15 research outputs found

    Interactive effects of plant defense and predation risk on larval weight (mean ± SE) of (a) <i>T. ni</i>, (b) <i>L. decemlineata</i>, and (c) <i>M. sexta</i>.

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    <p>Plant defense was manipulated using three plant types varying in their jasmonate signaling pathway with ‘jasmonate insensitive’ expressing low resistance, ‘wild-type’ the intermediate phenotype, and ‘jasmonate overexpress’ displaying high resistance. White bars are the predator-free control, and grey bars are labeled ‘PR’ to denote the ‘predation risk’ treatment (i.e., presence of a non-lethal stink bug). Statistical outcome for the main factors, covariate (weight), and interaction term are displayed in the upper right corner of each panel; asterisks correspond to the level of significance: * = <i>P</i><0.05, ** = <i>P</i><0.01, *** = <i>P</i><0.001. N = 10–13, 11–13, and 17–21 replicates per treatment combination for <i>T</i>. <i>ni</i>, <i>L</i>. <i>decemlineata</i>, and <i>M. sexta</i>, respectively.</p

    Interactive effects of plant defense and predation risk on the efficiency of conversion of digested food (mean ± SE) for (a) <i>T. ni</i>, and (b) <i>M. sexta</i>.

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    <p>Plant defense was manipulated using three plant types varying in their jasmonate signaling pathway with ‘jasmonate insensitive’ expressing low resistance, ‘wild-type’ the intermediate phenotype, and ‘jasmonate overexpress’ displaying high resistance. White bars are the predator-free control, and grey bars are labeled ‘PR’ to denote the ‘predation risk’ treatment (i.e., presence of a non-lethal stink bug). Statistical outcome for the main factors, covariate (weight), and interaction term are displayed in the upper right corner of each panel; asterisks correspond to the level of significance: * = <i>P</i><0.05, ** = <i>P</i><0.01, *** = <i>P</i><0.001. N = 10–13 and 17–21 replicates per treatment combination for <i>T</i>. <i>ni</i> and <i>M. sexta</i>, respectively.</p

    The predaceous stink bug, <i>P. maculiventris</i>, impaling a Colorado potato beetle larva, <i>L. decemlineata</i>, with its piercing-sucking stylet.

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    <p>These actively-foraging predators are voracious consumers of caterpillars and beetle larvae, employing extra-oral digestion to ingest the liquefied internal contents of their prey. Photo by Ellen Woods.</p

    Appendix A. Effects of various factors on mass of Spodoptera exigua and proteinase inhibitor activity.

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    Effects of various factors on mass of Spodoptera exigua and proteinase inhibitor activity

    Interactive effects of plant defense and predation risk on <i>M. sexta</i> digestive physiology (mean ± SE) as measured via (a) frass nitrogen, and whole-body composition (μg/mg caterpillar dry weight) – (b) glycogen, (c) sugars, and (d) lipids.

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    <p>Plant defense was manipulated using three plant types varying in their jasmonate signaling pathway with ‘jasmonate insensitive’ expressing low resistance, ‘wild-type’ the intermediate phenotype, and ‘jasmonate overexpress’ displaying high resistance. White bars are the predator-free control, and grey bars are labeled ‘PR’ to denote the ‘predation risk’ treatment (i.e., presence of a non-lethal stink bug). Statistical outcome for the main factors, covariate (weight), and interaction term are displayed in the upper right corner of each panel; asterisks correspond to the level of significance: * = <i>P</i><0.05, ** = <i>P</i><0.01, *** = <i>P</i><0.001. Bolded asterisks above bar pairs indicate significant differences between the predator-free and predation risk treatments at each level of plant resistance in cases where the resource-risk interaction was significant. N = 17–21 replicates per treatment combination.</p

    Path diagram from Plant defences limit herbivore population growth by changing predator–prey interactions

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    Path diagram for the model of the effect of plant resistance, aphid initial density on predators (richness and predation rate) and aphid per capita population growth