807 research outputs found

    Bakteriologisk diagnos och riskfaktorer för navelinfektioner hos kalvar

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    Efter partus tar det nÄgra dagar för kalvens navelport att slutas. Under tiden den Àr öppen Àr den en betydande inkörsport för mikroorganismer. DÀrför drabbas huvudsakligen unga kalvar av navelinfektioner. Högt smittryck dÀr kalvningen sker samt undermÄligt intag av rÄmjölk utgör viktiga riskfaktorer för navelinfektion. Navelinfektionen kan sprida sig och ge upphov till sepsis, som Àr ett tillstÄnd associerat med hög dödlighet hos kalvar. Förloppet Àr ofta hastigt och ibland dör kalven innan symptom hunnit debutera. Polyartrit och pÄ lÀngre sikt abscesser Àr vanliga följdsjukdomar av en navelinfektion. Enligt svenska behandlingsrekommendationer för navelinfektion Àr penicillin idag förstahandsalternativ. Syftet med det hÀr arbetet Àr att undersöka om trimsulfa kan vara ett bÀttre alternativ för unga kalvar med navelinfektion, samt att undersöka samband med kÀnda risk- och friskfaktorer och uppfattad sjukdomsprevalens i nÄgra svenska besÀttningar. Under tvÄ Ärs tid obducerades 71 kalvar med misstÀnkt navelinfektion och bakteriologisk undersökning samt resistensanalys gjordes pÄ material frÄn kalvarna. Resultaten sammanstÀlldes deskriptivt tillsammans med information frÄn obduktionsprotokollen. En enkÀt skickades Àven ut till producenter som skickat in kalvarna för obduktion. EnkÀten besvarades av 21 djurhÄllare och enligt 71 % av dem tycktes inte navelinfektioner vara ett stort bekymmer i besÀttningen. Sannolikt fordrar bÄde djurhÄllare, men Àven veterinÀrer, trÀning och verktyg i att upptÀcka navelsjuka kalvar, vilket i mÄnga fall Àr svÄrt dÄ förloppet kan vara perakut. Prevalensen för sepsis var 85 % hos unga kalvar och 43 % hos Àldre kalvar. UtifrÄn bakteriologisk diagnos förvÀntades 51 % av de unga kalvarna svara pÄ trimsulfa, gentemot 20 % som antogs svara bra pÄ penicillin. DÀremot hittades resistens mot trimsulfa hos fyra av kalvarna som förvÀntades svara pÄ trimsulfa vilket reducerar den förvÀntade andelen med adekvat behandlingssvar med trimsulfa till 41 %. NÀr behandlingseffekten testades statistiskt, utan att ta hÀnsyn till den funna resistensen var det signifikant fler kalvar behandlingsbara med trimsulfa Àn med penicillin (p = 0.037). NÀr man tog hÀnsyn till de resistenta isolaten var skillnaden emellertid inte signifikant (p = 0.11). Mer forskning behövs för att kunna utforma optimala behandlingsrekommendationer samt för att kartlÀgga den kliniska symptombilden och utforma verktyg för att upptÀcka dessa kalvar i tid.The umbilical port is kept as an open communication into the abdomen for days in calves post partum. While the port remains open it is a substantial gateway for microorganisms, which is why the incidence of navel illness is higher in younger calves. High infection pressure in the pen of calving, along with deficient colostrum intake are regarded as major risk factors for developing umbilical infections. Umbilical infections can lead to sepsis which is associated with high mortality rates. This condition develops rapidly and the calf can die before any symptoms develop. Calves with navel ill can get polyarthritis as well as abscesses, which develop over time. Umbilical infection is according to Swedish recommendations preferably treated with penicillin. The aim of this study was to investigate if trimetoprim/sulfonamide could be a better alternative for young calves with infected navels. In addition, the study explores the connections of known risk factors and estimated prevalence of navel ill in calves in some Swedish herds. During two years, 71 calves with suspected umbilical infection were autopsied. Furthermore, bacteriological analysis as well as an analysis of antibiotic resistance were performed on materials from these calves. The results were put together in a descriptive manner along with information from the autopsy forms. A questionnaire was sent to the animalholders who sent calves for autopsy. The questionnaire got 21 responses. According to 71% of the respondents umbilical infections did not seem to be much of an issue in the herds. It is likely that both animalholders and veterinarians need training and tools to discover navel ill in calves in a more efficient way, which in some cases is hard when there are no clinical signs to be found in an early state. The prevalence of sepsis was 85% in the young calves and 43% in the older. Conclusions drawn from the bacteriological analysis are that 51% of the young calves could have been successfully treated with trimetoprim/sulfonamide, for 20% penicillin did the job. On the other hand, antibiotic resistance against trimetoprim/sulfonamide was found in four young calves which reduced the rate of successful treatments with trimetoprim/sulfonamide to 41%. When the effect of treatment was tested statistically, excluding the found resistance, the number of calves that were treatable with trimetoprim/sulfonamide was significantly higher than those that could be treated with penicillin (p = 0.037). When the calves with found resistance are included the difference was not significant (p = 0.11). More research is needed to validate optimal recommendations of treatment. Besides, research could explore the clinical symptoms and develop tools to discover these calves before it is too late

