13,171 research outputs found

    Head Wave Correlations in Ambient Noise

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    Ambient ocean noise is processed with a vertical line array to reveal coherent time-separated arrivals suggesting the presence of head wave multipath propagation. Head waves, which are critically propagating water waves created by seabed waves traveling parallel to the water-sediment interface, can propagate faster than water-only waves. Such eigenrays are much weaker than water-only eigenrays, and are often completely overshadowed by them. Surface-generated noise is different whereby it amplifies the coherence between head waves and critically propagating water-only waves, which is measured by cross-correlating critically steered beams. This phenomenon is demonstrated both experimentally and with a full wave simulation

    Statistics of lattice animals (polyominoes) and polygons

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    We have developed an improved algorithm that allows us to enumerate the number of site animals (polyominoes) on the square lattice up to size 46. Analysis of the resulting series yields an improved estimate, τ=4.062570(8)\tau = 4.062570(8), for the growth constant of lattice animals and confirms to a very high degree of certainty that the generating function has a logarithmic divergence. We prove the bound τ>3.90318.\tau > 3.90318. We also calculate the radius of gyration of both lattice animals and polygons enumerated by area. The analysis of the radius of gyration series yields the estimate ν=0.64115(5)\nu = 0.64115(5), for both animals and polygons enumerated by area. The mean perimeter of polygons of area nn is also calculated. A number of new amplitude estimates are given.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figure

    Linear response functions for a vibrational configuration interaction state

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    Linear response functions are implemented for a vibrational configuration interaction state allowing accurate analytical calculations of pure vibrational contributions to dynamical polarizabilities. Sample calculations are presented for the pure vibrational contributions to the polarizabilities of water and formaldehyde. We discuss the convergence of the results with respect to various details of the vibrational wave function description as well as the potential and property surfaces. We also analyze the frequency dependence of the linear response function and the effect of accounting phenomenologically for the finite lifetime of the excited vibrational states. Finally, we compare the analytical response approach to a sum-over-states approac

    Biopsy-based optimization and calibration of a signal-intensity-ratio-based MRI method (1.5 Tesla) in a dextran-iron loaded mini-pig model, enabling estimation of very high liver iron concentrations

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    OBJECTIVE: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based techniques for non-invasive assessing liver iron concentration (LIC) in patients with iron overload have a limited upper measuring range around 35 mg/g dry weight, caused by signal loss from accelerated T1-, T2-, T2* shortening with increasing LIC. Expansion of this range is necessary to allow evaluation of patients with very high LIC. AIM: To assess measuring range of a gradient-echo R2* method and a T1-weighted spin-echo (SE), signal intensity ratio (SIR)-based method (TE = 25 ms, TR = 560 ms), and to extend the upper measuring range of the SIR method by optimizing echo time (TE) and repetition time (TR) in iron-loaded minipigs. METHODS: Thirteen mini pigs were followed up during dextran-iron loading with repeated percutaneous liver biopsies for chemical LIC measurement and MRIs for parallel non-invasive estimation of LIC (81 examinations) using different TEs and TRs. RESULTS: SIR and R2* method had similar upper measuring range around 34 mg/g and similar method agreement. Using TE = 12 ms and TR = 1200 ms extended the upper measuring range to 115 mg/g and yielded good method of agreement. DISCUSSION: The wider measuring range is likely caused by lesser sensitivity of the SE sequence to iron, due to shorter TE, leading to later signal loss at high LIC, allowing evaluation of most severe hepatic iron overload. Validation in iron-loaded patients is necessary

    Hot electron driven enhancement of spin-lattice coupling in 4f ferromagnets observed by femtosecond x-ray magnetic circular dichroism

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    Femtosecond x-ray magnetic circular dichroism was used to study the time-dependent magnetic moment of 4 fs electrons in the ferromagnets Gd and Tb, which are known for their different spin-lattice coupling. We observe a two-step demagnetization with an ultrafast demagnetization time of 750 fs identical for both systems and slower times which differ sizeably with 40 ps for Gd and 8 ps for Tb. We conclude that spin-lattice coupling in the electronically excited state is enhanced up to orders of magnitude compared to equilibrium.Comment: added reference 24, clarified the meaning of photo-induced, emphasized that XMCD probes the magnetic moment localized at 4f electron

