842 research outputs found

    Asymmetrical representation of body orientation

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    The perceived orientation of objects, gravity, and the body are biased to the left. Whether this leftward bias is attributable to biases in sensing or processing vestibular, visual, and body sense cues has never been assessed directly. The orientation in which characters are most easily recognized-the perceived upright (PU)-can be well predicted from a weighted vector sum of these sensory cues. A simple form of this model assumes that the directions of the contributing inputs are coded accurately and as a consequence participants tilted leftor right-side-down relative to gravity should exhibit mirror symmetric patterns of responses. If a left/right asymmetry were present then varying these sensory cues could be used to assess in which sensory modality or modalities a PU bias may have arisen. Participants completed the Oriented Character Recognition Test (OCHART) while manipulating body posture and visual orientation cues relative to gravity. The response patterns showed systematic differences depending on which side they were tilted. An asymmetry of the PU was found to be best modeled by adding a leftward bias of 5.68 to the perceived orientation of the body relative to its actual orientation relative to the head. The asymmetry in the effect of body orientation is reminiscent of the body-defined left-leaning asymmetry in the perceived direction of light coming from above and reports that people tend to adopt a right-leaning posture

    A Comparison of Two Ovine Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Injury Models for the Evaluation and Development of Novel Regenerative Therapies

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Study Design: Large animal research. Objective: Lumbar discectomy is the most commonly performed spinal surgical procedure. We investigated 2 large animal models of lumbar discectomy in order to study the regenerative capacity of mesenchymal stem cells following disc injury. Methods: Twelve adult ewes underwent baseline 3-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) followed by lumbar intervertebral disc injury by either drill bit (n = 6) or annulotomy and partial nucleotomy (APN) (n = 6). Necropsies were performed 6 months later. Lumbar spines underwent 3-T and 9.4-T MRI prior to histological, morphological and biochemical analysis. Results: Drill bit-injured (DBI) and APN-injured discs demonstrated increased Pfirrmann grades relative to uninjured controls (P <.005), with no difference between the 2 models. Disc height index loss was greater in the APN group compared with the DBI group (P <.005). Gross morphology injury scores were higher in APN than DBI discs (P <.05) and both were higher than controls (P <.005). Proteoglycan was reduced in the discs of both injury models relative to controls (P <.005), but lower in the APN group (P <.05). Total collagen of the APN group disc regions was higher than DBI and control discs (P <.05). Histology revealed more matrix degeneration, vascular infiltration, and granulation in the APN model. Conclusion: Although both models produced disc degeneration, the APN model better replicated the pathobiology of human discs postdiscectomy. We therefore concluded that the APN model was a more appropriate model for the investigation of the regenerative capacity of mesenchymal stem cells administered postdiscectomy

    Estimation of rate coefficients and branching ratios for gas-phase reactions of OH with aromatic organic compounds for use in automated mechanism construction

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    Reaction with the hydroxyl (OH) radical is the dominant removal process for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere. Rate coefficients for the reactions of OH with VOCs are therefore essential parameters for chemical mechanisms used in chemistry transport models, and are required more generally for impact assessments involving estimation of atmospheric lifetimes or oxidation rates for VOCs. A structure–activity relationship (SAR) method is presented for the reactions of OH with aromatic organic compounds, with the reactions of aliphatic organic compounds considered in the preceding companion paper. The SAR is optimized using a preferred set of data including reactions of OH with 67 monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygenated organic compounds. In each case, the rate coefficient is defined in terms of a summation of partial rate coefficients for H abstraction or OH addition at each relevant site in the given organic compound, so that the attack distribution is defined. The SAR can therefore guide the representation of the OH reactions in the next generation of explicit detailed chemical mechanisms. Rules governing the representation of the reactions of the product radicals under tropospheric conditions are also summarized, specifically the rapid reaction sequences initiated by their reactions with O2

    Anomalous density dependence of static friction in sand

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    We measured experimentally the static friction force FsF_s on the surface of a glass rod immersed in dry sand. We observed that FsF_s is extremely sensitive to the closeness of packing of grains. A linear increase of the grain-density yields to an exponentially increasing friction force. We also report on a novel periodicity of FsF_s during gradual pulling out of the rod. Our observations demonstrate the central role of grain bridges and arches in the macroscopic properties of granular packings.Comment: plain tex, 6 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Evaluated kinetic and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry: Volume V – heterogeneous reactions on solid substrates

