13 research outputs found

    Pediatric Early Warning Score Systems, nurse’s perspective – a focus group study

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    Background: Pediatric early warning score (PEWS) systems are used to monitor pediatric patients’ vital signs and facilitate the treatment of patients at risk of deteriorating. The aim of this study was to gain knowledge about nurses’ experiences with PEWS and to highlight factors facilitating and impeding the use of PEWS tools in clinical practice we aim to obtain knowledge about nurses’ experiences with PEWS. Methods: An exploratory qualitative design was chosen using focus group discussions to gain a deeper understanding of nurses’ experiences with PEWS. A total of five focus group discussions were conducted at three hospitals, and the analyses performed were inspired by Kvale and Brinckman. Results: Seven themes were identified, including i) lack of interdisciplinary awareness, ii) clinical judgment and PEWS—a multi-faceted approach, iii) PEWS supports a professional language, iv) monitoring equipment—a challenge, v) PEWS helps to visualize the need for escalating care, vi) an inflexible and challenging tool, and vii) supportive tools enhance the nurses’ experiences of PEWS positively. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that attention should be given to nurses’ perceptions of how both clinical judgment and PEWS should be seen as essential in providing nurses with information about the patients’ conditions. If not, the risk of failing to recognize patients’ deteriorating conditions will remain. From the nurses’ perspective, medical doctors seemed unaware of their role in using PEWS

    Inter-rater reliability of two paediatric early warning score tools

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    Background: Paediatric early warning score (PEWS) assessment tools can assist healthcare providers in the timely detection and recognition of subtle patient condition changes signalling clinical deterioration. However, PEWS tools instrument data are only as reliable and accurate as the caregivers who obtain and document the parameters. The aim of this study is to evaluate inter-rater reliability among nurses using PEWS systems.  Method: The study was carried out in five paediatrics departments in the Central Denmark Region. Inter-rater reliability was investigated through parallel observations. A total of 108 children and 69 nurses participated. Two nurses simultaneously performed a PEWS assessment on the same patient. Before the assessment, the two participating nurses drew lots to decide who would be the active observer. Intraclass correlation coefficient, Fleiss’ Îșand Bland–Altman limits of agreement were used to determine inter-rater reliability. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficients for the aggregated PEWS score of the two PEWS models were 0.98 and 0.95, respectively. The Îșvalue on the individual PEWS measurements ranged from 0.70 to 1.0, indicating good to very good agreement. The nurses assigned the exact same aggregated score for both PEWS models in 76% of the cases. In 98% of the PEWS assessments, the aggregated PEWS scores assigned by the nurses were equal to or below 1 point in both models. Conclusion: The study showed good to very good interrater reliability in the two PEWS models used in the Central Denmark Region

    Children’s experiences of acute hospitalisation to a paediatric emergency and assessment unit – A qualitative study

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    Short-stay treatment has become a popular form of care as a strategy to cope with increased demands on health care. There is little research that considers children’s experiences of acute hospitalisation to a short-stay care facility such as a Paediatric Emergency and Assessment Unit (PEAU). This study explored the experiences of eight children aged 8–10 years. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to investigate the children’s own experiences of being hospitalised in a PEAU. Thematic content analyses were used. Three major themes were identified: the children’s understanding of disease, treatment and procedures; the children’s experiences of health-care personnel and the PEAU and transformation of everyday life into the settings of the hospital. The children identified the hospital stay as an overall positive experience. The children took part in leisure activities as they would at home and enjoyed time together with their parents while in hospital. In their conversations with staff they adapted to professional terms that they did not necessarily understand. They did not differentiate between professionals. Further work should be considered to clarify the consequences of this. This study has provided some limited insight into the child’s experiences of acute hospitalisation, which should inform nursing care

    Consensus on patient cases for hospitalised children with a high paediatric track and trigger tool score that raises no mounting concern: a Delphi process study