    Use and impact of point-of-care ultrasonography in general practice:a prospective observational study

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    Objectives To describe how general practitioners (GPs) use point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS) and how it influences the diagnostic process and treatment of patients.Design Prospective observational study using an online questionnaire before and after POCUS.Setting Office-based general practice.Participants Twenty GPs consecutively recruited all patients examined with POCUS in 1 month.Primary and secondary outcome measures We estimated the use of POCUS through the indication for use, the frequency of use, the time consumption, the extent of modification of the examination and the findings.The influence on the diagnostic process was estimated through change in the tentative diagnoses, change in confidence, the ability to produce ultrasound images and the relationship between confidence and organs scanned or tentative diagnoses.The influence of POCUS on patient treatment was estimated through change in plan for the patient, change in patient’s treatment and the relationship between such changes and certain findings.Results The GPs included 574 patients in the study. POCUS was used in patient consultations with a median frequency of 8.6% (IQR: 4.9–12.6). Many different organs were scanned covering more than 100 different tentative diagnoses. The median time taken to perform POCUS was 5 min (IQR: 3–8). Across applications and GPs, POCUS entailed a change in diagnoses in 49.4% of patients; increased confidence in a diagnosis in 89.2% of patients; a change in the management plan for 50.9% of patients including an absolute reduction in intended referrals to secondary care from 49.2% to 25.6%; and a change in treatment for 26.5% of patients.Conclusions The clinical utilisation of POCUS was highly variable among the GPs included in this study in terms of the indication for performing POCUS, examined scanning modalities and frequency of use. Overall, using POCUS altered the GPs’ diagnostic process and clinical decision-making in nearly three out of four consultations.Trial registration number NCT03375333

    Improving a real-time object detector with compact temporal information

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    Neural networks designed for real-time object detectionhave recently improved significantly, but in practice, look-ing at only a single RGB image at the time may not be ideal.For example, when detecting objects in videos, a foregrounddetection algorithm can be used to obtain compact temporaldata, which can be fed into a neural network alongside RGBimages. We propose an approach for doing this, based onan existing object detector, that re-uses pretrained weightsfor the processing of RGB images. The neural network wastested on the VIRAT dataset with annotations for object de-tection, a problem this approach is well suited for. The ac-curacy was found to improve significantly (up to 66%), witha roughly 40% increase in computational time

    The exometabolome of microbial communities inhabiting bare ice surfaces on the southern Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Microbial blooms colonize the Greenland Ice Sheet bare ice surface during the ablation season and significantly reduce its albedo. On the ice surface, microbes are exposed to high levels of irradiance, freeze–thaw cycles, and low nutrient concentrations. It is well known that microorganisms secrete metabolites to maintain homeostasis, communicate with other microorganisms, and defend themselves. Yet, the exometabolome of supraglacial microbial blooms, dominated by the pigmented glacier ice algae Ancylonema alaskanum and Ancylonema nordenskiöldii, remains thus far unstudied. Here, we use a high-resolution mass spectrometry-based untargeted metabolomics workflow to identify metabolites in the exometabolome of microbial blooms on the surface of the southern tip of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Samples were collected every 6 h across two diurnal cycles at 5 replicate sampling sites with high similarity in community composition, in terms of orders and phyla present. Time of sampling explained 46% (permutational multivariate analysis of variance [PERMANOVA], pseudo-F = 3.7771, p = 0.001) and 27% (PERMANOVA, pseudo-F = 1.8705, p = 0.001) of variance in the exometabolome across the two diurnal cycles. Annotated metabolites included riboflavin, lumichrome, tryptophan, and azelaic acid, all of which have demonstrated roles in microbe–microbe interactions in other ecosystems and should be tested for potential roles in the development of microbial blooms on bare ice surfaces
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