
Die Wertschöpfungskette unverpackter Lebensmittel Perspektiven und Herausforderungen


The concept of „unpackaged shopping“ aims at reducing waste along the entire value chain. Our project focusses on analysing the value chain of unpackaged food with regard to potentials, barriers and opportunities to expand the concept. The first results revealed that there are several challenges for “unpackaged shopping” to be observed, which can be grouped under six perspectives: supply, marketing, “inside”, “outside”, environment, and branch. For instance, the producers and suppliers are hesitant to change packaging processes due to a lack of demand, wholesalers are faced with potential additional cost for deposit systems, stores are having difficulties finding appropriate products and customers are struggling with the additional efforts of "unpackaged shopping". These challenges come along with cultural, social and psychological barriers such as changes in daily routines of delivery, selling and buying. Within the project solutions shall be developed that are compatible and feasible to all stages of the value chain

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