89 research outputs found

    Silicon Pixel R&D for the CLIC Tracking Detector

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    The physics aims at the proposed high-energy e+e−e^+e^- collider CLIC pose challenging demands on the performance of the detector system. Precise hit-time tagging, an excellent spatial resolutions, and a low mass are required for the vertex and tracking detectors. To meet these requirements, an all-silicon vertex and tracking detector system is foreseen, for which a broad R&D programme on a variety of novel silicon detector technologies is being pursued. For the ultra-low mass vertex detector, different hybrid technologies with innovative sensor concepts and interconnection techniques are explored. For the large-scale tracking detector, the focus of the R&D lies on monolithic HV-MAPS and HR-CMOS technologies. This contribution gives an overview of the ongoing activities with a focus on monolithic technologies for the CLIC tracking detector. Recent results from laboratory and test-beam measurement campaigns of the ATLASpix_Simple and the CLICTD sensor prototypes are presented.Comment: Proceedings for INSTR20, 10 pages, 9 figure

    Spectrum and wave functions of excited states in lattice gauge theory

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    We suggest a new method to compute the spectrum and wave functions of excited states. We construct a stochastic basis of Bargmann link states, drawn from a physical probability density distribution and compute transition amplitudes between stochastic basis states. From such transition matrix we extract wave functions and the energy spectrum. We apply this method toU(1)2+1 lattice gauge theory. As a test we compute the energy spectrum, wave functions and thermodynamical functions of the electric Hamiltonian and compare it with analytical results. We find excellent agreement. We observe scaling of energies and wave functions in the variable of time. We also present first results on a small lattice for the full Hamiltonian including the magnetic term

    Performance Studies of the ATLASpix HV-MAPS Prototype for Different Substrate Resistivities

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    The ATLASpix high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensor (HV-MAPS) was designed as a technology demonstrator for the ATLAS ITk Upgrade and the CLIC tracking detector. In this contribution new results from laboratory-based energy calibration measurements using fluorescence X-rays are presented for the ATLASpix Simple matrix. These findings are complemented by new results from test-beam studies with inclined tracks, in which the active charge collection depth is determined.Comment: Proceedings for TIPP2021, 5 pages, 8 figure

    Intraspecific predation in immature Coenagrion puella (L.): a switch in food selection? (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)

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    Observations on cannibalism in outdoor insectaries are presented. The behavioural interactions are described. Cannibalism (in both sexes) occurred only during periods of cold weather. It is hypothesised that intraspecific predation is a switch in food selection due to bad weather conditions

    Das Konsumententagebuch als Erhebungsinstrument – eine Reflektion ĂŒber Potentiale und Grenzen

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    Gerade in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung zeigt sich bei einfachen, retrospektiven Kundbefragungen hĂ€ufig das Problem, dass sich angegebene und tatsĂ€chliche Kaufgewohnheiten unterscheiden. Werden sie danach befragt, neigen Kunden beispielsweise dazu, den Anteil an Biolebensmitteln oder anderen nachhaltigen Produkten an ihrem Gesamtkonsum zu ĂŒberschĂ€tzen. Um die tatsĂ€chlichen Einkaufsgewohnheiten und –routinen zu untersuchen, mĂŒssen darum andere Forschungsmethoden herangezogen werden. Ein Beispiel hierfĂŒr ist die Tagebuchmethode, bei der Studienteilnehmer ihr tĂ€gliches Leben protokollieren, anstatt nur darĂŒber zu sprechen. Diese Methode wurde in einer Studie zu Kunden von unverpackt-LĂ€den in Deutschland angewendet. Der Beitrag diskutiert die Potentiale und Vorteile der Methode – beispielsweise die Möglichkeit, auch mit wenigen Teilnehmern große, faktenbasierte Datensets zu generieren – sowie ihre Herausforderungen und Grenzen – beispielsweise, dass die Erzielung zuverlĂ€ssiger Daten relativ großen Aufwand voraussetzt

    Die Wertschöpfungskette unverpackter Lebensmittel Perspektiven und Herausforderungen

