1,924 research outputs found

    Reducing the effects of intracellular accumulation of thermolabile collagen II mutants by increasing their thermostability in cell culture conditions.

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    Mutations in collagen II are associated with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, a group of heritable diseases whose common features include aberrations of skeletal growth. The mechanisms through which mutations in collagen II affect the cartilaginous tissues are complex and include both intracellular and extracellular processes. One of those mechanisms involves cellular stress caused by excessive accumulation of misfolded collagen II mutants. We investigated whether stabilizing the structure of thermolabile R789C and R992C collagen II mutants would improve their secretion from cells, thereby reducing cellular stress and apoptosis. Employing glycerol and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), chemicals that increase the thermostability of collagen triple helices, we demonstrated that those compounds function as chaperones and stabilize the R789C and R992C mutants, accelerate their secretion, and improve cell survival. Our study provides a scientific basis for considering misfolded triple helices of collagen mutants a target for reducing the deleterious effects caused by their excessive intracellular accumulation

    R992C (p.R1192C) Substitution in collagen II alters the structure of mutant molecules and induces the unfolded protein response.

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    We investigated the molecular bases of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) associated with the R992C (p.R1192C) substitution in collagen II. At the protein level, we analyzed the structure and integrity of mutant molecules, and at the cellular level, we specifically studied the effects of the presence of the R992C collagen II on the biological processes taking place in host cells. Our studies demonstrated that mutant collagen II molecules were characterized by altered electrophoretic mobility, relatively low thermostability, the presence of atypical disulfide bonds, and slow rates of secretion into the extracellular space. Analyses of cellular responses to the presence of the mutant molecules showed that excessive accumulation of thermolabile collagen II was associated with the activation of an unfolded protein response and an increase in apoptosis of host cells. Collectively, these data suggest that molecular mechanisms of SED may be driven not only by structural changes in the architecture of extracellular collagenous matrices, but also by intracellular processes activated by the presence of mutant collagen II molecules

    Providing faculty iPods to explore innovative teaching and learning

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    The iPod digital music player has been available since late 2001, and even in higher education, its presence has been seen, although mostly in the hands of students and rarely for outcomes-based educational purposes. In 2004, Duke University provided free iPods to all 1,650 first year students, which subsequently enabled faculty to create learning opportunities, which actively engaged students to integrate digital audio and more into their lessons. Our study takes an alternate approach in which the Center for Teaching and Learning provided a small group of faculty (n = 11) from different disciplines with a free iPod, microphone, training, support and collaboration opportunities. The faculty members were asked to create innovative instructional methods and then use the tool in their classes for the 2008 spring semester. In return, faculty agreed to share their outcomes, which would become part of a resource showcase to assist other faculty. So, instead of distributing the technology to a wide audience, where only some may participate, and our goal was to identify those who would actively engage in the project, develop specific applications, and ultimately assist faculty and subsequently students, in integrating functional instructional technology. The primary purpose of this study is to share another model for using and distributing electronic media tools in higher education and secondarily to provide the results of this model in the form of varied and successful uses of the device in teaching and learning

    A Pilot Randomized, Controlled Trial of an In-Home Drinking Water Intervention Among HIV + Persons

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    Although immunocompromised persons may be at increased risk for gastrointestinal illnesses, no trials investigating drinking water treatment and gastrointestinal illness in such patients have been published. Earlier results from San Francisco suggested an association (OR 6.76) between tap water and cryptosporidiosis among HIV + persons. The authors conducted a randomized, triple-blinded intervention trial of home water treatment in San Francisco, California, from April 2000 to May 2001. Fifty HIV-positive patients were randomized to externally identical active (N = 24) or sham (N = 26) treatment devices. The active device contained a filter and UV light; the sham provided no treatment. Forty-five (90%) of the participants completed the study and were successfully blinded. Illness was measured using \u27highly credible gastrointestinal illness\u27 (HCGI), a previously published measure. There were 31 episodes of HCGI during 1,797 person-days in the sham group and 16 episodes during 1,478 person-days in the active group. The adjusted relative risk was 3.34 (95% CI: 0.99-11.21) times greater in those with the sham device. The magnitude of the point estimate of the risk, its consistency with recently published observational data, and its relevance for drinking water choices by immunocompromised individuals support the need for larger trials

    Diverse high-torque bacterial flagellar motors assemble wider stator rings using a conserved protein scaffold

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    Although it is known that diverse bacterial flagellar motors produce different torques, the mechanism underlying torque variation is unknown. To understand this difference better, we combined genetic analyses with electron cryo-tomography subtomogram averaging to determine in situ structures of flagellar motors that produce different torques, from Campylobacter and Vibrio species. For the first time, to our knowledge, our results unambiguously locate the torque-generating stator complexes and show that diverse high-torque motors use variants of an ancestrally related family of structures to scaffold incorporation of additional stator complexes at wider radii from the axial driveshaft than in the model enteric motor. We identify the protein components of these additional scaffold structures and elucidate their sequential assembly, demonstrating that they are required for stator-complex incorporation. These proteins are widespread, suggesting that different bacteria have tailored torques to specific environments by scaffolding alternative stator placement and number. Our results quantitatively account for different motor torques, complete the assignment of the locations of the major flagellar components, and provide crucial constraints for understanding mechanisms of torque generation and the evolution of multiprotein complexes

    A new marker based on the avian spindlin gene that is able to sex most birds, including species problematic to sex with CHD markers

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    We have developed a new marker (Z43B) that can be successfully used to identify the sex of most birds (69%), including species difficult or impossible to sex with other markers. We utilized the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata EST microsatellite sequence (CK309496) which displays sequence homology to the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the avian spindlin gene. This gene is known to be present on the Z and W chromosomes. To maximize cross-species utility, the primer set was designed from a consensus sequence created from homologs of CK309496 that were isolated from multiple distantly related species. Both the forward and reverse primer sequences were 100% identical to 14 avian species, including the Z chromosome of eight species and the chicken Gallus gallus W chromosome, as well as the saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus. The Z43B primer set was assessed by genotyping individuals of known sex belonging to 61 non-ratite species and a single ratite. The Z and W amplicons differed in size making it possible to distinguish between males (ZZ) and females (ZW) for the majority (69%) of non-ratite species tested, comprising 10 orders of birds. We predict that this marker will be useful for obtaining sex-typing data for ca 6,869 species of birds (69% of non-ratites but not galliforms). A wide range of species could be sex-typed including passerines, shorebirds, eagles, falcons, bee-eaters, cranes, shags, parrots, penguins, ducks, and a ratite species, the brown kiwi, Apteryx australis. Those species sexed include species impossible or problematic to sex-type with other markers (magpie, albatross, petrel, eagle, falcon, crane, and penguin species)

    Optical properties and charge-transfer excitations in edge-functionalized all-graphene nanojunctions

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    We investigate the optical properties of edge-functionalized graphene nanosystems, focusing on the formation of junctions and charge transfer excitons. We consider a class of graphene structures which combine the main electronic features of graphene with the wide tunability of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. By investigating prototypical ribbon-like systems, we show that, upon convenient choice of functional groups, low energy excitations with remarkable charge transfer character and large oscillator strength are obtained. These properties can be further modulated through an appropriate width variation, thus spanning a wide range in the low-energy region of the UV-Vis spectra. Our results are relevant in view of designing all-graphene optoelectronic nanodevices, which take advantage of the versatility of molecular functionalization, together with the stability and the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures.Comment: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2011), in pres