    Marsvin (Cavia) som djurunderstödda insatser till Àldre mÀnniskor med demens

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    Guinea pigs are used as Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI) to people with different disabilities and are often used in healthcare environments. There are studies made that highlight guinea pigs as AAI for children with autism and the results show that there are plenty of positive effects for the children, but there are not a lot of studies on the effects for the animals. There are studies that have come to the conclusion that dogs show positive effects on humans when used in AAI. This study is made as a literature study that aimed to answer the following questions: 1) Could Guinea pigs be used as animal assisted interventions for people with dementia? 2) Are guinea pigs’ natural behaviours catered to when being used as animal assisted interventions to people with dementia? 3) Is there anything to suggest that people with dementia get positive or negative effects of having guinea pigs as animal assisted interventions? The information was collected from different articles, books and scientific studies from Primo (SLU-university library search engine), PubMed and Google Scholar. The results show that guinea pigs are social animals that have been domesticated by humans to have more social interactions and vocalisations that make them the pets they are today. Used in AAI guinea pigs have positive effects on children with autism, such as the children got less aggressive, more social towards other children and calmer. In some studies with guinea pigs in AAI, the results have shown that the guinea pigs’ natural behaviours are not met, as they are stressed by being restrained, however if these are taken into account AAI can provide as a kind of enrichment for the guinea pigs. However, there are not any studies on guinea pigs and dementia. To conclude, there need to be more research on guinea pigs’ effect on people with dementia. Also, there is need for more information on the effects on the animals used in animal assisted interventions

    Can ambient temperature patterns predict fireweed phenology?

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    The Earth’s climate has been changing with greater intensity and frequency in recent years. These changes, especially the warmer climate, have advanced plant phenology, thus increasing the risk of interspecific temporal mismatches, for example pollinators and pollinated flower species. This study’s aim is to find out if temperature accumulations can be used to predict Chamaenerion angustifolium flowering phenology. A novel short-term camera trap dataset and a 13-year old long-term dataset of C. angustifolium flowering were used in conjunction with air temperature from an ensemble dataset to calculate accumulated growing degree-days. A comparison between the short- and long-term dataset was required in case the two datasets wouldn’t provide similar result. A Mann-Whitney U-test suggested that there was no significant difference between the two methods of collecting flowering phenology data. A significant difference was provided by the Welch’s t-test in accumulated growing degree-days between flowering and non-flowering sites, which suggests that temperature accumulation could be used to predict flowering phenology of C. angustifolium

    Stand characteristics and temperature’s effect on bilberry availability and quality

