skara than at Umeå in 2005 (70 vs. 55 mg/kg DM) and higher concentration than Rc at Skara, when averaged over cuts (70 vs. 46 mg/kg DM in 2005 and 82 vs. 52 in 2007; P = 0.037). Grasses had higher α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentrations at Skara than at Umeå in 2005, when averaged over cuts (56 vs. 33 and 46 vs. 23 mg/kg DM; P \u3c 0.001). Interactions between site, species and cutting date affected α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentrations in forages
Nutritional values of forage-legume-based silages and protein concentrates for growing pigs
In organic pig production systems, one of the main challenges is to meet the demand for resources rich in protein. Among the resources available, temperate green plants, such as forage legumes, are potential sources of energy and protein. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritional value of silages (S) from the whole plant of lucerne (L) and red clover (R) and protein pastes (PPs) obtained from L and R leaves. In a first trial, 30 pigs were used in a factorial design to determine the total tract digestibility (TTD) of dietary nutrients and energy in five dietary treatments. The control group was fed a control diet (C1). The lucerne silage (LS) and red clover silage (RS) groups were fed a 78%:22% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LS or RS. The lucerne protein paste (LPP) and the red clover protein paste (RPP) groups were fed an 81%:19% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C1 diet and LPP or RPP. In the second trial, five pigs were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design to evaluate the standardised ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AAs) in the four legume products. The control diet (C2) was formulated with casein as the sole protein source. The LS and RS groups were fed an 85%:15% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LS or RS. The LPP and RPP groups were fed an 80%:20% mixture (on a DM basis) of the C2 diet and LPP or RPP. Regardless of the plant species, silages obtained from L and R leaves contained less AA and more fibre than protein pastes. While the fresh forages contained the same percentage of protein N in total N (63.6%), lucerne lost more protein N during ensiling than red clover (−75.5 vs −33.8%). The calculated TTD coefficient of energy was higher in silages than in protein pastes and lower in R than in L products (72.8, 71.5, 67.7, and 61.3 for LS, RS, LPP and RPP, respectively). The SID of total essential AA was higher in LPP than in RPP (87.2 vs 79.2%) whereas it was lower in LS than in RS (33.2 vs 56.8%). The lower SID values in silages were explained by the protein degradation during the ensiling process and a high proportion of AA linked to the NDF fraction. The results of the present study show that protein pastes obtained from lucerne and red clover are valuable protein sources for pig. In contrast, legume silages have to be considered as an energy source rather than a protein source.publishedVersio
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