99 research outputs found

    Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Ethnic Produce at Farmers’ Markets

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    Background and Objective: Past research indicates that exposure to ethnic produce may be positively associated with fruit and vegetable consumption and negatively associated with fast food consumption. The objective of this research was to examine attitudes and behaviors regarding ethnic produce among farmers’ market consumers in rural northern California. Methods: A total of 502 farmers’ market attendees completed a survey, which examined the demographic characteristics of the consumers, their attitudes toward ethnic produce at farmers’ markets, and their familiarity and preferences for a variety of food products and cuisines. Results: Most participants had positive attitudes toward products presented on the survey. However, less than half of the study participants recognized at least 11 of the 22 ethnic produce items available at area farmers' markets. Ethnic minorities, females, and older participants were more likely to have tried ethnic produce items. Women had more positive attitudes toward ethnic produce. Conclusion: These findings indicate the importance of identifying strategies tailored to specific groups of people to promote the consumption of ethnic fruits and vegetables, which may be associated with lower rates of obesity and diet-related chronic diseases

    An Innovative Collaboration Of An Academic Institution With A Community Recovery Center

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    Research poster documenting the following project: The University of New England (UNE) collaborated with local recovery centers to create an interdisciplinary service learning partnership. Students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program explored the role of PT in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) recovery in an elective course. Three interactive PT related sessions were developed for the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at Pinetree Recovery Center with the purpose of providing tools for physical activity to aid in the SUD recovery process.https://dune.une.edu/cecespring2020/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Volcanic Flooding Experiments in Impact Basins and Heavily Cratered Terrain Using LOLA Data: Patterns of Resurfacing and Crater Loss

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    Terrestrial planetary bodies are characterized by extensive, largely volcanic deposits covering their surfaces. On Earth large igneous provinces (LIPs) abound, maria cover the nearside of the Moon, and volcanic plains cover large portions of Venus, Mars and Mercury

    Topographic Rise in the Northern Smooth Plains of Mercury: Characteristics from Messenger Image and Altimetry Data and Candidate Modes of Origin

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    MESSENGER observations from orbit around Mercury have revealed that a large contiguous area of smooth plains occupies much of the high northern latitudes and covers an area in excess of approx.6% of the surface of the planet [1] (Fig. 1). Smooth surface morphology, embayment relationships, color data, candidate flow fronts, and a population of partly to wholly buried craters provide evidence for the volcanic origin of these plains and their emplacement in a flood lava mode to depths at least locally in excess of 1 km. The age of these plains is similar to that of plains associated with and postdating the Caloris impact basin, confirming that volcanism was a globally extensive process in the post-heavy bombardment history of Mercury [1]. No specific effusive vent structures, constructional volcanic edifices, or lava distributary features (leveed flow fronts or sinuous rilles) have been identified in the contiguous plains, although vent structures and evidence of high-effusion-rate flood eruptions are seen in adjacent areas [1]. Subsequent to the identification and mapping of the extensive north polar smooth plains, data from the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) on MESSENGER revealed the presence of a broad topographic rise in the northern smooth plains that is ~1,000 km across and rises more than 1.5 km above the surrounding smooth plains [2] (Fig. 2). The purpose of this contribution is to characterize the northern plains rise and to outline a range of hypotheses for its origin

    The Grizzly, February 14, 1986

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    Eckman Speaks on Corporate Takeovers • Students to Lose Booze? • Alcohol Restrictions Plague Neighboring Campuses • Campus Memo: Get and Stay Involved • Proposal Raises Serious Questions • Students Speak Out On Alcohol • Profile: Dr. Fago • Editorial: Drug Use Could Fill Vacuum • Letters: UC. Should Get Out of the Business; Alpha Chi Sigma Needs Support; Sauna Controversy Heats up; Fire Alarms are not Toys!; False Alarm Jeopardized Safety • Nursing Homes Part III: MCGRC\u27s Sordid Past • Bears Face Widener in the Big Game • Racich Praises Grapplers • Lady Swimmers Top Susquehanna • Women\u27s B-ball Finale • Confident \u27Mers\u27 Win Again • Track Records Set at Delaware • Heather Camp: Swimming\u27s Leading Lady • Forum: Human Rights in Latin America • Wenhold Awarded for Service • Ursinus in California • U.S. Trade Policy • A Peek at U.C.\u27s Favorite TVhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1157/thumbnail.jp