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    Stand characteristics is a crude description of a forest and provides general knowledge of what the forest looks like, for example plant composition and site productivity. Factors and measurements like tree canopy and basal area affects the near ground microclimate through temperature regulation, light intake, and available soil nutrient. This study focuses on the effect of stand characteristics and temperature on availability and quality of the ericaceous dwarf shrub bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus. The data used derives from central Södermanland, Sweden, and has been collected during a short time-period of two weeks by the end of March this year, 2021. The temperature loggers were installed the previous year and retrieved this year. Day temperature decreased with increased basal area while the night temperature was affected by maturity classes. There was a significant difference between bilberry coverage and maturity classes. A further pairwise comparison revealed the difference to be between final harvest and the other maturity classes. However, when looking at bilberry weight, it was only positively correlated to bilberry coverage. The quality of the dwarf shrub as forage, defined as Total Digestible Nutrients, was affected by neither maturity classes nor the weight. By connecting bilberry to suitable silviculture practise and longer rotation periods may increase the availability and thus mitigating ungulate related forest damages

    Adrenal crisis in dogs : monitoring and nursing the intensive care patient

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    Addisonkris hos hund Ă€r en livshotande komplikation av den endokrina sjukdomen hypoadrenokorticism och kan leda till att hunden hamnar i en hypovolemisk och kardiovaskulĂ€r chock. En patient i Addisonkris Ă€r i behov av omfattande omvĂ„rdnad och noga monitorering. För att ge patienten de bĂ€sta förutsĂ€ttningarna för att överleva Ă€r det av yttersta vikt att förhindra, upptĂ€cka och Ă„tgĂ€rda eventuella komplikationer som kan tillstöta i sjukdomsförloppet. Djursjukskötaren har sĂ„ledes en betydelsefull roll i vĂ„rden av dessa patienter. Syftet med detta examensarbete i djuromvĂ„rdnad var att undersöka vilken omvĂ„rdnad och monitorering som ges till hundar i Addisonkris under vistelsen pĂ„ en intensivvĂ„rdsavdelning pĂ„ tre stora svenska djursjukhus. Detta med syftet att undersöka vilka parametrar inom respektive omrĂ„de som en djursjukskötare behöver vara sĂ€rskilt observant pĂ„ vid sjukdomstillstĂ„ndet. En intervjustudie utfördes med tre erfarna djursjukskötare som Ă€r verksamma pĂ„ olika intensivvĂ„rdsavdelningar. En litteraturstudie dĂ€r vetenskapliga artiklar samt facklitteratur söktes inom Ă€mnet anvĂ€ndes som ett komplement till studien. Det sammanstĂ€llda resultatet frĂ„n intervjustudien och litteraturstudien visade att monitorering av cirkulation, blodtryck och vĂ€tskestatus var av sĂ€rskild vikt vid tillstĂ„ndet. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att djursjukskötarna inte upplevde att en patient i Addisonkris har nĂ„gra specifika, utmĂ€rkande omvĂ„rdnadsbehov, utan att ett holistiskt perspektiv för individuell omvĂ„rdnad anvĂ€nds. Det holistiska synsĂ€ttet omfattade generella omvĂ„rdnadsbehov som patientkomfort, hygien, nutrition, smĂ€rtlindring samt vĂ€tsketerapi och skötsel av infartskatetrar. Konklusionen av denna studie Ă€r att det föreligger en brist pĂ„ forskning inom Ă€mnet omvĂ„rdnad av hundar i Addisonkris. Majoriteten av de studier som finns behandlar patofysiologi, diagnostisering samt den medicinska behandlingen av sjukdomstillstĂ„ndet. För att kunna möta utvecklingen inom veterinĂ€rmedicin och djurĂ€gares ökande krav och efterfrĂ„gan av specialiserad vĂ„rd idag bedöms det finnas ett behov av ytterligare forskning gĂ€llande djuromvĂ„rdnad. Detta skulle Ă€ven bidra till en ökad djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd.Addisonian crisis in dogs is a life-threatening complication due to the endocrine disorder hypoadrenocorticism and can lead to hypovolemic and cardiovascular shock. A patient in an Addisonian crisis is in need of extensive nursing and careful monitoring. In order to provide the patient with the best conditions for survival, it is of the utmost importance to prevent, detect and countermeasure any complications that may occur in the course of the disease. The veterinary nurse therefore has a significant role in the care of these patients. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis in veterinary nursing was to investigate the nursing and monitoring of dogs in Addisonian crisis during their stay in an intensive care unit at three large animal hospitals in Sweden. This with the purpose of examining which parameters that a veterinary nurse must be particularly observant of with this condition. An interview study was conducted with three experienced veterinary nurses that work in different intensive care units. A literature study of scientific articles and literature within the subject was conducted as a complement to the interview study. The compiled results from the interviews and literature highlighted the importance of monitoring circulation, blood pressure and hydration during this condition. The results from the interviews showed that the veterinary nurses did not experience that a patient in an Addisonian crisis had any specific, distinctive nursing needs, but that a holistic approach to individual nursing was used. The holistic approach included general nursing needs such as patient comfort, hygiene, nutrition, pain relief as well as fluid therapy and the maintenance of catheters. In conclusion, this study has shown that there is a need of more research in the field of nursing in dogs in Addisonian crisis. The majority of the studies available cover the pathophysiology, diagnosis and the medical treatment of this condition. In order to meet the development in veterinary medicine and the increasing demands from the animal owners and demands for specialized care there is a need for further research in the field of animal nursing. It could also contribute to an increased animal welfare