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    This article, the fifth in the ACP journal series, presents data evaluated by the IUPAC Subcommittee on Gas Kinetic Data Evaluation for Atmospheric Chemistry. It covers the heterogeneous processes on surfaces of solid particles present in the atmosphere, for which uptake coefficients and adsorption parameters have been presented on the IUPAC website in 2010. The article consists of an introduction and guide to the evaluation, giving a unifying framework for parameterisation of atmospheric heterogeneous processes. We provide summary sheets containing the recommended uptake parameters for the evaluated processes. Four substantial appendices contain detailed data sheets for each process considered for ice, mineral dust, sulfuric acid hydrate and nitric acid hydrate surfaces, which provide information upon which the recommendations are made

    Variance Analysis of Wind and Natural Gas Generation under Different Market Structures: Some Observations

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    Does large scale penetration of renewable generation such as wind and solar power pose economic and operational burdens on the electricity system? A number of studies have pointed to the potential benefits of renewable generation as a hedge against the volatility and potential escalation of fossil fuel prices. Research also suggests that the lack of correlation of renewable energy costs with fossil fuel prices means that adding large amounts of wind or solar generation may also reduce the volatility of system-wide electricity costs. Such variance reduction of system costs may be of significant value to consumers due to risk aversion. The analysis in this report recognizes that the potential value of risk mitigation associated with wind generation and natural gas generation may depend on whether one considers the consumer's perspective or the investor's perspective and whether the market is regulated or deregulated. We analyze the risk and return trade-offs for wind and natural gas generation for deregulated markets based on hourly prices and load over a 10-year period using historical data in the PJM Interconnection (PJM) from 1999 to 2008. Similar analysis is then simulated and evaluated for regulated markets under certain assumptions

    Acid-yield measurements of the gas-phase ozonolysis of ethene as a function of humidity using Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (CIMS)

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    Gas-phase ethene ozonolysis experiments were conducted at room temperature to determine formic acid yields as a function of relative humidity (RH) using the integrated EXTreme RAnge chamber-Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry technique, employing a CH&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;I ionisation scheme. RHs studied were &lt;1, 11, 21, 27, 30 % and formic acid yields of (0.07±0.01) and (0.41±0.07) were determined at &lt;1 % RH and 30 % RH respectively, showing a strong water dependence. It has been possible to estimate the ratio of the rate coefficient for the reaction of the Criegee biradical, CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;OO with water compared with decomposition. This analysis suggests that the rate of reaction with water ranges between 1×10&lt;sup&gt;−12&lt;/sup&gt;–1×10&lt;sup&gt;−15&lt;/sup&gt; cm&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; molecule&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; s&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; and will therefore dominate its loss with respect to bimolecular processes in the atmosphere. Global model integrations suggest that this reaction between CH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;OO and water may dominate the production of HC(O)OH in the atmosphere

    Shearing of loose granular materials: A statistical mesoscopic model

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    A two-dimensional lattice model for the formation and evolution of shear bands in granular media is proposed. Each lattice site is assigned a random variable which reflects the local density. At every time step, the strain is localized along a single shear-band which is a spanning path on the lattice chosen through an extremum condition. The dynamics consists of randomly changing the `density' of the sites only along the shear band, and then repeating the procedure of locating the extremal path and changing it. Starting from an initially uncorrelated density field, it is found that this dynamics leads to a slow compaction along with a non-trivial patterning of the system, with high density regions forming which shelter long-lived low-density valleys. Further, as a result of these large density fluctuations, the shear band which was initially equally likely to be found anywhere on the lattice, gets progressively trapped for longer and longer periods of time. This state is however meta-stable, and the system continues to evolve slowly in a manner reminiscent of glassy dynamics. Several quantities have been studied numerically which support this picture and elucidate the unusual system-size effects at play.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures revtex, submitted to PRE, See also: cond-mat/020921
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