25 research outputs found

    Radiogenic heat production analysis of Fennoscandian Shield and adjacent areas in Sweden

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    In northern Europe, radiogenic heat production of surface rocks has been extensively studied in Finland and Norway alike. This paper presents a heat production analysis of Sweden, based on a rock outcrop data compilation obtained from the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU). The study area comprises Precambrian Shield, Caledonian and platform cover areas. Altogether 39933 samples with uranium, thorium and potassium concentration (C-U, C-Th and C-K) and density () data were available. Heat production (HP) was calculated using raw point data, binning on a regular grid, and averaging by bedrock units in the geological map. Methods based on raw point data and grid-based binning resulted in HP values of 2.5 +/- 4.1 and 2.5 +/- 5.6 Wm(-3), respectively, while averaging by lithology produced a lower value of 2.4 +/- 1.7 Wm(-3). Limiting the lithology-based averaging to Precambrian bedrockareas resulted in heat production of 2.4 +/- 1.6 Wm(-3). Due to the small geographic extent of area covered by sediments, this is similar to the Precambrian-only value. Regardless of the calculation method, heat production in Sweden is considerably higher than the corresponding value for Finland. The Swedish platform cover had apparently the lowestheat production (1.0 +/- 1.8 Wm(-3)) of all units but the presence of Precambrian rocks below the sediments means that this value strongly misleads if used to represent the entire upper crust. Svecokarelian (Svecofennian) and Sveconorwegian rocks, which comprised 94.0 per cent of all individual observations, had heat production values of 2.6 +/- 1.8 and 1.7 +/- 1.4 mu Wm(-3), respectively. Although the Swedish data still have large spatial gaps when compared to Finnish data, most bedrock units in Sweden are covered. It is obvious that the higher heat flow of Sweden compared to that of Finland is caused by near-surface (i.e. upper crustal) heat production, and crustal differentiation in Sweden is also larger.Peer reviewe

    Detailed Spatially Distributed Geothermal Heat-flow Data for Modeling of Basal Temperatures and Meltwater Production Beneath the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet

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    Accurate modeling of ice sheets requires proper information on boundary conditions, including the geothermal heat flow (or heat-flow density (HFD)). Traditionally, one uniform HFD value is adopted for the entire modeled domain. We have calculated a distributed, high-resolution HFD dataset for an approximate core area (Sweden and Finland) of the Scandinavian ice sheet, and imbedded this within lower-resolution data published for surrounding regions. Within the Last Glacial Maximum ice margin, HFD varies with a factor of as much as 2.8 (HFD values ranging between 30 and 83mWm–2), with an average of 49mWm–2. This average value is 17% higher than 42mWm–2, a common uniform value used in ice-sheet modeling studies of Fennoscandia. Using this new distributed dataset on HFD, instead of a traditional uniform value of 42mWm–2, yields a 1.4 times larger total basal meltwater production for the last glacial cycle. Furthermore, using the new dataset in high-resolution modeling results in increased spatial thermal gradients at the bed. This enhances and introduces new local and regional effects on basal ice temperatures and melt rates. We observed significant strengthening of local ‘ice streaming’, which in one case correlates to an ice-flow event previously interpreted from geomorphology. Regional to local variations in geothermal heat flow need to be considered for proper identification and treatment of thermal and hydraulic bed conditions, most likely also when studying Laurentide, Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets

    Warm summers during the Younger Dryas cold reversal

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    The Younger Dryas (YD) cold reversal interrupts the warming climate of the deglaciation with global climatic impacts. The sudden cooling is typically linked to an abrupt slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in response to meltwater discharges from ice sheets. However, inconsistencies regarding the YD-response of European summer temperatures have cast doubt whether the concept provides a sufficient explanation. Here we present results from a high-resolution global climate simulation together with a new July temperature compilation based on plant indicator species and show that European summers remain warm during the YD. Our climate simulation provides robust physical evidence that atmospheric blocking of cold westerly winds over Fennoscandia is a key mechanism counteracting the cooling impact of an AMOC-slowdown during summer. Despite the persistence of short warm summers, the YD is dominated by a shift to a continental climate with extreme winter to spring cooling and short growing seasons.Peer reviewe

    Landscape development in western and central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

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