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    The concept of „unpackaged shopping“ aims at reducing waste along the entire value chain. Our project focusses on analysing the value chain of unpackaged food with regard to potentials, barriers and opportunities to expand the concept. The first results revealed that there are several challenges for “unpackaged shopping” to be observed, which can be grouped under six perspectives: supply, marketing, “inside”, “outside”, environment, and branch. For instance, the producers and suppliers are hesitant to change packaging processes due to a lack of demand, wholesalers are faced with potential additional cost for deposit systems, stores are having difficulties finding appropriate products and customers are struggling with the additional efforts of "unpackaged shopping". These challenges come along with cultural, social and psychological barriers such as changes in daily routines of delivery, selling and buying. Within the project solutions shall be developed that are compatible and feasible to all stages of the value chain

    Carl Johan Lamm (1902-1981)

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    Carl Johan Lamm (1901-1981) was a Swedish art historian for Near Eastern studies. For his academic career the situation in Sweden was not favourable, because Near Eastern art studies were not well established. Lamm received considerable help of his parents and was thus able to succeed with his far-reaching plans to study glass from the Middle East, travel abroad and receive funds for acquisitions and publications. His meeting with the German scholar Friedrich Sarre (1865-1945), gave Lamm the chance to publish his first two publications on the topic of glass and rock crystal from the early and middle Near Eastern period. He was the first to study glass from Iran, but he also published on Oriental textiles and other art topics. The war 1939-45 proved to be a considerable hinderance for his plans. Lamm was not a companionable character and never joined an institution for an academic career despite his outstanding scholarly reputation as the most important scholar in the field of glass studies from the Near East in his time

    Kurt Erdmann (1901-1964)

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    Kurt Erdmann was a German art historian of the first half of the 20th century. Beginning with European architecture and paintings he developed a special interest for ancient Persian art as well as medieval and early modern Middle Eastern art. He became one of the leading art historians on Oriental carpets and published numerous major studies which were widely read. As a curator of the Islamic Department of the State Museums in Berlin and as a university teacher he became an influential scholar for generations of students in Germany and in Turkey

    Nucleation of cracks in a brittle sheet

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    We use molecular dynamics to study the nucleation of cracks in a two dimensional material without pre-existing cracks. We study models with zero and non-zero shear modulus. In both situations the time required for crack formation obeys an Arrhenius law, from which the energy barrier and pre-factor are extracted for different system sizes. For large systems, the characteristic time of rupture is found to decrease with system size, in agreement with classical Weibull theory. In the case of zero shear modulus, the energy opposing rupture is identified with the breakage of a single atomic layer. In the case of non-zero shear modulus, thermally activated fracture can only be studied within a reasonable time at very high strains. In this case the energy barrier involves the stretching of bonds within several layers, accounting for a much higher barrier compared to the zero shear modulus case. This barrier is understood within adiabatic simulations

    Nicht schwieriger, aber anders? Herausforderungen des unverpackt-Einkaufens aus Kundensicht

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    Angesichts wachsender Plastikverschmutzung und steigendem Verpackungsaufkommen ist die GrĂŒndung von immer mehr sogenannten unverpackt-LĂ€den zu beobachten, die Ware lose oder ohne Einwegverpackungen anbieten. Dieses Konzept bietet viele Vorteile fĂŒr Kunden, birgt aber gleichzeitig diverse Herausforderungen und ist – zumindest zu Beginn – nicht immer einfach in den Alltag zu integrieren. Eine Kundenstudie und eine Masterarbeit betrachten die Routinen hinter dem unverpackten Einkaufen sowie bestehende HĂŒrden und Möglichkeiten, wie die Integrierung in den Alltag besser gelingen kann. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Vorbereitung und Planung des Einkaufs, das BehĂ€ltermanagement und die VerĂ€nderung von Gewohnheiten die grĂ¶ĂŸten Herausforderungen darstellen – aber auch, dass tĂ€gliche Routinen sich tatsĂ€chlich Ă€ndern lassen und sich so nachhaltigere Konsumgewohnheiten etablieren können. HierfĂŒr sind nicht nur Informationen und persönliche Überzeugung notwendig, vielmehr spielen die AlltagskompatibilitĂ€t des Einkaufsprozesses sowie Übung und Erfahrung eine wichtige Rolle