    Hur kan relationen mellan djurskyddsinspektören och djurhÄllaren förbÀttras?

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    För att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att djurskyddet ute pĂ„ gĂ„rdarna i Sverige motsvarar kraven i nationell lagstiftning samt EU-lagstiftning utförs offentliga kontroller. Ansvaret för den offentliga kontrollen Ă„ligger landets 21 lĂ€nsstyrelser. Jordbruksverkets uppgift Ă€r att vara med och samordna lĂ€nsstyrelsernas arbete. LĂ€nsstyrelsen anstĂ€ller djurskyddsinspektörer som besöker lĂ€nets djurhĂ„llare, antingen efter en anmĂ€lan om misstĂ€nkt undermĂ„ligt djurskydd eller med jĂ€mna mellanrum baserat pĂ„ vilken typ av verksamhet som bedrivs. Djurskyddskontroller Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande för att kunna garantera ett gott djurskydd. DjurhĂ„llare Ă€r i stort överens om att reglering och kontroll av efterlevnad Ă€r rĂ€tt vĂ€g att gĂ„. ÄndĂ„ rĂ„der det ingen tvekan om att djurskyddskontroller Ă€r ett kĂ€nsligt Ă€mne, djurskyddsinspektörerna har en grannlaga uppgift dĂ€r deras beslut kan fĂ„ stora konsekvenser för bĂ„de djur och andra mĂ€nniskor. En mycket stor andel av inspektörerna har nĂ„gon gĂ„ng blivit hotade i tjĂ€nsten och en del har till och med utsatts för vĂ„ld. Ur djurhĂ„llarnas synvinkel upplevs bĂ„de missnöje och oro gĂ€llande inspektionerna. I det hĂ€r studentarbetet beskrivs inledningsvis rĂ„dande förhĂ„llanden för dagens djurskyddskontroller, dĂ€refter utreds vilka förĂ€ndringar som kan göras för att föra samman parterna och starta en dialog. I arbetet lyfts Ă€ven ett lovande kommunikativt verktyg som kallas ”Motiverande samtal”. MĂ„let med arbetet Ă€r att ta fram förslag pĂ„ hur man kan förbĂ€ttra arbetsmiljön och arbetsbördan för alla inblandade samt stĂ€rka samarbetet för ett bĂ€ttre djurskydd. Det framkom att vid införandet av ny lagstiftning mĂ„ste den vara utformad pĂ„ ett genomtĂ€nkt vis sĂ„ att det blir sĂ„ enkelt som möjligt att kontrollera. Viktigt bĂ„de med tanke pĂ„ lĂ€nsstyrelsens arbetsbörda och resurser men Ă€ven för att likrikta kontrollerna och fĂ„ ett rĂ€ttssĂ€kert system. Det finns en utbredd önskan att Jordbruksverket ska vara tydligare i sin vĂ€gledning i svĂ„ra bedömningar, dessutom efterlyses ett intensifierat arbete för att likrikta kontrollen mellan lĂ€nen exempelvis genom att erbjuda alla lĂ€nsstyrelsers personal kontinuerlig fortbildning. I övrigt kan det vara angelĂ€get att se över revisionen av lĂ€nsstyrelsernas kontrollarbete, i dagslĂ€get genomförs den av Jordbruksverket sjĂ€lva. Det kan vara fördelaktigt med en extern revision som sker mer regelbundet Ă€n idag. Forskare hĂ€vdar att enskilda inspektörers arbete behöver ses över med jĂ€mna intervall för att kunna utvĂ€rdera och förbĂ€ttra kontrollen. Resurser till att diskutera enskilda fall vore fördelaktigt dĂ„ det kan vara ett effektivt sĂ€tt att kalibrera gruppen och sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att arbetet likriktas.In order to ensure that the animal welfare on Swedish farms at very least reaches the national legislation as well as the EU-legislation requirement, official controls are performed. Sweden’s 21 County Administrative Boards (CABs) are responsible for the official control. The National Board of Agriculture is responsible for coordinating the work of the different counties. The CABs hire animal welfare inspectors who pays visits to the animal owners of the county. An animal owner can get a visit based on either a suspicion of a non-compliance of the animal welfare after someone has filed a report, or just as a standard procedure visit that should take place at each farm within a set interval. In general, animal owners agree that the concept of animal welfare legislation along with an official control system is essential for guaranteeing the welfare of the animals. Nevertheless, the design of this subject remains a delicate and sensitive matter. Therefore, the work of an animal welfare inspector needs to be both meticulous and considerate, as their decisions can have a substantial impact on other people’s lives. A considerable number of animal welfare inspectors have been exposed to threats or even violence while on duty. On the other hand, both discontent and anxiety have been reported among animal owners, in relation to animal welfare inspections. In this student project, the current situation of animal welfare controls in Sweden is described, along with suggestions of possible changes that can be made to bring the animal owners and the inspectors closer to a dialogue. Also, “Motivational interviewing” is discussed as a communicative tool that could be useful in this matter. The purpose of this essay is to present insights into how to improve the climate and workload for all parties involved in the animal welfare controls. It has been shown that it is necessary to implement new legislation in a thoughtful way to facilitate future inspections based on the legislation in question. It is crucial both concerning the resources of the County Administrative Board, but also to keep the consequences legally predictable and create a system which is perceived as fair, irrespectively of the identity of the inspectors and counties. There is a widespread request for the National Board of Agriculture to provide more sturdy guidance in the matter of the inspector’s assessments. This can for example, be done by providing further training for the staff of the CABs. Furthermore, it can be beneficial to look into the audits of the CAB inspections. Such audits are currently performed by the National Board of Agriculture. An external audit, executed more regularly, may be preferred. Scientists claim that inspectors also need individual audits and feed back to evaluate and improve the controls even further