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    Background Paediatric track and trigger tools (PTTTs) based on vital parameters have been implemented in hospitals worldwide to help healthcare professionals identify signs of critical illness and incipient deterioration in hospitalised children. It has been documented that nurses do not use PTTT as intended, but deviate from PTTT protocols because, in some situations, PTTT observations make little sense to them. The present study aimed to reach consensus on whether automatically generated PTTT scores that are higher than deemed reasonable by healthcare professionals according to their professional experience and clinical expertise may be downgraded.Methods A two-round modified Delphi technique was used to explore consensus on 14 patient cases for hospitalised children with a high PTTT score that did not raise concerns by systematically collating questionnaire responses. Participants rated their level of agreement on a 9-point Likert scale. IQR and median were calculated for each case.Findings A total of 221 participants completed round 1 and 101 participants completed round 2. Across the two rounds, majority of the participants were from paediatric departments, nurses and women. In round 1, consensus on inclusion was reached on 2 of the 14 cases. In round 2, consensus was reached on one additional patient case. Three of the 11 non-consensus cases remaining after rounds 1 and 2 were included by the research group based on predefined criteria.Conclusion In conclusion, a consensus opinion was achieved on six patient cases where the child had a high PTTT score but where the healthcare professionals were not as concerned as indicated by the PTTT score

    A multicentre, randomised intervention study of the Paediatric Early Warning Score: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Patients’ evolving critical illness can be predicted and prevented. However, failure to identify the signs of critical illness and subsequent lack of appropriate action for patients developing acute and critical illness remain a problem. Challenges in assessing whether a child is critically ill may be due to children’s often uncharacteristic symptoms of serious illness. Children may seem relatively unaffected until shortly before circulatory and respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. The Bedside Paediatric Early Warning Score has been validated in a large multinational study and is used in two regions in Denmark. However, healthcare professionals experience difficulties in relation to measuring blood pressure and to the lack of assessment of children’s level of consciousness. In addition, is it noteworthy that in 23,288-hour studies, all seven items of the Bedside Paediatric Early Warning Score were recorded in only 5.1% of patients. This trial aims to compare two Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) models to identify the better model for identifying acutely and critically ill children. The hypothesis is that the Central Denmark Region PEWS model is superior to the Bedside PEWS in terms of reducing unplanned transfers to intensive care or transfers from regional hospitals to the university hospital among already hospitalised children. Methods/design This is a multicentre, randomised, controlled clinical trial where children are allocated to one of two different PEWS models. The study involves all paediatric departments and one emergency department in the Central Denmark Region. The primary outcome is unplanned transfer to the paediatric intensive care unit or transfer from regional hospitals to the university hospital. Based on preliminary data, 14,000 children should be included to gain a power of 80% (with a 5% significance level) and to detect a clinically significant difference of 30% of unplanned transfers to intensive care or from regional hospitals to the paediatric department at the university department. A safety interim analysis will be performed after inclusion of 7000 patients. Discussion This is the first randomised trial to investigate two different PEWS models. This study demonstrates the safety and effectiveness of a new PEWS model and contributes to knowledge of hospitalised children’s clinical deterioration. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02433327 . Registered on 27 April 2015

    Pediatric pain knowledge and attitudes among health care professionals—A National Danish Survey

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    Abstract Aim To explore and compare Danish health‐care professionals’ attitudes and knowledge towards pain management of children. Methods The cross‐sectional study was carried out using the Pediatric Pain Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to all health care professionals caring for children in three hospital settings, including nurses and physicians in departments of pediatric, emergency, and anesthesia and medical laboratory technologists. Results The study was conducted in 2020 and 765 health care professionals participated. Within the six main categories included in the questionnaire, there were significant differences between nurses and physicians in three subcategories: view on the care of children in pain, using drugs to relieve pain, and the four mandatories. Comparing nurses with medical laboratory technicians, there were significant differences in the subcategory "view on the care of children in pain." Comparing types of clinical departments, there were significant differences in the subcategories’ view on the care of children in pain, using drugs to relieve pain, and the four mandatories. Overall, we found that the participating health professionals did not have a uniform understanding of pain management and therefore might treat children differently. Conclusion The present study highlights the need to align health care professionals’ knowledge regarding pain assessment and management of children, as well as the need to develop and test interventions that support the use of knowledge in practice