    The Distribution and Origin of Smooth Plains on Mercury

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    Orbital images from the MESSENGER spacecraft show that ~27% of Mercury's surface is covered by smooth plains, the majority (greater than 65%) of which are interpreted to be volcanic in origin. Most smooth plains share the spectral characteristics of Mercury's northern smooth plains, suggesting they also share their magnesian alkali-basalt-like composition. A smaller fraction of smooth plains interpreted to be volcanic in nature have a lower reflectance and shallower spectral slope, suggesting more ultramafic compositions, an inference that implies high temperatures and high degrees of partial melting in magma source regions persisted through most of the duration of smooth plains formation. The knobby and hummocky plains surrounding the Caloris basin, known as Odin-type plains, occupy an additional 2% of Mercury’s surface. The morphology of these plains and their color and stratigraphic relationships suggest that they formed as Caloris ejecta, although such an origin is in conflict with a straightforward interpretation of crater size-frequency distributions. If some fraction is volcanic, this added area would substantially increase the abundance of relatively young effusive deposits inferred to have more mafic compositions. Smooth plains are widespread on Mercury, but they are more heavily concentrated in the north and in the hemisphere surrounding Caloris. No simple relationship between plains distribution and crustal thickness or radioactive element distribution is observed. A likely volcanic origin for some older terrain on Mercury suggests that the uneven distribution of smooth plains may indicate differences in the emplacement age of large-scale volcanic deposits rather than differences in crustal formational process

    VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy): Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World

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    VERITAS is a selected Discovery mission launching in 2028. It will investigate Venus’ geologic evolution and processes that affect rock planetary habitability. Venus’ present condition is a geodynamic analog for early Earth, when the lithosphere was hotter and thinner, plate tectonics and continents began to form, and life emerged. Earth no longer retains a clear record of how these processes began, but Venus may have active subduction—the necessary first step to initiate plate tectonics, as well as analogs of continents. VERITAS will test whether Venus’ tessera plateaus represent the only analogs of continents in the solar system, which formed on Earth when massive quantities of basalt melted in the presence of water. VERITAS will use numerous methods to search for current volcanism and tectonism, including subduction. VERITAS produces global, foundational datasets using two instruments, the Venus Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (VISAR) and the Venus Emissivity Mapper (VEM), plus a gravity science investigation. The VISAR X-band measurements include: 1) a global digital elevation model (DEM) with 250 m postings, 6 m height accuracy, 2) Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging at 30 m horizontal resolution globally, 3) SAR imaging at 15 m for >25% of the surface, and 4) surface deformation from repeat pass interferometry (RPI) at 2 cm precision for >12 targeted areas. VEM covers >70% of the surface in six NIR bands located within five atmospheric windows sensitive to Fe mineralogy, plus eight atmospheric bands for calibration and water vapor measurements, with SNR ≫ VIRTIS. It is a near IR spectral imager with optimized spectral bands for observing the surface of Venus that supports the determination of rock type and the search for active and recent volcanism. VERITAS will use a low circular orbit (< 250 km) and Ka-band uplink and downlink to create a global gravity field with 3 mGal accuracy at 155 km (d&o 123) resolution. VERTIAS also constrains core size and state, using radar tie points to help find k2, the phase lag, and MOIF

    Summary of the Results from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter after Seven Years in Lunar Orbit

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    In June 2009 the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft was launched to the Moon. The payload consists of 7 science instruments selected to characterize sites for future robotic and human missions. Among them, the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) was designed to obtain altimetry, surface roughness, and reflectance measurements. The primary phase of lunar exploration lasted one year, following a 3-month commissioning phase. On completion of its exploration objectives, the LRO mission transitioned to a science mission. After 7 years in lunar orbit, the LOLA instrument continues to map the lunar surface. The LOLA dataset is one of the foundational datasets acquired by the various LRO instruments. LOLA provided a high-accuracy global geodetic reference frame to which past, present and future lunar observations can be referenced. It also obtained high-resolution and accurate global topography that were used to determine regions in permanent shadow at the lunar poles. LOLA further contributed to the study of polar volatiles through its unique measurement of surface brightness at zero phase, which revealed anomalies in several polar craters that may indicate the presence of water ice. In this paper, we describe the many LOLA accomplishments to date and its contribution to lunar and planetary science
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