452 research outputs found

    Experience with CO2 capture from coal flue gas in pilot-scale: Testing of different amine solvents

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    AbstractAs part of the EU project CASTOR, a 1 t/h CO2 absorption pilot plant has been erected at Esbjergværket (Esbjerg power station) in Denmark. The main purpose of the pilot plant is to demonstrate the post combustion capture technology in conjunction with a coal-fired power station. Additionally, the pilot plant has been used to test the performance of new energy efficient solvents and to validate modelling work. The pilot plant operates on a slipstream of flue gas from the power plant without any further pre- treatment. During the CASTOR project, four 1000-hours test campaigns have been conducted at the facility using conventional solvent, 30%-weight MEA as well as two novel amine-based solvents, CASTOR 1 and CASTOR 2. Among others, the test campaigns consisted of parameter variation tests and longer periods of continuous operation. This paper summarises the operation experience and some of the results obtained during the CASTOR project

    Identification of proteins in the postsynaptic density fraction by mass spectrometry

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    Our understanding of the organization of postsynaptic signaling systems at excitatory synapses has been aided by the identification of proteins in the postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction, a subcellular fraction enriched in structures with the morphology of PSDs. In this study, we have completed the identification of most major proteins in the PSD fraction with the use of an analytical method based on mass spectrometry coupled with searching of the protein sequence databases. At least one protein in each of 26 prominent protein bands from the PSD fraction has now been identified. We found 7 proteins not previously known to be constituents of the PSD fraction and 24 that had previously been associated with the PSD by other methods. The newly identified proteins include the heavy chain of myosin-Va (dilute myosin), a motor protein thought to be involved in vesicle trafficking, and the mammalian homolog of the yeast septin protein cdc10, which is important for bud formation in yeast. Both myosin-Va and cdc10 are threefold to fivefold enriched in the PSD fraction over brain homogenates. Immunocytochemical localization of myosin-Va in cultured hippocampal neurons shows that it partially colocalizes with PSD-95 at synapses and is also diffusely localized in cell bodies, dendrites, and axons. Cdc10 has a punctate distribution in cell bodies and dendrites, with some of the puncta colocalizing with PSD-95. The results support a role for myosin-Va in transport of materials into spines and for septins in the formation or maintenance of spines

    How to Improve University Orientation: Seven Good Practice Strategies for South Africa

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    There is a great deal of variability in the practice of orientation across the country at South Africa’s universities, and there is limited knowledge of what exactly constitutes good practice in orientation.  Many areas of enquiry remain unexplored, and remain blind spots for South Africa’s higher education sector. The article addresses this central question: What constitutes good practice for orientation programmes in South Africa? The article argues that a structured and informed orientation strategy is critical in terms of matters of student retention and, in fact, may serve as the key linchpin of students’ decision to stay or exit the higher education system. Accordingly, seven strategies to improve nationalorientation practice are proposed in this article

    The tumor suppressor CIC directly regulates MAPK pathway genes via histone deacetylation

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    Abstract Oligodendrogliomas are brain tumors accounting for approximately 10% of all central nervous system cancers. CIC is a transcription factor that is mutated in most patients with oligodendrogliomas; these mutations are believed to be a key oncogenic event in such cancers. Analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster ortholog of CIC, Capicua, indicates that CIC loss phenocopies activation of the EGFR/RAS/MAPK pathway, and studies in mammalian cells have demonstrated a role for CIC in repressing the transcription of the PEA3 subfamily of ETS transcription factors. Here, we address the mechanism by which CIC represses transcription and assess the functional consequences of CIC inactivation. Genome-wide binding patterns of CIC in several cell types revealed that CIC target genes were enriched for MAPK effector genes involved in cell-cycle regulation and proliferation. CIC binding to target genes was abolished by high MAPK activity, which led to their transcriptional activation. CIC interacted with the SIN3 deacetylation complex and, based on our results, we suggest that CIC functions as a transcriptional repressor through the recruitment of histone deacetylases. Independent single amino acid substitutions found in oligodendrogliomas prevented CIC from binding its target genes. Taken together, our results show that CIC is a transcriptional repressor of genes regulated by MAPK signaling, and that ablation of CIC function leads to increased histone acetylation levels and transcription at these genes, ultimately fueling mitogen-independent tumor growth. Significance: Inactivation of CIC inhibits its direct repression of MAPK pathway genes, leading to their increased expression and mitogen-independent growth. Graphical Abstract: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/canres/78/15/4114/F1.large.jpg. Cancer Res; 78(15); 4114–25. ©2018 AACR.</jats:p

    Erv41p and Erv46p: New Components of Copii Vesicles Involved in Transport between the ER and Golgi Complex

