3 research outputs found

    The role of targets and standards in delivering urban greenspace for people and wildlife

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    THE ROLE OF TARGETS AND STANDARDS IN DELIVERING URBAN GREENSPACE FOR PEOPLE AND WILDLIFE Greenspace and blue spaces, parks and natural areas (wildspaces) are the places where those who live and work in urban areas have the contact with nature that is important for their mental and physical health and well-being and their quality of life (Faculty of Public Health 2010; Lee and Maheswaran 2011; Tzoulas and Greening 2011; van den Berg et al. 2015; Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology 2016; World Health Organization (WHO) 2016). People experience biodiversity where they live and work. Opportunities for people to come into contact with nature in their everyday lives should be a fundamental part of urban planning and design. Case study 4: Regulating greenspaces: initiatives, documents and standards in Belgrade, Serbia The green features of the city of Belgrade have always represented an important element of its identity. The major development strategies and documents have followed the contemporary paradigms of urban planning and design by thoroughly elaborating the issues of distribution, typology, and quality of greenspaces.Eds. Ian Douglas, P M L Anderson, David Goode, Michael C. Houck, David Maddox, Harini Nagendra, Tan Puay Yo