    Brinner skogen för Àlgen?

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    Syftet med arbetet var att skapa underlag och fĂ„ kunskap om hur Ă€lgarna utnyttjar brandfĂ€lt som val av habitat. Detta arbete behandlar 6 olika Ă€lgar i VĂ€sterbottens lĂ€n. Data hanterades med statistiska analysprogrammet R dĂ€r metoderna BBMM och Manly Habitat Selection Index tillĂ€mpades tillsammans med svenska marktĂ€ckekartan. Även Excel och ArcMap anvĂ€ndes vid analys och hantering av data. Resultaten visade att den omkringliggande livsmiljön hade en pĂ„verkan pĂ„ hur Ă€lgarna rör sig runt brandfĂ€lt. Dock verkade det inte som att de hade en mĂ„lmedveten fĂ€rdriktning mot brandfĂ€lt dĂ„ de anvĂ€nde brandfĂ€lt nĂ€r de fanns tillgĂ€ngliga. Tiden som Ă€lgarna spenderade pĂ„ brandfĂ€lt varierade mycket, men genomsnittligt tillbringade de en dag pĂ„ brandfĂ€lt. Tiden det tog för Ă€lgarna att besöka brandfĂ€lt efter att de uppkommit varierade frĂ„n samma Ă„r upp till 15 Ă„r efter. Genom kunskapen om hur Ă€lgar rör sig kring brandfĂ€lt skulle skogsbruket kunna anpassa sin anvĂ€ndning av brandfĂ€lt för att minska betesskador.The aim of this study was to examine and acquire knowledge of how moose use burned areas as their choice of habitat. This study manage data from 6 different moose’s in the county of VĂ€sterbotten. The data was managed through the statistical analysis program The R-project were the methods BBMM and Manly Habitat Selection Index were used together with a the Swedish land cover map. Excel and ArcMap were also used for analysis and management of data. The analysis showed that the surrounding habitat influenced the moose’s movement pattern. Though they did not seem to have a determined direction of travel towards the burned areas, burned areas were only used when they were available. The time spent on burned areas varied substantially, with an average time of one day. The burned areas were visited by the moose between the same year and 15 years after the fire had occur. Through this knowledge of how the moose behave around burned areas could be used by the forestry to adapt their use of burned areas in order to minimize feeding damages

