10 research outputs found

    Enhanced Dispatchability of Aircrafts using Multi-Static Configurations

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    International audienceThis paper describes the reconfiguration strategy and mechanisms adopted in the Integrated Modular Avionics ( IMA ) based platform designed and evaluated in the scope of the European research and development project DIANA . The mechanisms aim at improving dispatchability of aircrafts while keeping a reasonable and limited impact on certificationcosts.The paper first introduces the concept of multi-static reconfiguration i.e., a set of pre-qualified configurations from which the active one will be autonomously selected according to the system health state at system start-up. A configuration selection mechanism, exploiting a Byzantine Agreement algo- rithm, is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the proof of correctness of the adopted algorithm. Practical considerations concerning its implementation, like, for instance, the authentication protocol to be used are also considered. Finally, the implementation of the mechanism on top of an ARINC 653 Application Executive is briefly described

    Model-Checking Real-Time Properties of an Auto Flight Control System Function

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    International audienceWe relate an experiment in modeling and verification of a part of an avionic function. The problem addressed is the correctness of a temporal condition enabling the detection of a range of faults in the implementation of the function. Using the Fiacre/Tina verification toolset, we produced a formal model abstracting the function, and confirmed by model-checking that the condition determined analytically is indeed correct. The modelling issues ensuring tractability of the model are discussed

    A Multi-Rate Precision Timed Programming Language for Multi-Cores

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    Can we reconcile safety objectives with machine learning performances?

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    International audienceThe strong demand for more automated transport systems with enhanced safety, in conjunction with the explosion of technologies and products implementing machine learning (ML) techniques, has led to a fundamental questioning of the trust placed in machine learning. In particular, do state-of-the-art ML models allow us to reach such safety objectives? We explore this question through two practical examples from the railway and automotive industries, showing that ML performances are currently far from those required by safety objectives. We then describe and question several techniques aimed at reducing the error rate of ML components: model diversification, monitoring, classification with a reject option, conformal prediction, and temporal redundancy. Taking inspiration from a historical example, we finally discuss when and how new ML-based technologies could be introduced

    Can we reconcile safety objectives with machine learning performances?

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    International audienceThe strong demand for more automated transport systems with enhanced safety, in conjunction with the explosion of technologies and products implementing machine learning (ML) techniques, has led to a fundamental questioning of the trust placed in machine learning. In particular, do state-of-the-art ML models allow us to reach such safety objectives? We explore this question through two practical examples from the railway and automotive industries, showing that ML performances are currently far from those required by safety objectives. We then describe and question several techniques aimed at reducing the error rate of ML components: model diversification, monitoring, classification with a reject option, conformal prediction, and temporal redundancy. Taking inspiration from a historical example, we finally discuss when and how new ML-based technologies could be introduced

    La Révolution mise en scène

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    La révolution est au cœur de très nombreuses pièces et mises en scène, en France, en Allemagne, en URSS et ailleurs, du XVIe au XXe siècle. Si celles-ci se concentrent souvent sur la révolution française et la révolution bolchevique, elles n'en négligent pas pour autant d'autres épisodes révolutionnaires. Une telle richesse impose de questionner les modalités spécifiques, mises en œuvre par le théâtre face à cet événement si particulier. Lorsque les écrivains se saisissent de l'histoire, dans quelle mesure participent-ils à la construction ou la « déconstruction » de mythes ? En outre, le théâtre est le lieu privilégié de rencontres démultipliées : celle, comme pour tout texte écrit, entre le temps de l'action (historique) et le temps de la narration, mais aussi – et c'est la spécificité du théâtre – celle entre le temps de l'auteur et le temps du metteur en scène, le temps des acteurs et le temps du public. Le théâtre est le lieu du dialogue, de la confrontation, voire du choc entre les époques et les imaginaires, les désirs et les angoisses, les expériences et les échecs. Le présent ouvrage se veut un espace de réflexion aussi bien sur les écritures théâtrales de la révolution que sur les révolutions au théâtre, que ces écritures rendent nécessaires et souvent anticipent. Au fil des contributions, le théâtre se dévoile dans ses multiples formes et les diverses fonctions qu'il est susceptible de s'attribuer : fonction militante ou didactique, mais aussi informative et documentaire. Au travers des différents points de vue, une constante demeure : une certaine nostalgie et un rêve éternel de révolution, accroché – peut-être ? – à la croyance en un progrès possible de l'humanité