354 research outputs found

    Jørgen Bang & Karl Hårbøl: Omvendt fremmedordbog. København: Munksgaard, 1991

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    Stor TYSK-DANSK ORDBOG (2005) – en kritisk vurdering på grundlag af den moderne metaleksikografi

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    Anmeldt værk:Henrik Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Peter Jürgensen, Preben Späth (under medvirkenaf Birgit Lohse): Tysk-Dansk Ordbog. København: Gyldendal2005. 2125 sider. DKK 1.250

    Varians og distinktivitet

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    Indlæggets tema er lemmatiseringen af homonyme !eksemer i historisk leksikografi, specielt ældre nyhøjtysk (tysk 1350-1650). Det undersøges, om den homonymekonstellationstype heterograji, men homofoni findes belagt i ældre nyhøjtysk, samt hvorledes denne type behandles ved lemmatiseringen i de eksisterende ældre nyhøjtyske systemordbøger (GOtze og Anderson/Goebel/Reichmann). Eftersom det viser sig, at der ikke i nogen af disse ordbøger tages adækvat hensyn til den, drøftes det, om den alligevel ud fra teoretiske overvejelser af sprogsociologisk art burde repræsenteres, og der anvises forslag til, hvorledes der kunne lemmaliseres inden for rammerne af "det bedste af alle eksisterende ældre nyhøjtyske grafemsystemer"


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    Fordelingsstruktur og kondensering. Grammatik i bilingvale ordbøger med dansk og tysk

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    Among the editors of bilingual dictionaries with Danish and German from the 18thcentury till today, there seems to be a general agreement as to what grammaticalinformation should be given about the entry words and their equivalents. There is,however, no agreement as to the question where this information is to be given: eitherin the dictionary articles themselves or in other parts of the dictionary. In this paperthe distribution structure in a number of bilingual Danish-German and GermanDanishdictionaries is investegated, and additionally it is claimed that those dictionarieswhich have a relatively simple distribution structure are also characterized bya relatively low degree of textual condensation. This dictionary type is typical especiallyfor the 18th century where often very detailed grammatical information isgiven in the dictionary article itself. On the contrary, especially the small dictionariesfrom the 20th century are characterized by a very complex distribution structure combinedwith a high degree of textual condensation, cf. entries like absehen <l 9alhb> vtwhere the code refers to various paradigms in the outside matter. Along with t'1e mostrecently published Danish-German Dictionary, however, less condensate.d and rathersimple distribution structures now seem to experience a renaissance. From the pointof view of the user, this is to be regarded as a welcome development

    Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mitochondrial condition that gradually affects the central vision. In the current case report, we present 2 relatives with LHON due to a pathogenic variant within ND1 with a clinical phenotype resembling hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, including a short PQ-interval and hypertrophy on electrocardiogram as well as severe hypertrophy of the left ventricle on echocardiography. These findings highlight the importance of offering routine cardiac investigation to patients with LHON and their relatives carrying the ND1 variant to hopefully improve correct diagnosis and clinical management of LHON patients