    Personlig integritet pÄ Internet

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    DÄ sökmotorer stÀndigt Àr i utveckling, och att Internet blir mer och mer öppet, ville vi undersöka hur den personliga integriteten uppfattas vid anvÀndning av dessa tjÀnster. För att vidare undersöka anvÀndningen av sökmotorer sÄ valde vi, utifrÄn den teoretiska bakgrunden, att Àven belysa frÄgan om det finns en motsÀgelse hos individen vid deras uttalande och agerande vid anvÀndning av tjÀnsten. Sökmotorn som vi har valt att utgÄ ifrÄn i vÄr studie Àr Googles, detta dÄ den Àr störst pÄ den svenska marknaden. Intervjuer av vardagliga anvÀndare har varit grunden i undersökningen, som stÀrkts med teoretisk data. För att visa pÄ att det finns tidigare fall dÀr utlÀmning av personlig information pÄ Internet, inte har varit fördelaktig, har vi tagit upp betydande exempel pÄ detta. Dessa pÄtagliga brister visar pÄ att det Àven finns risker med att ha ett starkt förtroende till en tjÀnst som behandlar din personliga information. Av undersökningen framkommer det att anvÀndarna Àr villiga att ge upp deras personliga integritet i utbyte mot anvÀndning av sökmotorn, dÄ fördelarna vÀger tyngre Àn riskerna. Vi finner Àven att frÄgan om det finns motsÀgelse, om vid individers uttalande och agerande, Àr splittrad och att det Àr en förening mellan ovetskapen om hur information samlas in samt att anvÀndare Àr motsÀgelsefulla gÀllande sitt yttrande och agerande

    Mimicking Real-Life Decision Making in Health: Allowing Respondents Time to Think in a Discrete Choice Experiment

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    Objective: To empirically test the impact of allowing respondents time to think (TTT) about their choice options on the outcomes of a discrete choice experiments (DCE). Methods: In total, 613 participants of the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS) completed a DCE questionnaire that measured their preferences for receiving secondary findings of a genetic test. A Bayesian D-efficient design with 60 choice tasks divided over 4 questionnaires was used. Each choice task contained 2 scenarios with 4 attributes: type of disease, disease penetrance probability, preventive opportunities, and effectiveness of prevention. Respondents were randomly allocated to the TTT or no TTT (NTTT) sample. Latent class models (LCMs) were estimated to determine attribute-level values and their relative importance. In addition, choice certainty, attribute-level interpretation, choice consistency, and potential uptake rates were compared between samples. Results: In the TTT sample, 92% of the respondents (245 of 267) indicated they used the TTT period to (1) read the information they received (72%) and (2) discuss with their family (24%). In both samples, respondents were very certain about their choices. A 3-class LCM was fitted for both samples. Preference reversals were found for 3 of the 4 attributes in one class in the NTTT sample (34% class-membership probability). Relative importance scores of the attributes differed between the 2 samples, and significant scale effects indicating higher choice consistency in TTT sample were found. Conclusions: Offering respondents TTT influences decision making and preferences. Developers of future DCEs regarding complex health-related decisions are advised to consider this approach to enhance the validity of the elicited preferences