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    Proteins contained on purified COPII vesicles were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry combined with database searching. We identified four known vesicle proteins (Erv14p, Bet1p, Emp24p, and Erv25p) and an additional nine species (Yip3p, Rer1p, Erp1p, Erp2p, Erv29p, Yif1p, Erv41p, Erv46p, and Emp47p) that had not been localized to ER vesicles. Using antibodies, we demonstrate that these proteins are selectively and efficiently packaged into COPII vesicles. Three of the newly identified vesicle proteins (Erv29p, Erv41p, and Erv46p) represent uncharacterized integral membrane proteins that are conserved across species. Erv41p and Erv46p were further characterized. These proteins colocalized to ER and Golgi membranes and exist in a detergent-soluble complex that was isolated by immunoprecipitation. Yeast strains lacking Erv41p and/or Erv46p are viable but display cold sensitivity. The expression levels of Erv41p and Erv46p are interdependent such that Erv46p was reduced in an erv41Δ strain, and Erv41p was not detected in an erv46Δ strain. When the erv41Δ or ev46Δ alleles were combined with other mutations in the early secretory pathway, altered growth phenotypes were observed in some of the double mutant strains. A cell-free assay that reproduces transport between the ER and Golgi indicates that deletion of the Erv41p–Erv46p complex influences the membrane fusion stage of transport

    Systematic Analysis of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor by Mass Spectrometry Reveals Stimulation-dependent Multisite Phosphorylation

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    Multisite phosphorylation of proteins is a general mechanism for modulation of protein function and molecular interactions. Definition of phosphorylation sites and elucidation of the functional interplay between multiple phosphorylated residues in proteins are, however, a major analytical challenge in current molecular cell biology and proteomic research. In the present study, we used mass spectrometry to determine the major phosphorylated residues of the human epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor at various well defined cellular conditions. Activation of EGF receptor was achieved by several types of stimulation, i.e. by sodium pervanadate, EGF, and integrin-dependent adhesion. The contribution of cell-matrix adhesion was also determined by activating the EGF receptor by EGF in cells kept in suspension. We developed an analytical strategy that combined miniaturized sample preparation techniques and MALDI tandem mass spectrometry and determined a total of nine phosphorylation sites in the EGF receptor. We discovered one novel phosphorylation site (Ser967) and revealed constitutive phosphorylation of Thr669, Ser967, Ser1002, and Tyr1045 and stimulation-dependent differential phosphorylation of Tyr1068, Tyr1086, Ser1142, Tyr1148, and Tyr1173. The EGF receptor was purified from HeLa cells or ECV304 cells by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE and then digested with trypsin. Phosphopeptides in the range of 0.8-3.7 kDa were recovered by combinations of IMAC, perfusion chromatography, and graphite powder chromatography and subsequently detected and sequenced by MALDI quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry. Two phosphorylation sites were detected in the peptide 1137GSHQISLDNPDYQQDFFPK1155; however, only Tyr1148 was phosphorylated upon EGF treatment; in contrast Ser1142 was only phosphorylated by integrin-dependent adhesion in the absence of EGF treatment, suggesting differential phosphorylation of this region by distinct stimuli. This MALDI MS/MS-based analytical approach demonstrates the feasibility of systematic analysis of signaling molecules by mass spectrometry and provides new insights into the dynamics of receptor signaling processes

    The tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 interacts with NPM-ALK and regulates anaplastic lymphoma cell growth and migration

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    Anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCL) are mainly characterized by the reciprocal translocation t(2;5)(p23;q35) that involves the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene and generates the fusion protein NPM-ALK with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. NPM-ALK triggers several signaling cascades, leading to increased cell growth, resistance to apoptosis, and changes in morphology and migration of transformed cells. To search for new NPM-ALK interacting molecules, we developed a mass spectrometry-based proteomic approach in HEK293 cells expressing an inducible NPM-ALK and identified the tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 as a candidate substrate. We found that NPM-ALK was able to bind Shp2 in coprecipitation experiments and to induce its phosphorylation in the tyrosine residues Y542 and Y580 both in HEK293 cells and ALCL cell lines. In primary lymphomas, antibodies against the phosphorylated tyrosine Y542 of Shp2 mainly stained ALK-positive cells. In ALCL cell lines, Shp2-constitutive phosphorylation was dependent on NPM-ALK, as it significantly decreased after short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated NPM-ALK knock down. In addition, only the constitutively active NPM-ALK, but not the kinase dead NPM-ALK(K210R), formed a complex with Shp2, Gab2, and growth factor receptor binding protein 2 (Grb2), where Grb2 bound to the phosphorylated Shp2 through its SH2 domain. Shp2 knock down by specific shRNA decreased the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and of the tyrosine residue Y416 in the activation loop of Src, resulting in impaired ALCL cell proliferation and growth disadvantage. Finally, migration of ALCL cells was reduced by Shp2 shRNA. These findings show a direct involvement of Shp2 in NPM-ALK lymphomagenesis, highlighting its critical role in lymphoma cell proliferation and migration